「バイオハザード4」で英語学習 Ada’s report op & #1 “Resident Evil 4” script






The only reason I’ve taken on this mission is to get closer to my own objective. No matter what happens, I can’t let anyone figure that out.

Of course, hiding in the shadows isn’t my style. I’ll have to reveal myself to him and offer advice once in a while.


■objective (n) sth that you plan to do or achieve (名)目的、目標

■figure out (phrase) to understand or solve sth(フレーズ)〔答えを〕見つけ出す、~であると分かる

■reveal (v) to make known or show sth that is surprising or that was previously secret (動)〔知られていなかったことを〕明らかにする、暴露する

■reveal oneself (フレーズ)正体を現す

■once in a while (phrase) from time to time; occasionally(フレーズ)時々、たまに

Report #1




Here’s what I know so far.

Osmund Saddler’s cult is known as Los Illuminados. They’ve resurrected some sort of parasitic organism they call Las Plagas. That’s all my organization knows for sure, though Saddler’s occult activities seem worthy of investigation.


■resurrect [rèzərékt ] (v) to bring back sth into use or existence that had disappeared or ended(動)〔死んだような状態の物・事を〕復活させる、よみがえらせる

■parasitic (a) caused by or relating to a parasite(形)寄生性の

■organism (n) a single living plant, animal, virus, etc. (名)有機体、生命体

■worthy (a) not very interesting but should be admired for its good and useful qualities(形)~に値する、~するに足りる




The Salazar family, castellans for generations, possess the ability to control Las Plagas. The organization’s hypothesis is that a unique frequency of sonic wave sensed only by the parasites is used to control them. The same principle used in dog whistles.


■castellan (n) the governor of a castle(名)城主、城代

■for generations (フレーズ)何世代にもわたり、何世代にもわたって

■possess (v) to have or own sth, or to have a particular quality(動)所有する、有する

■hypothesis (n) an idea or explanation for sth that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved(名)仮説

■unique (a) being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way(形)他に存在しない、固有の、特有の

■frequency (n) the number of times that a wave, especially a light, sound, or radio wave, is produced within a particular period, especially one second(名)周波数、振動数

■sonic wave(名)音波

■sense (v) perceive by a sense or senses (動)(感覚器官で~を〕感知する

■principle (n) a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how sth happens or works (名)原理




This was inferred through the analysis of a tissue sample we retrieved. The tissue contained an organ presumably used for sensing sound waves. I’ve seen cult members carrying ceremonial rods and I wonder if they emit these sounds.

Of course, this is purely theoretical.


■infer (v) to form an opinion or guess that sth is true because of the information that you have(動)〔見聞きしたことから〕推論する

■analysis (n) the process of studying or examining sth in an organized way to learn more about it, or a particular study of sth(名)分析、解析

■retrieve (v) to find and bring back sth(動)〔失った物などを〕取り戻す、回収する

■tissue (n) a group of related cells that forms larger parts of animals and plants(名)〔細胞の〕組織

■contain (v) to have sth inside or include sth as a part(動)含む、包含する

■organ (n) a part of the body of an animal or plant that performs a particular job(名)臓器、器官

■presumably (adv) used to say what you think is the likely situation (副)〔論理的に考えて〕たぶん、恐らく、推定上

■sense (v) perceive by a sense or senses (動)(感覚器官で~を〕感知する

■rod (n) a long, thin pole made of wood or metal(名)笏、錫杖

■emit (v) to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas(動)放つ、発する

■theoretical (a) related to an explanation that has not been proved (形)理論上の、理論上でしか存在しない





The organization needs samples of the parasite to confirm or disprove these theories. That is the main objective of my mission and the only way to prove my loyalty to the organization. The opening moves in this chess game have been played. There’s no turning back now.


■theory (n) an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action(名)理屈、見解、意見

■confirm (v) to prove that a belief or an opinion that was previously not completely certain is true(動)確認する、裏付ける

■disprove (v) to prove that sth is not true(動)~に反証する、~が誤りであることを証明する

■objective (n) sth that you plan to do or achieve (名)目的、目標

■loyalty (n) the quality of being loyal(名)忠誠、誠実






ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


ゲーム「バイオハザード RE:2」




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