「バイオハザード4」で英語学習 Ada’s report #3 “Resident Evil 4” script



Report #3


Jack Krauser has been the subject of extensive study and research by the organization. His skills and personality have been tested both on and off the battlefield. If he weren’t the best, he would become a liability that would jeopardize the rest of us.


■subject (n) a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with(名)対象者

■extensive (a) covering or affecting a large area(形)広範囲な、詳細な

■on the battlefield(フレーズ)戦場で

■off the battlefield(フレーズ)戦場を離れて

■liability (n) a person or thing whose presence or behaviour is likely to put one at a disadvantage(名)障害、重荷

■jeopardize (v) to cause sth to be harmed or damaged, or to put sth in danger(動)危うくする、脅かす、台無しにする


私の判定? 彼は優秀な傭兵。それ以上でも以下でもない。十分な対価が得られる限り、彼が問題を起こすことないだろう。彼が不穏な動きを見せたとしても私が何とかする。彼の戦闘スタイルは研究済みで、必要に応じて対処するだけだ。

My conclusion? He’s a great soldier. No more. No less. As long as he’s well compensated, he shouldn’t cause any problems for us. If he does start to get restless, I can take care of him. I’ve studied his combat style and can deal with that arm of his if necessary.


■compensate (v) to pay sb money in exchange for work done, for sth lost or damaged, or for some inconvenience(動)誰かに仕事をしてもらったり、紛失や破損したもの、あるいは不便さの代償としてお金を支払うこと

■restless (a) not satisfied with your situation and wanting a change(形)現状に満足しておらず、変化を求めている

■if necessary(フレーズ)必要ならば


Krauser answers directly to Wesker, and it was Wesker who decided that Krauser should be sent to spy on the cult. He also decided to send me along. I wonder if it wasn’t to keep an eye on Krauser.


■spy on sb/sth (phrase) to watch sb/sth secretly, often in order to discover information about him, her, or it(フレーズ)~を偵察する、~を覗き見る

■keep an eye on (phrase) to watch sb or sth, esp. to keep sb out of trouble(フレーズ)~に目を光らせる、~から目を離さない、~を見守る、~を見張る



No doubt Krauser has already fallen to the temptation of Las Plagas and the power they represent. This could have dire consequences for the organization.


■No doubt (phrase) used to indicate the speaker’s firm belief that sth is true(フレーズ)疑いなく、おそらく、多分

■dire (a) very serious or extreme(形)悲惨な、恐ろしい、緊急の、切迫した

■consequence (n) a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient(名)〔行動や状況から必然的に導かれる〕結果、帰結



On some level, however, this may be a necessary development, as his role is to disrupt this farce of a play.


■on some level(フレーズ)ある程度

■necessary (a) determined, existing, or happening by natural laws or predestination; inevitable(形)当然のこととして起きる、必然的な

■development (n) an event constituting a new stage in a changing situation(名)発展、展開

■disrupt (v) interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem(動)〔物事の秩序を〕混乱させる、〔行為やその進行を〕中断させる、邪魔する

■farce (n) a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations (名)茶番劇、茶番、ふざけ


That said, the stage and its players will ultimately come crashing down in the end. Bad luck for him, but he’ll play the patsy in the end and take the fall for all of us. That’s why I need to make sure things keep going exactly as they are.


■that said (phrase) despite what one just said(フレーズ)そうは言っても、とは言うものの、ですから

■ultimately (adv) in the end / eventually(副)最終的に、究極的には

■crash down (phrase) literally, to fall down or collapse, often noisily.(フレーズ)大きな音を立てて落とす・倒れる

■patsy (v) a person who is easily manipulated or victimized(動)〈主に米話〉操られやすい人、犠牲になりやすい人

■take the fall for (phrase) to accept the blame for sth another person did(フレーズ)身代わりで罰を受け入れる







ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


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