「バイオハザード4」で英語学習 Ada’s report #4 “Resident Evil 4” script



Report #4


Leon S. Kennedy… Perhaps the most essential part of this mission. This story wouldn’t be complete without him and his formidable survival skills.


■essential (a) absolutely necessary; extremely important(形)欠くことのできない最も重要な

■mission (n) an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do(名)任務

■complete (a) with all the parts(形)完了する、完成する

■formidable (a) inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable(形)畏敬の念を起こさせるほど素晴らしい



He has what it takes to survive against overwhelming odds. I’ve seen him do it before. And he’s improved since then.


■odds (n) the probability that a particular thing will or will not happen(名)勝算、見込み、確率

■overwhelming odds(フレーズ)非常にわずかな勝算、圧倒的に分が悪いこと



Practically a genius, he has smarts and he knows how to use them. On top of that, his service as a government agent has toughened him up.


■practically (adv) almost or very nearly(副)実際には、実質的に

■smarts (n) intelligence; acumen(名)〈米俗〉知性、洞察力、鋭敏さ

■toughen up (phrase) To make or become determined, uncompromising, stoic, resilient, strong-willed, etc.(フレーズ)~を強化する



I’ll work behind the scenes to make him think he’s the primary player here, though it may be naive of me to think that’ll be easy.


■work behind the scenes (phrase) to work out of public view or in secret(フレーズ)秘密裏に行動する、暗躍する、舞台裏で働く、縁の下の力持ちとして働く

■primary (a) of first rank, importance, or value(形)一番目の、最上位の

■naïve (a) (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement(形)考えが甘い、ばか正直な



Considering the involvement of both Saddler and Krauser, the possibility of unforeseen problems is there, but I need him in the supporting role for me to achieve my goals. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him in his place and make this all go smoothly.


■involvement (n) the act or process of taking part in sth(名)関与

■unforeseen (a) not expected(形)予定外の、不測の

■supporting role (名)脇役

■go smoothly(フレーズ)順調に進む、思うように運ぶ



Of course, his role didn’t exist at all until a few months ago. Back then, my role was much simpler, too. But that was before the President’s daughter was abducted and Leon was dispatched alone to find her. Talk about a major script revision.


■exist (v) to be, or to be real(動)存在する

■abduct (v) take sb away illegally by force or deception; kidnap(動)誘拐する、拉致する

■dispatch (v) to send sb to a place for a particular purpose(動)〔使者・部隊などを〕派遣する

■Talk about something (phrase) What a ~! (フレーズ)なんて~なんだ!、まさに~だ!■revision (n) a change that is made to something, or the process of doing this (名)改訂、改正



I don’t think I need to worry. Leon’s been through worse and always comes up smelling like roses.


■come up smelling like roses (phrase) to have success or good fortune in a situation in which one was likely to fail, be harmed, etc. (フレーズ)困難な目に遭っても見事に立ち直る、思わぬ幸運に遭う・恵まれる



His consistent luck is part of the reason why I have absolute and unshakable faith in my vision of what’s in store for him.


■absolute (a) very great or to the largest degree possible(形)絶対の、絶対的な

■unshakable (a) (of a belief, feeling, or opinion) strongly felt and unable to be changed(形)〔信念などが〕揺るぎない、確固たる

■faith (n) great trust or confidence in sth/sb (名)信頼、信用、自信、確信

■in store for (phrase) coming in the future; about to happen (フレーズ)〔物事が〕(人)を待ち受けて、(人)に起ころうとして








ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


ゲーム「バイオハザード RE:2」




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