「バイオハザード4」で英語学習 Ada’s report #5 “Resident Evil 4” script



Report #5


It wasn’t easy, but I’d say the mission was a success. Getting my hands on the sample was my initial objective after all. But I’ve sent Wesker a different present, just as the organization ordered. Pretending to work with him was entertaining.


■get one’s hands on (phrase) find or get sth(フレーズ)〈話〉~を捕まえる〈話〉~を自分の物にする

■initial (a) existing or occurring at the beginning(形)最初の、当初の

■objective (n) sth that you plan to do or achieve(名)目的、目標

■after all (phrase) in spite of any indications or expectations to the contrary(フレーズ)(何だかんだ言っても)結局のところ、やはり、所詮

■pretend (v) to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not(動)~のふりをする


アルバート・ウェスカー・・・彼は次にどこに向かうのだろう。今回の事件は彼の計画のほんの一部に過ぎないと思う。彼にとってアンブレラは権力の象徴だった。自分の計画のために傘を利用したのだ。 そして今、その傘は折りたたまれている。

Albert Wesker… I wonder where he’s headed next. Something tells me this whole affair has just been a taste of what he’s got in store. To him, Umbrella represented power. He used it to hide behind while he made plans of his own. And now the umbrella’s been folded.


■something tells me (phrase) used for saying that you think sth is probably true or will probably happen(フレーズ)何となく~だと思う、どうやら~のようだ

例)Something tells me that he doesn’t like her. 彼は、彼女が嫌いな気がする。

■affair (n) a matter or situation that causes strong public feeling, usually of moral disapproval) (名)出来事、事件、事態

■fold (v) to bend sth(動)〔~を〕収める、折り畳む、折る



With the sanctuary of their old umbrella ruined, those in power struggle to erect a new one. They are aware of their own crookedness and deceit as they engage in their personal war of light and darkness. That’s why Wesker will stop at nothing in opening his new umbrella.


■sanctuary (n) protection or a safe place, especially for sb/sth being chased or hunted(名)庇護、安全な場所

■ruin (v) to spoil or destroy something completely(動)~を破壊する、~を台無しにする

■erect (v) to set up or establish(動)立てる、設立する、設置する

■crookedness (n) the fact of being dishonest or criminal(名)ねじれ、曲事、不正

■deceit (n) the quality of being deceitful; duplicity; falseness(名)欺瞞的な性質、偽り

■engage in (phrase) to do sth(フレーズ)~に従事する、~に携わる

■stop at nothing (phrase) used to say that sb will do anything to achieve a goal or purpose(フレーズ)何があってもやめたりしない、手段を選ばない

例)I’ll stop at nothing. 何があってもやめたりしない。



The giant pharmaceutical corporation S maintains medical and drug facilities the world over. We know for certain that Wesker has been in contact with them following Umbrella’s demise. There’s no doubt we’ll next hear from him there.


■pharmaceutical (a) relating to medicinal drugs, or their preparation, use, or sale(形)調剤(学)の、薬剤(学)の

■the world over (phrase) everywhere in the world(フレーズ)世界中で、世界各地で

■demise (n) a cessation of existence or activity(名)崩壊、解体、終焉

■vigilant (a) alertly watchful especially to avoid danger(形)油断がない、寝ずに番をする、慎重な、気を配っている

■remain vigilant(フレーズ)警戒しておく、手綱を緩めずにいる




But Wesker’s not stupid. He knows exactly what the organization is thinking. He and I still have time to continue our little game of cat and mouse before the next move is played. This mission may be over, but the battle is just beginning.


■cat-and-mouse game (n) a game trying to defeat sb by tricking that person into making a mistake so that you have an advantage over them(名)相手を騙してミスをさせ、自分が優位に立つことで相手を倒そうとするゲーム








ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


ゲーム「バイオハザード RE:2」




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