「バイオハザード4」で英語学習 p1 “Resident Evil 4” script




1998…I’ll never forget it. It was the year when those grisly murders occured in the Arklay Mountains.


■grisly[grízli] (a) causing horror or disgust(形)ゾッとするような、身の毛もよだつ *クマの「グリズリー grizzly」とは発音が同じでもスペルが違います。

■murder (n) the crime of intentionally killing a person(名)殺人事件 *「殺人」は不可算名詞で「殺人事件」は加算名詞。なので今回は殺人事件を指している。



Soon after, the news was out to the whole world revealing that it was the fault of a secret viral experiment conducted by the international pharmaceutical enterprise, Umbrella.


■reveal (v) to make known or show sth that is surprising or that was previously secret (動)〔知られていなかったことを〕明らかにする、暴露する

■viral (a) caused by a virus(形)ウイルスの

■experiment (n) a test done in order to learn sth or to discover whether sth works or is true(名)〔科学の〕実験

■enterprise (n) an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money企業、事業



The virus broke out in a near by mountain community, Raccoon City. And hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow crippling its very foundation.


■devastating (a) highly destructive or damaging(形)壊滅的な

■cripple (v) cause severe and disabling damage to(動)不具にする、活動不能にする、〔機能を〕損なわせる

■foundation (n) an underlying basis or principle(名)土台、礎、基盤



Not taking any chances, the President of the United States ordered a contingency plan – to sterilize Raccoon City.


■not take any chances (phrase) to not do sth that is risky or dangerous(フレーズ)どんなことも運任せにしない、安全第一でいく

■contingency plan (n) a plan that is made for dealing with an emergency, or with sth that might possibly happen in the future(名)〔事故や災害などに備える〕緊急時対応策、危機管理計画

■sterilize (v) to make sth completely clean and free from bacteria(動)殺菌する、滅菌する。



With the whole affair gone public, the United States government issued an indefinite suspension of business decree to Umbrella.


■affair (n) a matter or situation that causes strong public feeling, usually of moral disapproval) (名)出来事、事件、事態

■go public (phrase) to tell everyone about sth that was secret (フレーズ)〔秘密・新計画・調査結果などを〕公にする、表沙汰になる

■issue (v) to produce or provide sth official(動)〔声明や警告などを〕公表する、発令する

■indefinite (a) lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time (形)限定されていない

■suspension (n) the act of stopping sth happening, operating, etc. for a period of time(名)停止、差し止め

■indefinite suspension(名)無期限の活動[営業・出場]停止

■decree (n) an official order that has the force of law(名)判決、命令



Soon its stock prices crashed and for all intents and purposes Umbrella was finished. Six years had passed since that horrendous incident…


■stock prices(名)株価

■for all intents and purposes(フレーズ)どの点から見ても、事実上

■horrendous (a) extremely unpleasant or bad(形)〈話〉恐ろしい、ものすごい、ゾッとさせる





I recieved special training via a secret organization working under the direct control of the President. I was to assume the responsibility of protecting the new President’s family.


■via [váiə ] (prep) by way of; by means of; through (前)~を通って、~を経由して

■assume (v) to accept sth as true without question or proof(動)~と推測する、~と見なす、~と仮定する



Why am I the one who always gets the short end of the stick?


■the short end of the stick (n) an unequal outcome of a deal that results in a disadvantage or burden(名)〈米俗〉損な役割、貧乏くじ


警官2よう、あんた一体何者なんだ? 教えてくれよ。はるばる遠いアメリカからやってきたんだろ、カウボーイさんよ。気の毒なこった。

Yo, who are you really? Come on and tell us. You are a long way from home, cowboy. You have my sympathies.


■yo (exclamation) used to greet sb, attract their attention, or express excitement(間)〈俗〉〈呼び掛け〉やあ、おい

■You have my sympathies(フレーズ)あなたに同情します。お悔やみ申し上げます、それはお気の毒に


レオン:それがこっちの地元流のごあいさつか? とにかく、あんたたち用件は聞いてるだろ。任務は大統領の行方不明になった娘の捜索だ。

Guess that’s a local’s way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about. My assignment is to search for the President’s missing daughter.


■break the ice (phrase) do or say sth to relieve tension or get conversation going in a strained situation or when strangers meet(フレーズ)〔初対面の人たちがいる場などの〕堅苦しい・ぎこちない雰囲気をほぐす、場を和やかにする

■missing (a) (of a thing) not able to be found / (of a person) absent from a place(形)〔あるはずの物が〕見当たらない、〔人・動物が〕行方不明の



What, all by yourself?



I’m sure you boys didn’t just tag along so we could sing Kumbaya together at some Boy Scout bonfire. Then again, maybe you did.


■tag along (phrase) to go somewhere with a person or group(フレーズ)ついて行く、付き添う

■bonfire (n) a large open-air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration(名)たき火



Oh, you crazy American. It’s a direct order from the chief himself. I tell you it’s no picnic.


■be no picnic (phrase) not easy or enjoyable(フレーズ)〈話〉楽な仕事[こと]ではない 例)That’s no pinic. それは楽な仕事じゃないよ。



I’m counting on you guys.



It was right before I was to take on my duties of protecting the President’s daughter when she was abducted. That’s the ultimate reason I’m in this lonely and rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, there’s reliable information of a sighting of a girl that looks very similar to the President’s daughter.


■abduct (v) take sb away illegally by force or deception; kidnap(動)誘拐する、拉致する

■according to (phrase) as stated by(フレーズ)~によれば、~に言わせると

■intelligence (n) a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy(名)諜報機関

■reliable (a) worthy of being depended on(形)信頼性のある、頼りになる

■sighting (a) the act of observing(形)〔異常な物・動物などの〕目撃



Apparently she’s being withheld by some unidentified group of people. Who would have thought that my first job would be a rescue mission?


■apparently (adv) used to say you have read or been told sth although you are not certain it is true(副)一見したところ~のようだ、〔聞いた情報によると〕どうも~らしい、どうやら~らしい 例)Apparently, this is not the case. どうやらこれは事実ではありません。

■withhold (v) to restrain sth(動)引き留める

■unidentified (a) (of a person or image of a person) whose name is not known(形)正体不明の、未確認の、確認できない

■Who would have thought (phrase) used to say that sth is very surprising (フレーズ)誰がそんなことを思っただろう→信じられない





Ah, it’s freezing. So cold all of a sudden.


■all of a sudden (phrase) suddenly(フレーズ)突然、前触れもなしに






Ah, must be my imagination.

Sorry it took so long.



リピート再生・スロー再生 日英同時字幕
Repeat & Slow-motion Replay with Japanese & English subtitles





ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


ゲーム「バイオハザード RE:2」




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