「バイオハザード 0」で英語学習 p4 “Resident Evil Zero” script



バーキン: マーカス博士?

Dr. Marcus?


マーカス: 10年前、マーカス博士はアンブレラによって殺された。おまえたち、手伝ったな?

Ten years ago, Dr. Marcus was murdered by Umbrella. You helped them, didn’t you?


■murder (v) to commit the crime of intentionally killing a person(動)殺す


マーカス: 時間の無駄だ。ここは私の物とさせてもらった。つまり、君たちは不法侵入をしているわけだ。そして、私は無断で侵入されるのが非常に嫌いなのだよ。

You are wasting your time. I have already claimed this place for myself, which means you are trespassing, and I am very territorial.


■waste (v) to use too much of sth or use sth badly when there is a limited amount of it(動)無駄にする

■claim (v) to say that sth is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it(動)〔事実として~を〕主張する、言い張る、断言する

■trespass (v) to go onto sb’s land or enter their building without permission(動)他人の所有地・建物などに〕不法侵入する、不法に侵害する

■territorial (a) concerned with the ownership of a particular area of land or water(形)縄張り意識が強い




バーキン: 意味が分からない。これがあのイカれた若造の正体だというのか? ありえない! だがもし、どういうわけかそれが事実だったとして、そうなったらアンブレラは終わりだぞ。

It just doesn’t make sense. Do you honestly believe this to be the real identity of that crazy young man? Impossible. But if, somehow, it is true, then Umbrella will be finished.


■somehow (adv) for a reason that is not known or specified(副)どういうわけか、どことなく



If the old conspiracy against Dr. Marcus is revealed, Mr. Spencer’s career will be over. Not to mention ours, too. So, the time has come at last.


■conspiracy (n) the activity of secretly planning with other people to do sth bad or illegal(名)陰謀

■reveal (v) to make known or show sth that is surprising or that was previously secret (動)〔知られていなかったことを〕明らかにする、暴露する

■not to mention (phrase) used when you want to emphasize sth that you are adding to a list(フレーズ)~は言うまでもなく、~はさておき


バーキン: どうするつもりだ?

What are you going to do?



I will simply say goodbye to Umbrella. The biological weapon utilizing the T-virus has almost been completed. Our only remaining task is to acquire combat data.


■utilize (v) to use sth in an effective way(動)利用する、役立たせる

■task (n) a piece of work to be done (名)〔与えられた〕任務、課題、〔一定期間内に終えるべき〕仕事

■acquire (v) to get or buy sth(動)手に入れる

■combat (n) a fight, especially during a war (名)戦闘


バーキン: 本気じゃないよな。私は研究を放り投げるつもりはないぞ! Tウイルスは完成したが、さらに強力なGウイルスの完成までにはまだ少し時間が必要なんだ。

You can’t be serious. I refused to abandon my work! I have finished the research on the T-virus, but I need a little more time to complete the more powerful G-virus.


■abandon (v) to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever(動)見捨てる、置き去りにする



Do as you wish. I will follow my initial plan and lure the S.T.A.R.S. members into the mansion. Their superior combat training should make them perfect test subjects.


■do as one wishes (phrase) to do whatever one wants to do(フレーズ)自分の望み通りにやる

■initial (a) existing or occurring at the beginning(形)最初の、当初の

■lure (v) to persuade sb to do sth or go somewhere by offering them sth exciting(動)おびき寄せる、誘い出す

■mansion (n) a very large, expensive house(名)大邸宅、屋敷

■superior (a) better than average or better than other people or things of the same type(形)上質の、優れた

■combat (n) a fight, especially during a war (名)戦闘

■subject (n) a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with(名)対象(者)


バーキン: 分かった。とはいえ、やつをこのまま放っておくことはできない。確か、養成所の地下には自爆装置があったはず。そいつを見つけて作動させる。そしてこの場所をただのがれきの山にして消えてもらうことにするよ。

Fine. In the meantime, something must be done about that mad man. As I recall, U.R.C. is equipped with a self-destruct device in the basement. I’ll find it, set it off, and annihilate the place to nothing more than a mass of rubble.


■in the meantime (phrase) until sth expected happens, or while sth else is happening(フレーズ)その間

■as I recall (phrase) according to what I remember(フレーズ)そういえば、今思い出すと、確か

■be equipped with (phrase) having the necessary tools, clothes, equipment, etc. (フレーズ)~を備えて・身に着けて・持ち合わせている

■self-destruct (a) enabling a thing to self-destruct(形)自己破壊する、自滅する

■device (n) an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose(名)〔特定の比較的簡単な目的を果たす〕機器、道具

■set off (フレーズ) 作動する[させる]

■annihilate (v) to destroy sth completely so that nothing is left(動)滅ぼす、全滅させる、消滅させる

■nothing more than (phrase) only (フレーズ)~にすぎない、~でしかない

例)あなたは私の元カレにすぎない。You’re nothing more than my ex-boyfriend.

■mass (n) a large amount of sth that has no particular shape or arrangement(名)塊、まとまり

■rubble (n) the piles of broken stone and bricks, etc. that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed(名)〔壊れた建物の〕がれき、破片

■mass of rubble(名)がれきの山


ビリー: レベッカ! つかまれ、引き上げる。

Rebecca! Hang on, I’ll pull you up.


■hang on (phrase) to continue to grasp or hold sth/sb(フレーズ)~にしっかりつかまる、~にしがみつく


レベッカ: ありがとう。

Thank you.


ビリー: どういたしまして。約束を守っただけだ。お互い協力し合うって約束しただろ。覚えてるだろ?

Don’t mention it. Just keeping my word. We promised to cooperate with each other. Remember?


■Don’t mention it (phrase) a polite expression used to indicate that thanks or an apology are not necessary(フレーズ)どういたしまして(お礼やお詫びの言葉に対する返答として日常的に使われるフレーズ)

■keep one’s word (phrase) to do what one promised(フレーズ)約束を守る


レベッカ: こちらレベッカ。どうぞ。

This is Rebecca. Over.


エンリコ: レベッカ、こちらエンリコ。ビリー・コーエンはまだ見つからないのか? どうぞ。


Rebecca, this is Enrico. Have you managed to locate Coen yet? Over.

Rebecca, answer me.


■manage to (phrase) to succeed in doing or dealing with sth, especially sth difficult(フレーズ)何とか~する

■locate (v) to find or discover the exact position of sth(動)見つける、突き止める



No Sir. I have not found him yet. I’ll continue to search for him. Over.


ビリー: レベッカ・・・。



レベッカ: 初めての任務なのに、もう命令違反。私の警官としての輝かしい経歴もこれまでね。まあいいわ。今はそんなこと、どうだっていい。ビリー、私知りたいの。どうか真実を教えてほしい。本当に23人も殺したの? どうこう言うつもりはないの。ただ本当のことを知りたいの。

My first mission and I’ve already disobeyed orders. So much for my great law enforcement career. Oh well. I probably won’t live long enough to worry about it. Billy. I just need to know. I need to know the truth. Did you killed 23 people? I’m not going to judge you. I just want to know the truth.


■disobey (v) to refuse to do sth that you are told to do(動)服従しない、違反する、背く

■so much for someone/something (phrase) sb/sth is no longer relevant, feasible, or worth consideration(フレーズ)~についてはそれだけにしておく、~はもはやこれまでだ

■law enforcement (n) the police or other officials who stop crime or catch criminals(名)法執行機関、警察(権力)

■judge (v) to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide about sth/sb, especially after thinking carefully(動)裁く、批判する





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