「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep1p01 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 1: Chrysalis サナギ Part 1)

マックス:Where am I? What’s happening? I’m trapped in a storm? How did I get here? …and where is “here”? Wait… There’s the lighthouse… I’ll be safe if I can make it there… I hope… Please let me make it there…

私、どこに・・・何が起こっているの? すごい嵐・・・どうやってここに来たのよ。っていうか、ここどこ? 待って・・・灯台がある。あそこまで行ければ安全だわ。お願い・・・無事にあそこまで・・・。


■be trapped (phrase) If someone or something is trapped, that person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation(フレーズ)閉じ込められている

■lighthouse (名)灯台


マックス:Holy shit.



マックス:Whoa! No!

ああっ! いやっ!


マックス:Whoa! That was so surreal.



■surreal (a) not seeming real; like a dream(形)超現実的な、非現実的な


ジェファソン:Alfred Hitchcock famously called film, “little pieces of time” but he could be talking about photography, as he likely was. These pieces of time can frame us in our glory and our sorrow; from light to shadow; from color to chiaroscuro…



マックス:Okay… I’m in class…  Everything’s cool… I’m okay…



■in class(フレーズ)授業中に



ジェファソン:Now, can you give me an example of a photographer who perfectly captured the human condition in black and white? Anybody? Bueller?

さあ、人の内面をモノクロ写真で完璧に捉えた写真家を一人あげてみてくれ。誰か? ビューラー?


■capture (v) to represent or describe something very accurately using words or images in black and white(動)〔とらえにくいものを〕永続的な形に変える、形あるものに記録する

■the human condisiton (phrase) the experiences, emotions, needs etc that all people share, especially considered as a situation from which it is impossible to escape(フレーズ)人間の状態、人間の条件


マックス:I didn’t fall asleep, and… that sure didn’t feel like a dream… Weird.



■weird(a) very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural(形)奇妙な、変な


マックス:Look at this crap! How can I show this to Mr. Jefferson? I can hear the class laughing at me now.



■crap (n) something that is not worth anything, not useful, nonsense, or of bad quality(名)〈やや下品〉たわごと、くだらないこと、くず、ごみ


ジェファソン:Shh, I believe Max has taken what you kids call a “selfie”… A dumb word for a wonderful photographic tradition. And Max… has a gift.

Of course, as you all know, the photo portrait has been popular since the early 1800’s. Your generation was not the first to use images for “selfie-expression.” Sorry. I couldn’t resist.




■dumb (a) stupid (形)あほな、間抜けな、常識のない

■resist (v) to refuse to accept or be changed by something(動)抵抗する、我慢する




ジェファソン:The point remains that the portraiture has always been a vital aspect of art, and photography, for as long as it’s been around.



■portraiture [pɔ́rtritʃər ] (n) the act or art of making portraits(名)肖像画(技)法、肖像写真

■vital (a) extremely important 極めて重要な

■aspect (n) one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.(名)側面、特徴


ジェファソン:Now, Max, since you’ve captured our interest and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?



■capture someone’s interest (フレーズ)(人)の関心[興味]を引く、(人)の心をとらえる[引き付ける]


バイリンガル版 君の名は。1 (中経☆コミックス)


マックス:I did know! …But I kinda forgot.




■kinda = kind of


ジェファソン:You either know this or not, Max. Is there anybody here who knows their stuff?



ヴィクトリア:Louis Daguerre was a French painter who created “daguerreotypes” a process that gave portraits a sharp reflective style, like a mirror.

Now you’re totally stuck in the Retro Zone. Sad face.




■reflective (a) A reflective surface sends back most of the light that shines on it and can therefore be seen easily(形)反射する、反射による

■be stuck in (phrase) unable to move(フレーズ)~で身動きできない、~から逃れられない


ジェファソン:Very good, Victoria. The Daguerreian Process brought out fine detail in people’s faces, making them extremely popular from the 1800’s onward.

The first American daguerreotype self-portrait was done by Robert Cornelius. You can find out all about him… In your textbook. Or even… online.




■bring out (フレーズ)〔意味・事実・真相・性質・細部などを〕明らかにする、浮き彫りにする

■fine detail(フレーズ)細かい事

■onward(副) 以降に、以後、前方で

例)From the Meiji period onwards 明治時代以降は


ジェファソン:And guys, don’t forget the deadline to submit a photo in the “Everyday Heroes” contest. I’ll fly out with the winner to San Francisco where you’ll be feted by the art world. It’s great exposure, and it can kick start a career in photography.



■fete [féit ] (v) Honour or entertain (someone) lavishly(動)祝宴を開いて(人)に敬意を表する

■exposure (n) the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place(名)〔人前や社会に〕触れること

■kick-start (v) to make something start to happen or start to develop more quickly(動)~を始動させる、~に弾みをつける、(成長などを)促進する


ジェファソン:So, Stella and Alyssa, get it together. Taylor, don’t hide. I’m still waiting for your entry, too. And yes, Max, I see you pretending not to see me.



■get it together (フレーズ)全てをうまくまとめる、うまくやりこなす[遂げる]




① 通し再生・字幕あり





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