「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep1p18 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 1: Chrysalis サナギ Part 18)

クロエ:Thanks for taking the heat. We totally smacked his punk ass down, Max. He’s no match for you and me now…That was an epic win. Anyway. Let’s sneak out the window…there is one cool place we can hang in this hickhole.

かばってくれて、ありがと。あのクソッたれを打ち負かせたね。あんな奴、あんたと私の相手になんないよ。大勝利だ! まあいいや。窓から抜け出して・・・このクソみたいな町でも良い場所があるんだ。


■take the heat(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔激しい〕非難・批判に耐える

■smack down (phrase) a hit from someone’s flat hand as a punishment(フレーズ)打ち負かす、~に灸を据える

■no match for (phrase) to be less powerful or effective than someone or something else(フレーズ)~にとって競争相手、勝負の相手ではない

■epic (a) extremely good(形)〈米俗〉素晴らしい、最高の

■sneak out (phrase) to go somewhere secretly  (フレーズ) 抜け出す、こっそり逃げる



クロエ:Isn’t this awesome sauce? Totally reminds me of when we were kids… Come on, slowpoke!

マジ最高じゃない? 子どもの頃を思い出すよ・・・来なよ、のろま!


■awesome sauce (フレーズ) マジ最高,最高に楽しい

■slowpoke (n) someone, especially a child, who is walking or doing something too slowly(名)〈米話〉のろま(a) まどろこしい、もどかしい



マックス:Hold on!

I haven’t been here in forever… So why do I feel like I was just here? Whoa, this is the exact same path I was on during my nightmare today… Birds are so lucky, they can always escape…




■hold on (phrase) used to tell someone to wait for a short time(フレーズ)ちょっと待って



マックス:Sure you don’t want to be alone?



クロエ:Have a seat, Pete.



*「seat シート」と「Pete ピート」で韻を踏んでいるだけで、「Pete」に特に意味はありません。こういう韻を踏む言葉遊びは英語でよく行われます。エピソード4にもこういう言葉遊びが出てきてますね~。乞うご期待!


マックス:My pleasure. Feels nice out here after all that drama…



クロエ:You really took one for Team Chloe.



■take one for the team(フレーズ)犠牲バント・犠牲フライをする、自ら進んで犠牲になる


マックス:I’m not as brave as you. And David is indeed a “step-douche.”



■indeed (adv) really or certainly, often used to emphasize sth(副)実に、本当に、確かに、いかにも

■step- (prefix) related to sb through a second marriage(接頭)血縁のない

■douche [dúːʃ ] (n) an unpleasant person(名)(俗・軽蔑的〉嫌なやつ


クロエ:I’m sorry you had to experience it firsthand.



■firsthand (adv) you experience it yourself(副)直接体験して、じかに


マックス:You have to live with him. Has he always been this way?



クロエ:Ever since my desperate mom dragged his ass to our home! I never trusted David.



マックス:He freaked out on poor Kate Marsh today.



クロエ:I know her. She’s cool. Only that prick would bully her.



■prick (n) a stupid man(名)嫌な[愚劣な・ひどい]やつ

■bully (v) to frighten or hurt sb who is smaller or weaker than you(動)〔弱い者を〕いじめる、脅す


マックス:He has some kind of weird agenda.



■agenda (n) a list of aims or possible future achievements(名)(発言や行動に隠された〕意図


美女と野獣 (オリジナル・サウンドトラック / 英語版)


クロエ:He has a lot of secret files. Rambo still thinks he’s gathering enemy intelligence. He has a total surveillance fetish. I worry there are spy cams in the house.



■surveillance (n) the careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police or army(名)監視、監督、見張り

■fetish (n) an activity or object that you are so interested in that you spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it or doing it(名)フェチ

■spy cam (名) 盗撮装置、隠し撮りカメラ


マックス:Sometimes ignorance is bliss.



■Ignorance is bliss. (phrase) said to emphasize that sometimes it is better for you if you do not know all the facts about a situation(フレーズ)知らぬが仏、無知は至福である

■bliss(n) perfect happiness(名)至福、無上の[この上ない]喜び、霊的な喜び、天福


クロエ:No wonder I’m so miserable. Everybody in this town knows everybody’s secrets…



■No wonder (phrase) it is not surprising(フレーズ)~も不思議ではない、道理で~なわけだ




① 通し再生・字幕あり






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