「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep2p3 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 2: Out of Time 時間切れ Part 3)

ケイト:ねえ、アップロードされた動画ってどうやったら削除できる? すでに拡散してるのは分かってるけど・・・教会に知られたら? どうしたらいいの・・・

How do I get a viral video taken down? I know it’s already spreading–what if my church sees that? I need to know what to do…


■take down (phrase) to remove of a web page, film, web site from the internet(フレーズ)〔コンテンツ・ウェブページ・掲示板などを〕消す、削除する

■what if (フレーズ) もし~だったらどうなるか



Kate, we’ll figure it out. I’ll check back later, okay?


■figure out (phrase) to understand or solve something (フレーズ)見つけ出す、~であると分かる

■check back (phrase) to return to a place, person, etc., in order to try something again or to get additional information(フレーズ)(人)にもう一度連絡する



ねえ、マックス。一つ聞いてもいい? それと、正直に答えて。

Thanks, Max… You can put my book here, near my bag.

So, Max, can I ask you a question? And please be honest.



Absolutely, Kate. Anything.


■Absolutely (adv) completely(副)間違いなく、もちろん



I need to find out if Nathan Prescott helped me…or hurt me after that party. Should I go to the police?



If you do that, they won’t believe you. You’re on video grabbing at all those guys and they’ll use that against you. Bad.


■grab at (phrase) to try to get hold of someone or something quickly, with your hand(フレーズ)~にしがみつく、~をつかもうとする



But I know I was drugged—


■drug (v) to give a person or animal a chemical that causes a loss of feeling or the condition of being unconscious(動)~に薬を飲ませる、~に薬物を入れる


マックス:それは警察じゃなくてケイトが証明しないといけないんだよ。警察や学校がどう見ると思う? その動画じゃケイトが不利になるだけだよ・・・。

That’s what you have to prove. Not them. I’m just telling you how the cops and school will look at this. The video doesn’t exactly back you up…


■prove (v) to show that something is true(動)証明する

■back up (phrase) to provide support or help to sb/sth(フレーズ)援護する、バックアップする



You make me feel so hopeless–


■hopeless (a) without hope(形)望みのない



No, no, Kate. I just don’t want you to get hurt any more…



That seems impossible at this point. So that’s your answer?


■at this point(フレーズ)現在のところ、現段階では、現時点では



I think we should wait. There are other things going on that might help you.


■go on (phrase) happen (フレーズ)起こる、発生する




But not right now. So I can walk down the halls with people calling me a viral slut. Thanks, Max.


■viral slut (n) a woman who somehow acts ‘slutty’ on diverse social media. (名)ソーシャルメディア上でふしだらな振る舞いをする女性



Hey, Samuel, you’re up early.



Oh–hello, young Max. I do love the early morning. Everything is so calm and quiet…and I can feel the animals waking up with me.



That’s one thing I truly love about Arcadia Bay, it’s all those cool animals in the forest.



The squirrels always come in the morning…for food. I can hear them whisper… What animals do you see in the forest?


■squirrel [skwə́ːrəl ](名)リス

■whisper (v) to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice(動)ささやく



Don’t laugh, but…I saw a doe that seemed to be looking right at me…like it was trying to communicate…




サミュエル:ああ、それは君の守護動物だよ! 自分自身のを見たっていうのは置いといて、何もおかしな事じゃないよ。運命の予兆かもしれないね・・・説得力ないか、僕の守護動物はリスだしね。

Oh, that’s your spirit animal! Nothing weird there, except you saw yours. Could be a sign about your destiny… What do I know? My spirit animal is a squirrel.



I so don’t want to get in the way of your morning ritual. See you later.


■get in the way (phrase) to make it difficult for it to happen, continue, or be appreciated properly(フレーズ)邪魔をする

■ritual (n) a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony (名)儀式のように決まって行う日常の行為、儀式



Of course you will.




Warren, what are you doing here?



Oh, nothing–waiting. For a call? I mean, I already took the call… Anyway, I wanted to rap about that action yesterday.


■I mean(フレーズ)いや、じゃなくて (言い間違いの訂正)

■rap about sth (phrase) you talk about it in a relaxed or informal way(フレーズ)自由に話す、おしゃべりをする



That was intense. Everything happened so fast. I owe you.


■intense (a) extreme and forceful(形)強烈な、激しい



Oh, yes, you do. I got knocked on my ass by that dick. I’m some personal superhero.


■knock someone on someone’s ass (phrase) If someone hits you with something or you ran into (フレーズ)尻もちつくほど打ちのめす

■dick (n) a stupid man(名)愚か者



You’re a real “Everyday Hero.” You stood up to a bully and it was awesome.


■stand up to (phrase) to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly(フレーズ)~に抵抗する

■bully (n) someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often over a period of time(名)自分より弱い者に対するいじめを繰り返す人

■awesome (a) causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear(形)〈米俗〉素晴らしい、イケてる




前半: リピート再生・スロー再生・字幕あり

後半: 通し再生・字幕なし



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