「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p3 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 3)


See, I’m practically a human entertainment system. It would be sweet to chill out together and watch a movie, like when you’d spend the night at my house…


■chill out (phrase) to relax completely(フレーズ)〈主に米俗〉落ち着く

■would (modal verb) used to talk about things in the past that happened often or always(法助)かつて~だった

*「like when you’d spend」の「’d」は「would」の省略で、「かつては~していた」という意味です



What do you want to watch?



Uh, I think I’m in, like, a mellow “Blade Runner” mood. I always cry at the end. Plus you know I always wanted to have cool colored bangs like Pris.


■banga (n) fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead(名)前髪

*Pris: A character in the movie “Blade Runner”



マックス:そうだね。クロエ、青い髪の毛にしたらカッコいいんじゃない? さあ、観ようか。でもクロエ、映画観てると途中で寝るからなぁ。寝落ちしないでよ?

I know. You would look incredible with blue hair. Now let’s get this show on the road. And you better not fall asleep on me, like you always do when we watch movies.


■get the show on the road (phrase) begin work(フレーズ)始める、開始する

■fall asleep on someone (phrase) to sleep while sb is still there/to sleep while sb’s talking to you(フレーズ)相手を残して寝落ちする

例)I’m sorry for falling asleep on you. あなたを残して寝落ちしちゃってゴメンね。



I remember, Max. Swear I won’t fall asleep. Not when you’re here. Not yet.




I cannot believe you fell asleep so fast. How dare you.


■How dare you? (フレーズ)よくもそんなことができたね!


クロエ:あたしと一日過ごして疲れてたんだね。それにブレードランナーは夜観るにはドリーミーな映画だし。あ、デッカードってレプリカント(人造人間)だと思う? ごめん、まだ頭が働かないか。

I know you were beat down after the day with me. And Blade Runner is a pretty dreamy movie to watch at night. Uh, do you think Deckard is a replicant? Sorry, I can see you’re not wide awake like me.


■beat (a) tired (形)〈話〉疲れ切って、へとへとで

例)I’m beat. 疲れちゃった。

*Deckard: Rick Deckard is a protagonist in the movie “Blade Runner”


■wide awake (phrase) fully awake(フレーズ)すっかり目覚めた



No, I’m sorry I crashed so hard. Were you…okay?


■crash (v) (slang) sleep(動)〈米俗〉寝る



I do have a mother and father when you’re not falling asleep on me.



You are a bitch in the morning.



It’s the company I keep… Yesterday was such a blast.


■blast (n) great time/experience(名)〈話〉とても楽しい経験・時間

□have a blast(フレーズ)とても楽しい時間を過ごす



It was great, seeing you.


クロエ:子どもの頃とはいろいろ変わっちゃったけど、マックスといると森を駆け回って海賊ごっこしてた頃に戻った気がするんだ。ただまったりしながらくだらない話をすることがどれだけ私にとって大きいことか。ああ・・・もうっ! いつもの頭痛が・・・二階に行ってバスルームにあるモルヒネの注射器を取って来てくれる?

I know things were different when we were just dorky kids, but being with you made me feel like we were little pirates, jumping and running through the forests again. It meant a lot to me just to chill out with you and bullshit. Ahh… Fuck. Um, I’m getting my regular head pains… Uh, can you pretty please go upstairs and get my–my morphine injector in the bathroom?


■dorky (a) physically or socially awkward or not fashionable(形)〈米俗〉ばかな、役立たずの


■bullshit (v) to try to persuade sb or make them admire you by saying things that are not true(動)〈卑俗〉たわ言・デタラメを言う、くだらない話をする

■Pretty please. (phrase) an extra cute way to say please(フレーズ)Pleaseの可愛らしい言い方




Morphine injector?



It’s–ahh. It’s total Star Trek shit. You can’t even see the needle. Seriously, I need it. Um, my parents keep the swag upstairs because they think I can’t get to it…but you can, Max. Like a pirate, right?


■Star Trek shit (phrase) Technology features of today that feel like they belong so far in the future that it would appear in an episode of Star Trek(フレーズ)スタートレックに出てくるような未来的な技術的特徴

■swag (n) money or goods taken by a thief or burglar(名)〈俗〉盗品、略奪品



I’m on it, Chloe.


■I’m on it (phrase) I will take care of a situation(フレーズ)すぐやります、もう取りかかってます、了解しました




Finally. Give me the blue pill…


■Blue pill (n) that makes you feel safe and happy, but stop you from seeing how things really are. This refers to a scene in the film “The Matrix” where a character is offered a choice between a red pill, which reveals the true world, and a blue pill, which keeps it hidden(名)現実を忘れてハッピーになれる青い薬(映画「マトリックス」に出てきた薬。青を飲めば幸せな仮想現実の世界に戻り、赤を飲めば辛い現実世界に行き真実を知る)



I’m sorry. I’m nosy, but not precise.



Go ahead and plug it right in. It’s so easy. And painless.



Um, okay, but get ready to yell for your folks if I screw up.


■folks (n) people, especially those of a particular group or type (名)人々、家族

■screw up (phrase) cause sth to fail or go wrong(フレーズ)台無しにする、大失敗する



Oh, trust me, I will.





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