「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep5p6 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 5: Polarized 偏光 Part 6)


San Francisco is so cool…and this gallery is huge!



So is the buffet. If an event skimps on the food, you know it’s a bad event.


■skimp on (phrase) to use too little of sth; to save sth by using less of it than needed for sth(フレーズ)~を節約する、~をけちる



As long as I don’t have to eat any caviar…



This is your day, Max. You can do whatever you want. I hope you take advantage of your status and talk to as many influential people here as possible. Work the room.


■take advantage of (phrase) to use an opportunity to achieve results, sometimes in an unfair way(フレーズ)~をうまく利用する、(人)に付け込む

■work the room (phrase) to interact with many people at an event or function to get their support, approval, etc.. (フレーズ)イベントなどで人々と交流してうまく立ち回る



I don’t know… I feel so weird, like I’m a little kid hanging with the adults.



Max, after this week, you are certainly not a little kid anymore. In fact, you’re a noteworthy adult being honored by your peers. Now, you have to start acting like the photographer you want to be. Hell, I wanted to be in charge of a big school someday, so I started taking charge of things when I was young. Ask my poor classmates…


■noteworthy (a) deserving attention because of being important or interesting(形)注目に値する

■peer (n) a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group(名)対等者、同僚、同級生、同業者



Max, I’m gonna eat up that caviar so you don’t have to. Better get in there and start schmoozing. You know, I won’t always be here to take charge. But you come talk to me, whenever you want.


■schmooze (v) to chat or gossip casually with sb, especially for personal gain or self-promotion(動)おしゃべりをする




Come on, Max… After everything that’s happened, this should be the least scary thing you’ve ever done.



So, how are you handling your new fame as a photographer?



I don’t feel like a famous photographer yet.



Every journey starts with the first step. I’m only a Blackwell bureaucrat, not an artist, but you’ve made us proud with the great response to your work so far.


■bureaucrat (n) sb who is employed to help run an office or government department(名)官僚、官吏、役人



I don’t know… I—I’m just lucky. There’s no way I’m a real photographer yet.



Don’t sell yourself short, Max.


■sell oneself short (phrase) to value sb too little(フレーズ)〔面接や宣伝などで〕自分を必要以上に控えめに小さく表現する



Maybe I feel guilty for celebrating…



Leave that to me. I…I should’ve been more proactive about Kate Marsh and her awful situation. She’s strong, and I’m glad she made it out of that hell. I should’ve put my foot down with Nathan Prescott…or put my foot in his ass.


■proactive (a) taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens(形)〔行動などが〕先を見越した、積極的な

■awful (a) extremely bad or unpleasant(形)恐ろしい、ひどい

■put one’s foot down (phrase) to use your authority to stop sth from happening(フレーズ)断固とした態度をとる、絶対に譲らない



It’s not your fault. You didn’t know what really happened…



I know, but…that’s not a good excuse for a principal. And Jefferson had such a great reputation. Nobody expected him to be so…disturbed.






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