「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep5p8 Learn English with “Life is Strange”


英語スクリプト・日本語訳 (Episode 5: Polarized 偏光 Part 8)

マックス:ああ、もうっ! 頭が・・・。今度は何が起こってるの? 現実が・・・バラバラに壊れてるみたい・・・。わたしが時空を歪めてる?


Oh, shit! Oh, my head…What is going on now? I—It feels like reality is…breaking apart… What am I doing to time?

My previous timeline was so perfect…I just have to make one simple change…so I won’t end up in San Francisco. Simple…Sorry, San Francisco… Chloe comes first.


■timeline (n) a line that shows the time and the order in which events have happened (名)時間軸

■come first (phrase) to be the most important person or thing to sb(フレーズ)何よりも優先である、一番大切である


マックス:ああ、そんな! 嫌だ・・・またここに戻ってきたの? 全部を修正したと思ったのに!

Oh, fuck!  God, no… I’m back here again?! I thought I fixed everything!



What did you say, Max?


マックス:え? ジェファソンは刑務所にいるはずなのに、なぜここに・・・

What?! Jefferson should be in jail, not here…





Jesus. It’s like you’re back in my class. You’re still…spacing…out.

Hey…your nose is bleeding. Probably gave you too big a dose. Sorry about that, Max. But considering you’re about to die, a nosebleed is a first-world problem.

Oh. I had to let Victoria Chase go.


■space out (phrase) daydream about nothing in particular(フレーズ)〈俗〉ぼんやりする、ボーッとする

■first-world problem (n) a problem that does not seem very important when you compare it to the serious problems people have in poorer parts of the world(名)先進国であるがゆえの贅沢な悩み、小さな悩み



You let her…?


ジェファソン:くだらないことは言わないでくれよ? 彼女にふさわしい場所に逝ってもらっただけだ。

Don’t be stupid, okay?! She’s exactly where she deserves to be.


■deserve (v) to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have(動)~の価値がある、~にふさわしい






Oh, as if you care.



Your iris… That…dilation like a shutter…the pictures you’re taking of me now. Too bad you pissed away your gift. You could have won the contest, but you destroyed your own beautiful photograph. What a waste. Sorry. I burned all your stuff. I got a little carried away.


■iris (n) the coloured circular part of that eye that surrounds the black pupil(名)〔眼球の〕虹彩

■dilation (n) the process of becoming wider or more open(名)拡張、膨張

■piss away (phrase) to waste an opportunity(フレーズ)〈俗〉浪費する

■got a carried away (phrase) to do sth to an excessive degree, especially unintentionally (フレーズ)調子に乗る、夢中になる、我を忘れる


マックス:そんなっ! 日記を燃やすなんて! だからまたここに戻ってきたんだ。

Fuck! He burned my diary! That’s why I’m still here.




恐怖を感じているね・・・? ああ、マックス・・・最後のセッションを君と共にできてとても光栄だ。今回のテーマが見る者に伝わることを祈るよ。そう・・・「若さの喪失」が・・・。君に授業するのも・・・これが最後になる。もう鼻血を出すこともないから・・・安心しなさい。

Especially since you’ve developed from nerd to hero within a week. There’s something…weird going on with you.

Whoa! Did you see how crazy it is outside? Like I said…something weird…

There’s that fear… Oh, Max… It’s an honor working with you on these final sessions. I hope these images will be appreciated for what they truly capture. The loss…of youth. At least…that’s the last lecture you’ll ever have to hear from me. And I promise you…no more nosebleeds.


■Nerd (n) a person who is extremely interested in one subject, and knows a lot of facts about it(名)おたく、専門ばか



Mr. Jefferson… Please…don’t do this. You don’t know what’s happening.



Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh… Quiet…quiet, Max.






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