「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep5p11 Learn English with “Life is Strange”


英語スクリプト・日本語訳 (Episode 5: Polarized 偏光 Part 11)

ウォーレン:それでジェファソンはどうしたんだ? もしかしてヤツに何かされた?

Uh, what happened with Jefferson? Did… Did he hurt you?



He used Nathan to get drugs and money for him. Jefferson tied me up and… dosed me with some drug and took sick photos of me… It was so horrible…


■dose (v) to give someone a measured amount of medicine(動)~に投薬する、~に服用させる

■horrible (a) very unpleasant or bad(形)恐ろしい、最低の


ウォーレン:そんな目に遭ってただなんて・・・マックスは誰より勇敢だよ。あの野郎、殺してやりたいよ! ヤツは今どこに?

Max… I’m so sorry you had to go through all that… You’re the bravest person I’ve ever known. Now, I wanna kill that son of a bitch! Where is he?


■go through (phrase) undergo (a difficult period or experience) (フレーズ)〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験・経験する



Busted. History. Which I need to change fast to make it right again… Is that bad?


■bust (v) (slang) catch someone who does something wrong(動)(スラング)悪いことをした人をつかまえる



For every action, there’s… there’s a reaction… Whenever you reversed or altered time, maybe you caused a chain reaction… even in the environment.


■alter (v) to change sth, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of sth to change(動)変える、改ざんする



Warren, I know this all sounds insane… but you’re the only other person who I can count on now… I wish we had more time together… Do you believe me?



Max, of course I believe you. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met… and I’m glad you trust me.



Always. I just wish I could trust my powers…  I guess we’ll never know if it’s magic or science…



Even if it’s from a wizard or a wormhole… You’re part of something bigger. I don’t believe in fate or destiny, but after this week, I realize I don’t know shit.


■fate (n) what happens to a particular person or thing, especially sth final or negative, such as death or defeat(名)宿命、自分の力では変えられない運命(ネガティブ)

■destiny (n) the force that some people think controls what happens in the future, and is outside human control(名)与えられた運命、託された運命(ポジティブ)



That makes both of us, Warren…




I do know you’re here for a reason… and I guess it’s up to you to find out why. Max… I’m sorry you got stuck in this… in this… I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on. But I have total faith that you’ll do the right thing when the time comes. I’m so proud of you,




ウォーレン:マックス、これ以上大事な歴史的瞬間ってあるかな? そのただ中に僕はマックスと一緒にいるんだよ? だから、僕を信じて話してくれてありがとう。

Max. How could there be a more important moment in history? And I’m in the middle of it with you? So thank you for trusting me.



Thanks for being here. Always.



Hey… Be careful out there.



I could use a hug before I do this…


■could use (phrase) used to say that you would like sth(フレーズ)~があったらありがたい、~が欲しいな



Me too.



You better go before I get pathetic and tell you not to.


■pathetic (a) unsuccessful or showing no ability, effort, or bravery, so that people feel no respect(形)哀れな、(惨め過ぎて)見ていられない



You’re not pathetic. You’re one of my heroes… And I’m going to make the right choices from now on… I swear.



That’s why you’re Super Max.






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