【確認用】”Life is Strange” Episode 3: Chaos Theory カオス理論



ビデオゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」 エピソード3: Chaos Theory カオス理論

英語版「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」のエピソード3の通し動画。
















<ライフ イズ ストレンジ・エピソード3 予習・復習用動画>


<ライフ イズ ストレンジ・エピソード3語彙・フレーズ>


■be all over (phrase) to be very involved or interested in something(フレーズ)積極的に追及する、注意している

■ I better =I had better

■jump off (phrase) to hop or leap off of sth (フレーズ)〔高い所から〕飛び降りる

■prank (v) to play a trick on sb that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage(動)いたずらをする、悪ふざけをする

■balls to the wall (phrase) with no limits or controls; done or made in a very extreme, exciting, or violent way(フレーズ)〈米俗〉全速力で、全力で

■modest (a) unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements(形)謙虚な

■obviously (adv) in a way that is easy to understand or see(副)明らかに

■badass (a) used to describe sb or sth you admire or find impressive(形)〈主に米・卑俗〉大胆不敵な、超格好いい

■somehow (adv) in a way or by some means that is not known or not stated(副)どうにかして、ともかくも、何とかして

■wipe out (phrase) to destroy completely(フレーズ)徹底的に破壊する

■joke about(フレーズ)~について冗談を言う、~のことでふざける

■sarcasm [sɑ́ːrkæ̀zm ] (n) the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt sb’s feelings or to criticize sth in a humorous way(名)〔人を傷つける〕皮肉な言葉、〔言葉遣いとしての〕皮肉、嘲り

■avoidance (n) the act of avoiding sth or sb(名)回避、避けること、忌避

■ex- (prefix) used to show that someone is no longer what they were (接頭)外に追い出された、元~、前~

■weird(a) very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural(形)奇妙な、変な

■feel weird(フレーズ)変な感じだ、心地悪い、しっくりしない

■torture (v) to cause great physical or mental pain to someone intentionally(動)~を拷問にかける、~をひどく苦しめる

■coincidence (n) an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising(名)〔偶然の〕一致、合致

■drumroll (n) used when you wait before telling people something that you think they will really want to know(名)ドラムの連打の音(何かを発表する前に使う)

■step- (prefix) related to someone through a second marriage(接頭)血縁のない

■prick (n) a stupid man(名)嫌な[愚劣な・ひどい]やつ

■get into trouble(フレーズ)面倒を起こす、トラブルに巻き込まれる

■give a fuck (phrase) to care or be concerned about sb or sth. Usually used in the negative to mean the opposite(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉気にする、興味がある、問題だと思う(通例、否定形で用いられる)

■be in it to win it (phrase) In order to win, or succeed at sth, one must first compete or try(フレーズ)勝つためにはまず参加しないといけない、虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず

■partner in crime (n) a person who regularly helps sb else to plan a crime(名)共犯者、犯罪仲間、悪友

■put together (phrase) to prepare a piece of work by collecting several ideas and suggestions and organizing them(フレーズ)組み立てる、編集する、まとめる


■distracted (a) nervous or confused because you are worried about sth(形)気を散らされた、注意散漫で、取り乱した

■awful (a) extremely bad or unpleasant(形)恐ろしい、ひどい

■relatively (adv) to a relative degree or extent : somewhat(副)比較的

■affect (v) to have an influence on sb or sth, or to cause a change in sb or sth(動)~に作用する、~に影響を与える

■a sneak preview(名)一般公開前の映画などの一部または全部を試験的にそっと公開すること

■hang out (phrase) to spend a lot of time in a place or with sb(フレーズ)ブラブラして時を過ごす、くつろぐ

■play favorites (phrase) show favouritism towards sb or sth(フレーズ)えこひいきする、特別扱いする

■might as well (phrase) used to suggest doing sth, often when there is nothing better to do(フレーズ)~した方がいい

■might have to(フレーズ)~しなくてはならないかもしれない

■ignore (v) to intentionally not listen or give attention to(動)無視する、~に気付かないふりをする

■undisguised (a) clearly shown or expressed (形)隠さずに顔に表した、むき出しの

■threat (n) a suggestion that sth unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed(名)脅し

■weed (n) marijuana(名)〈俗〉マリフアナ

■believe it or not(フレーズ)〈話〉まさかと思うでしょうが、驚くべきことに、信じようと信じまいと

■lock picking (n) the practice of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key(名)錠前破り、ピッキング

■test out (フレーズ)~を試す

■just in case (phrase) as a provision against something happening or being true (フレー


■thee [ðíː ] (pronoun) you; object form of thou; used when speaking to one person (代)〈古〉汝、そなた

■DIY (a) abbreviation for do-it-yourself: done or made without paying sb else to do it (形)自作の

■come up with (phrase) to suggest or think of an idea or plan (フレーズ)〈話〉〔アイデアなどを〕思い付く

■physics (n) the scientific study of matter and energy and the effect that they have on each other(名)物理学

■expertise (n) a high level of knowledge or skill(名)〔専門家の〕助言、見解、〔ある分野の〕専門知識

■stat=statim (adv) immediately(副)〈ラテン語〉〔遅らせることなく〕すぐに、直ちに

■name names (phrase) to say a specific name or names when reporting bad behavior or making an accusation(フレーズ)〔犯罪の共犯者などの〕名を挙げる

■have access to(フレーズ)〔場所〕に出入りできる

■Nerd (n) a person who is extremely interested in one subject, and knows a lot of facts about it(名)おたく、専門ばか

■gross [gróus ] (a) extremely unpleasant(形)〈話〉気持ち悪い、ゾッとする、むかつく

■Ooh (exclamation) used to express a range of emotions including surprise, delight, or pain(間)ワーッ! アーッ! オーッ!(驚き・喜びなど)


■boom [búːm ] (n) a deep and loud hollow sound(名)ブーン、ドカーン(重低音のとどろく響きを表す)

■blow up (phrase) explode(フレーズ)吹き飛ばす、爆発する

■light (v) to start to burn or to make something start to burn(動)~に火を付ける、~を点灯する

■haul ass (phrase) to move very quickly to a different place(フレーズ)〈卑〉とても速く走る、さっさと出て行く

■be toast (phrase) to be likely to be unsuccessful, destroyed, or dead(フレーズ)〈話〉〔人の命運などが〕尽きて、もうおしまいで

■domain (n) an area of interest or an area over which a person has control(名)領地、所有

■have no clue (phrase) to be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with sth(フレーズ)〈話〉解決の糸口が何もない、見当がつかない

■the company (one) keeps (phrase) The people with whom one associates or spends time(フレーズ)つき合ったり時間を共に過ごしたりする人

■beat it (phrase) go away(フレーズ)〈話〉すぐに出て行く・立ち去る

■so far (phrase) to a certain limited extent(フレーズ)ある一定の限度まで、限定された範囲で

■faux [fóu ] (a) not real, but made to look or seem real(形)〈フランス語〉人造の、模造の

■crap (n) something that is not worth anything, not useful, nonsense, or of bad quality(名〈やや下品〉くず、ごみ

■expel (v) to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country(動)退学させる、追い出す

■Eat me. (phrase) an expression of anger and dismissal directed at someone who is irritating(フレーズ)ばかやろう。むかつくな。

■pilfer (v) to steal things of small value(動)〔特に職場で物を〕盗む、くすねる

■cozy (a) comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm(形)居心地が良い、くつろげる

■deductive (a) reaching an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts(形)演繹的な、持っている知識や情報から結論を導き出す

■case (n) a problem, a series of events, or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc. (名)〔警察などの公的機関が捜査すべき〕事件、事態

■on the case (phrase) actively engaged in an official investigation(フレーズ)その事件を捜査中で、対応に当たっていて

■accuse (v) to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind(動)〔法律違反・義務の不履行・約束違反などの理由で〕(人)に責任を問う、(人)を責める、(人)に言い掛かりをつける

■troll (n) sb who deliberately pisses people off(名)〈軽蔑的〉嫌なやつ

■go along (phrase) to agree or be willing to accept sth(フレーズ)(人)に賛成する

■team up with (phrase) to join two or more people together into a team or association(フレーズ)~とチームを組む、~と提携する

■a bad sign(名) 悪い兆し、良くない兆候

■You’re so money (phrase) You’re so awesome; You’re so fantastic; You’re so cool(フレーズ)カッコいい、すばらしい


■rap sheet (n) an official police document that lists the crimes that a particular person has committed(名)〈米俗〉逮捕記録

■probation (n) a period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison(名)保護観察(期間)、執行猶予、謹慎期間

■expel (v) to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country(動)退学させる、追い出す

■suspend (v) temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity(動)~を停職(処分)にする、~に停学を命じる

■be fucked up (phrase) broken, damaged, unhappy and emotionally damaged(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉ひどい、不快である、狂っている


■have something to do with (phrase) you are involved or connected with sb or sth(フレーズ)~と関係がある、つながりがある

■cryptic (a) mysterious and difficult to understand(形)〔メッセージ・発言などが〕暗号のような、不可解な〔表現などが〕もったいぶって

■hassle [hǽsl ](v) to annoy sb, mainly by asking for sth again and again(動)〈話〉〔人を〕うるさがらせる、悩ます、イライラさせる

■all over (前)〈米話〉(人)を非難して、(人)を攻撃して

■go into (phrase) investigate or inquire into (sth) (フレーズ)調べる、探る

■get paranoid(フレーズ)被害妄想になる・駆られる


■cozy (a) comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm(形)居心地が良い、くつろげる

■mind-reading (n) the ability to discern the thoughts of others without the normal means of communication(名)読心(術)

■How I/you/we/they roll(フレーズ)普段からやっていること、自分(達)のやり方

■press one’s luck (phrase) to try to gain some additional benefit or advantage after one has already been granted or awarded sth(フレーズ)〈話〉欲張ったことをする、調子に乗る、悪乗りする

■Hullo = Hello

■cha-ching (interjection) Score!; wow!; said to celebrate sth that has made or will make lots of money(間投)もうかった!、カチャカチャ・チーン(キャッシュレジスターの音)

■wowser [wáuzər ] (exclamation) used to show surprise and sometimes pleasure(間)凄い!(人をあっと言わせるもの)

■chill out (phrase) to relax completely(フレーズ)〈主に米俗〉落ち着く

■make an issue out of sth (phrase) to argue about sth, especially in a way that annoys other people because they do not think it is important(フレーズ)ささいなことを問題にする

■greenback (n) a US dollar (US old-fashioned slang)(名)〈米俗・古〉ドル紙幣


■morgue [mɔ́rg ] (n) A mortuary. Alos used in reference to a place that is quiet, gloomy, or cold(名)死体安置所、陰気な場所

■impish (a) showing a child’s pleasure in enjoying yourself and making trouble(形)小鬼の(ような)、いたずらな

■care for (phrase) have a liking, fondness, or taste (for) (フレーズ)~を欲する、~を好む

■Care for ~?(フレーズ)~はいかが?


■pop a cap (phrase) to fire a gun, usually at sb(フレーズ)〈俗〉銃を発射する

■splish splash (n) a repeated splashing sound(名)バシャバシャ(水などをはね散らす音)

■hella (adv) very (副)〈俗〉とても、すごく、めちゃ

■lair (n) a refuge or place for hiding(名)〈話〉〔秘密の〕隠れ家

■big fucking deal(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉大したもの、一大事 → 反対の意味として「たいしたことない、どうでもいい」と皮肉として使われることがほとんど

■play it cool (phrase) make an effort to be or appear to be calm and unemotional(フレーズ)〈米俗〉冷静に振る舞う

■hellhole (n) an extremely unpleasant place(名)〔地獄のような〕恐ろしい場所、悪の巣くつ

■hit the light (phrase) to turn on/off a light(フレーズ)電気をつける、電気を消す

■hot tub(名)温水浴槽

■stash (n) something, such as money or an illegal drug, that has been hidden or stored(名)〈話〉隠してあるもの

■cash stash(名)タンス預金

■Don’t you dare (phrase) = don’t (フレーズ)やめなさい!

■cowabunga (exclamation) used to express delight or satisfaction.(間)わあ、きゃあ、ばんざい(歓喜を表す)

■why [wái ] (exclamation) used to express surprise or anger(間)おや、まあ(驚きや怒りを示す)

■harpoon [hɑrpúːn ] (v) to hit or kill a fish or whale with a harpoon(動)〔サメ・クジラ・巨大魚など〕に銛(モリ)を打ち込む

■revenge (n) harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone else(名)報復、仕返し、あだ討ち

■cheater (n) a person who acts dishonestly in order to gain an advantage(名)欺く人

■chickenshit (a) cowardly or fainthearted(形)〈卑〉臆病な

■stumble (v) 1. to walk in a way that does not seem controlled, 2. to make a mistake(動)1.〔歩いているときに〕ろめく、2.へまをやる

■back and forth (phrase) moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one(フレーズ)前後に、行ったり来たり

■stumble (v) 1. to walk in a way that does not seem controlled, 2. to make a mistake(動)1.〔歩いているときに〕よろめく、2.へまをやる

■humble (a) not proud or not believing that you are important(形)〔人が〕謙虚な、謙遜する

■groupie (n) a person who admires and tries to meet someone famous(名)熱烈なファン

■bros = brothers

■be all over (phrase) have a crush on(フレーズ)首ったけ、夢中

■ouch (exclamation) used to express sudden physical pain(間)痛い!

■stand up to (phrase) to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly(フレーズ)~に抵抗する

■get over(フレーズ) 乗り越える、克服する、〔意外なことなどを〕信じる


■yap (v) to talk continuously (動)絶え間なくしゃべる、ペチャクチャしゃべる

■Let’s jet. (phrase) Let’s bounce.(フレーズ)帰ろう、出よう

■call it a draw (phrase) if two opponents in a game call it a draw, they agree that neither of them has won(フレーズ)引き分けを宣言する

■chlorine (n) a chemical element that is a greenish-yellow gas with a strong smell, added to water in order to kill organisms that might cause infection(名)塩素

■bay (n) a part of the coast where the land curves in so that the sea is surrounded by land on three sides(名)湾、入り江

■soaked (a) extremely wet(形)ずぶぬれの、びしょびしょで

■perimeter [pərímətər] (n) the outer edge of an area of land or the border around it(名)〔平面図形の〕外周、〔地域を囲む〕境界

■prank (n) a trick that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage(名)いたずら、悪ふざけ


■turn around(フレーズ)向きを変える、方向転換する、Uターンする

■fugitive (n) a person who is running away(名)逃亡者、脱走者

■crash (v) (slang) sleep(動)〈米俗〉寝る

■You rock! (フレーズ)あなたは最高!

■photobomb(v) to appear behind or in front of someone when their photograph is being taken, usually doing something silly as a joke(動)〈話〉〔被写体とは無関係な人や物が写真に〕紛れ込む、こっそりと写る(名)〈話〉フォトボム(撮るつもりのない人や物が一緒に写ってしまっている写真)

■photo-hog (n) sb who somehow manages to make their way into all your photos(名)写真に写りたがる人

■hog (n) someone who takes much more than a fair share of something(名)欲張り・貪欲・利己的な人

■skid mark (n) black marks made by the tyres of a car when it starts or stops moving very quickly(名)タイヤ痕

■rejected (a) not given approval or acceptance(形)却下された、落選した

■pimp (v) (slang) make (something) more showy or impressive(動)~を改良する

■torch (v) to burn something intentionally and usually illegally (動)〔~に〕火を付ける、放火する

■chlorine (n) a chemical element that is a greenish-yellow gas with a strong smell, added to water in order to kill organisms that might cause infection(名)塩素

■generic(形) ノーブランドの、無印の

■second-guess yourself (phrase) to doubt yourself(フレーズ)自分を疑う、ああだこうだ考える

■take chances (phrase) behave in a way that leaves one vulnerable to danger or failure(フレーズ)危ない橋を渡る、思い切った冒険をする



■hardcore (a) brave, aggressive(形)強烈でカッコいい、刺激的

■stand a chance (phrase) have a prospect of success or survival(フレーズ)チャンス・見込みがある

■dork [dɔːk ] (n) a stupid, awkward person(名)〈俗〉ばか、あほ、とんま、愚か者、のろま

■You look sick = (slang) You look good


■mosh pit(名)モッシュピット(ロック・ヘビーメタルのステージの直前・かぶりつきの踊り場所)

■shaka brah (n) A hand gesture made by closing into a fist and then extending the thumb and pinky finger. From Hawaii and surf culture(名)サーファーがよくする親指と小指を立てるハンドサイン。

■wake and bake (phrase) The act of waking up of a morning and partaking of the chronic by means of a bong without leaving the comfort of one’s bed. (フレーズ)朝起きて、ベッドに寝ころんだまま麻薬を吸う行為。

■startle (v) to do something unexpected that surprises and sometimes worries a person or animal(動)~をびっくりさせる、ドキッとさせる


■chow  [tʃáu ] (v) eat (動)〈米俗〉食べる

■all the way (phrase) with all available condiments and dressings(フレーズ)トッピング全のせ

■would (modal verb) used to talk about things in the past that happened often or always(法助)かつて~だった

■sleep in (phrase) to sleep until later in the morning than you usually do (フレーズ)〔休日などに〕遅くまで寝ている、朝寝坊する

■live large (phrase) to have a luxurious lifestyle(フレーズ)豊かな・リッチな暮らしをする

■on the same page (phrase) to understand and agree with what is being done or suggested(フレーズ)〈米〉〔複数の人々が〕同じ考えを持っている

■否定的内容 + much less (フレーズ)まして…ない、なおさら…でない

■say it out loud (phrase) to say sth so it can be heard(フレーズ)声に出して言う、声を大にして言う

■be obsessed with (phrase) Excessively or solely focused on, preoccupied with(フレーズ)~で頭がいっぱいである

■voilà (exclamation) used when showing to other people something that you have just made or got and are pleased with(間投)〈フランス語〉ほら、じゃじゃーん

■fir for a king (phrase) of very good quality(フレーズ)上質な、贅沢な

■measure up to (phrase) to meet a particular requirement, standard, or expectation(フレーズ)〔標準に〕達する、〔基準・希望・期待・目的・理想などに〕見合う

■rock (v) to impress by wearing (an item of clothing) (動)〈米話〉〔衣服を自分に似合うように〕着こなす

■wowser [wáuzər ] (exclamation) used to show surprise and sometimes pleasure(間)凄い!(人をあっと言わせるもの)

■morbid (a) having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especiallydisease or death(形)病的な、不健全な

■be fucked up (phrase) broken, damaged, unhappy and emotionally damaged(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉ひどい、不快である、狂っている

■pick a fight (phrase) to intentionally start a fight(フレーズ)けんかを売る、からむ

■warden (n) a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity(名)〈米〉番人、監視人、刑務所長

■peek (v) to look, especially for a short time or while trying to avoid being seen(動)垣間見る、盗み見る

■nosey (a) too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them(形)詮索好きな、おせっかいな、他人のことに首を突っ込む

■jeez (exclamation) an expression of surprise or emotion(間)わー、えーっ(Jesusの婉曲的表現で、驚きや失望を表す発声)

■fly off the handle (phrase) lose one’s temper suddenly and unexpectedly(フレーズ)〈話〉〔人が〕自制心を失う、キレる

■run off(フレーズ)逃げ去る

■pee (v) urinate(動)おしっこをする

■back up (phrase) to provide support or help to someone or something(フレーズ)援護する、バックアップする

■listen to oneself(フレーズ)自分自身(の感情)に耳を傾ける

■whoa (exclamation) used to express surprise(間)おっと、うわ(驚きや呆れなど)

■Spoiler alert (phrase) a warning that an important detail of the plot development is about to be revealed(フレーズ)ネタバレ注意、ネタバレあり

■hooked up with (phrase) to start having a sexual relationship with sb(フレーズ)関りがある

■creepy (a) strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened(形)気味悪い、不快な気分にさせる

■bastard [ bǽstərd ] (n) an unpleasant person(名)〈米俗・軽蔑的〉不愉快なやつ、ろくでなし

■go through (phrase) search through or examine methodically(フレーズ)細かく調べる、捜索する

■pose (v) to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have(動)ふりをする

■tease (v) to laugh at sb or say unkind things about them(動)いじめる、からかう

■wasted (a) very drunk or ill from drugs(形)〈俗〉〔酒や麻薬で〕酔っぱらった

■hang out with sb (phrase) to spend time with sb(フレーズ)つるむ、親しくする

■shitballs (interjection ) explaining great frustration or fright(間)フラストレーションや強い恐怖を表現

■I/I’ve got this (phrase) used to tell sb that you can or will deal with something(フレーズ)私に任せて

■scrounge up (phrase) to seek or find despite a lack of apparent resources or availability(フレーズ)〔探し回って〕何とか~を手に入れる

■Scooby snack (n) a snack, especially if given as a reward(名)犬のおやつ

■distracted (a) nervous or confused because you are worried about sth(形)気を散らされた、注意散漫で、取り乱した

■mangy (a) suffering from mange(形)疥癬(かいせん)にかかった、汚らしい

■mutt (n) a dog, especially one whose parents are of different breeds(名)〈俗〉雑種犬

■snag [snǽg ] (v) (informal) to get or catch something by acting quickly(動)〈米話〉~をさっとつかむ

■have balls (phrase) (slang) have the courage(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉根性がある

■bitch (n) those who do not follow the rules, nasty person(名)ルールを守らないヤツ、嫌なヤツ(男女ともに使える)

■on your mark(フレーズ)位置について(競技の開始の掛け声)

■treat (n) an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure (名)〔飼い主などが動物に与える〕ご褒美

■A makes B A’s bitch. (phrase) A makes B as A told B., A makes B A’s slave.(フレーズ)AがBを支配下に置く

■snoop (v) to look around a place secretly, in order to discover things or find out information about sb or sth(動)〈話〉嗅ぎ回る、探る、コソコソ詮索する

■shithole (n) (informal) a very unpleasant place, especially one that is very dirty or poor(名)非常に汚い・不潔な・むさ苦しい場所

■Big Sur (n) a picturesque coastal region of California to the south of San Francisco(名)カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ南部の美しい海岸地域

■bang (v) to have sex with someone(動)〈卑俗〉(人)とセックスする

■straight up (phrase) (slang) exactly, truly(フレーズ)ガチで

■lie to one’s face (phrase) to lie directly to a person(フレーズ)直接ウソをつく

■be not much of a friend (phrase) used for saying that sb is not a very good example of friends(フレーズ)友達がいがない

■shit all over (phrase) To mistreat someone in a very cruel or unfair manner(フレーズ)~を完膚なきまでに打ち負かす、ひどい仕打ちをする

■bail on (phrase) to walk out on someone; to leave someone(フレーズ)〈米俗〉(人)を残して立ち去る、(人)を見捨てる

■glom onto (phrase) to become very interested in sth such as a new idea or fashion or in sb(フレーズ)〈俗〉~を手に入れる、~に強い興味を示す

■bullshit (n) complete nonsense or something that is not true(名)〈卑俗〉たわ言、でたらめ

■placeholder (n) a person or thing that occupies the position or place of another person or thing(名)他の人または物の位置または場所を占める人または物

■accident (n) sth that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally(名)偶然、偶然の出来事

■newfangled (a) recently created or invented(形)最新の

■scare (v) to (make a person or animal) feel frightened(動)怖がらせる、びっくりさせる

■keeper (n) sb with good qualities, who you can have a long relationship with or sth good that is likely to be successful or useful for a long time(名)〈話〉保有する価値のある物・人材

■pale (a) used to describe a person’s face or skin if it has less colour than usual(形)〔顔色などが〕青白い、青ざめた

■thumbs-up (n) used to show approval of sth (名)親指を立てるしぐさ、〈話〉賛成、OK

■thumbs-down (n) used to show disapproval of sth(名)親指を下げるしぐさ、〈話〉却下、NG

■groceries (n) the food and other items that you buy in a food store or supermarket(名)食料雑貨類

■score (interjection ) exclamation of happiness; “yay!”(間)〈話〉しめた、やった(大成功、素晴らしい成果)

■come in handy (phrase) to be useful(フレーズ)役に立つ、役立つ、重宝する

■blow (v) to lose a good opportunity by making a mistake or by being careless(動)台無しにする、しくじる

■That makes two of us./That makes all of us. (phrase) The same is true for me/us. (フレーズ)それは私(達)も同じです

■call (n) a decision(名)決定、選択

■good call (n) A good decision or idea(名)名案、正しい判断

■sell (v) to persuade sb that an idea or plan is a good one and likely to be successful(動)〈話〉〔考え・説明などを人に〕納得させる

■yonder (a/adv) (old use) in the place or direction shown; over there〈古〉あそこの・に

■be pissed at (phrase) annoyed(フレーズ)〈卑〉(人)にむかつく・腹を立てる

■potty (n) a small toilet used by children when they are being trained to use a toilet(名)〈幼児〉トイレ、おまる

■peace pipe (n) a decorated tobacco pipe used by Native Americans at official events, especially as a sign of peace (名)平和・和睦・和解のしるし



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