【確認用】ライフ イズ ストレンジ Life is Strange Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室



ビデオゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」 エピソード4: Dark Room 暗室

英語版「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」のエピソード4の通し動画。














エピソード4:Dark Room 暗室 語彙・フレーズ

■weird(a) very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural(形)奇妙な、変な

■hang out with sb (phrase) to spend time with sb(フレーズ)つるむ、親しくする

■Golden hour (n) the period of the day just before the sun sets or after it rises, when the light is redder and softer than usual so that photographs taken in it have a pleasing quality(名)夜明け直後か日暮れ直前の景色が赤みを帯びている時間帯。きれいな写真が撮れるので映像業界では“マジック・アワー”とも呼ばれる。

■beach (v) to pull or force a boat, etc. out of the water onto the land(動)ビーチに乗り上げさせる、浜に引き上げる

■survivor (n) a person who is able to continue living their life successfully despite experiencing difficulties(名)生存者、逆境に強い人、〔災害や苦難を〕逃れた人

■deal with (phrase) to do sth in order to achieve sth or in order to solve a problem(フレーズ)〔問題などに〕取り組む、対応する

■along with (phrase) in company with or at the same time as(フレーズ)~と一緒に、~と併せて

■feel guilty (phrase) to feel ashamed and remorseful about sth(フレーズ)罪の意識を感じる、罪悪感を覚える

■prick (n) a stupid man(名)嫌な[愚劣な・ひどい]やつ

■SUV (n) sport utility vehicle(名)スポーツ用多目的車

■cut off (phrase) block sb’s way(フレーズ)~の進行を妨げる、行く手を遮る

■ditch (n) a long, narrow open hole that is dug into the ground, usually at the side of a road or field(名)溝、水路

■buttet time (n) a highly sophisticated slow motion special effect technique used to show a bullet in flight(名)ブレットタイム(複数のカメラで、一瞬を高速撮影する手法)

■snap (v) to cause sth that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound(動)〔鋭い音を立てて〕折れる、〔パキッという〕音を立てる

■not move a muscle (phrase) to stay completely still(フレーズ)身動き一つしない

■get to (phrase) to have an opportunity to do something(フレーズ)~する機会を得る、~できるようになる

■end up doing (phrase) to finally be in a particular place or situation(フレーズ)最後には~になる~する羽目になる

■vanish (v) to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way(動)突然見えなくなる、消える

■out of the blue (phrase) completely unexpected(フレーズ)思いがけなく、突然、いきなり

■hella (adv) very (副)〈俗〉とても、すごく、めちゃ

■no offense (phrase) used before a statement to indicate that one does not want to cause a person or group to feel upset by what is about to be said(フレーズ)悪気はない

■None taken (phrase) not insulted by what you just said(フレーズ)そのように受け取ってない→ 気にしてない

■lair (n) a refuge or place for hiding(名)〈話〉〔秘密の〕隠れ家

■cell (n) a small room with not much furniture, especially in a prison or a monastery or convent(名)〔刑務所の〕監房、独房

■bust one’s ass (phrase) try very hard to do sth(フレーズ)〈米・卑俗〉身を粉にして働く、必死に頑張る

■brat (n) child, especially one who behaves badly(名)悪ガキ

■excuse (n) a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong(名)弁解、言い訳

■pathetic (a) unsuccessful or showing no ability, effort, or bravery, so that people feel no respect(形)哀れな、(惨め過ぎて)見ていられない

■sensitive (a) understanding what other people need, and being helpful and kind to them 〔他の人に〕思いやりがある、親切な

■rage on (phrase) to get an erection out of anger(フレーズ)荒れ狂う

■take a dump (phrase) to defecate(フレーズ)排便する

■bum (n) the part of the body that you sit on (名)〈英・卑俗〉尻、けつ

■flip around (phrase) to turn around(フレーズ)ひっくり返す、180度転換する

■No wonder (phrase) it is not surprising(フレーズ)~も不思議ではない、道理で~なわけだ



■in one’s own way (phrase) In a manner that is unique to oneself(フレーズ) 自分なりに、独自のやり方で

■Check me out. (phrase) Look at me. (フレーズ)私を見てよ。

■guilt-trip (v) to make sb feel guilty, usually in order to make them do sth (動)(人)に罪悪感を抱かせる

■suck (v) (slang) If sb or sth sucks, that person or thing is bad or unpleasant(動)(俗・軽蔑的〉最悪である、非常にむかつく

■medical bill (n) statement of charges for medical services(名)医療費

■insane (a) extremely unreasonable or stupid(形)〈話〉常軌を逸した、バカげた、愚かな

■broke (a) without money(形)〈話〉無一文の、金欠の

■worth (a) having a particular value(形)~の価値がある、~のかいがある

■priceless (a) having such a high value, especially because it is rare, that the price of it cannot be calculated(形)値段が付けられないほど価値のある

■pun (n) a humorous use of a word or phrase that has several meanings or that sounds like another word(名)駄じゃれ、語呂合わせ

■no pun intended (フレーズ)しゃれを言うつもりではなく

■chill out (phrase) to relax completely(フレーズ)〈主に米俗〉落ち着く

■banga (n) fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead(名)前髪

■get the show on the road (phrase) begin work(フレーズ)始める、開始する

■fall asleep on someone (phrase) to sleep while sb is still there/to sleep while sb’s talking to you(フレーズ)相手を残して寝落ちする

■How dare you? (フレーズ)よくもそんなことができたね!

■beat (a) tired (形)〈話〉疲れ切って、へとへとで

■wide awake (phrase) fully awake(フレーズ)すっかり目覚めた

■crash (v) (slang) sleep(動)〈米俗〉寝る

■blast (n) great time/experience(名)〈話〉とても楽しい経験・時間

■dorky (a) physically or socially awkward or not fashionable(形)〈米俗〉ばかな、役立たずの

■bullshit (v) to try to persuade sb or make them admire you by saying things that are not true(動)〈卑俗〉たわ言・デタラメを言う、くだらない話をする

■Pretty please. (phrase) an extra cute way to say please(フレーズ)Pleaseの可愛らしい言い方


■Star Trek shit (phrase) Technology features of today that feel like they belong so far in the future that it would appear in an episode of Star Trek(フレーズ)スタートレックに出てくるような未来的な技術的特徴

■swag (n) money or goods taken by a thief or burglar(名)〈俗〉盗品、略奪品

■Blue pill (n) that makes you feel safe and happy, but stop you from seeing how things really are. This refers to a scene in the film “The Matrix” where a character is offered a choice between a red pill, which reveals the true world, and a blue pill, which keeps it hidden(名)現実を忘れてハッピーになれる青い薬(映画「マトリックス」に出てきた薬。青を飲めば幸せな仮想現実の世界に戻り、赤を飲めば辛い現実世界に行き真実を知る)

■folks (n) people, especially those of a particular group or type (名)人々、家族

■screw up (phrase) cause sth to fail or go wrong(フレーズ)台無しにする、大失敗する

■mushy [mʌ́ʃi ] (a) too emotional(形)〈話〉過度に感傷的な

■emo (a) having and expressing strong feelings(形)〈話〉情緒不安定な、憂鬱な

■time-out (n) a quiet period used especially as a disciplinary measure for children(名)タイムアウト(悪い事をした子どもに反省をさせるために、数分間黙らせておくこと)

■banish (v) to send sb away, especially from their country, and not allow them to come back(動)〔学校・家・国・団体などから〕追い出す、追放する

■badass (a) used to describe sb or sth you admire or find impressive(形)〈主に米・卑俗〉大胆不敵な、超格好いい

■gear (n) the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a particular activity(名)道具、用具一式、衣服、服装

■take over (phrase) to begin to have control of something(フレーズ)奪取する、乗っ取る、占領する

■respiratory (a) relating to breathing(形)呼吸(器官)の

■fail (v) to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do(動)機能しなくなる、役に立たなくなる

■zonked out (phrase) extremely tired / passed out(フレーズ)意識を失っている、非常に疲れている

■put off (phrase) to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date (フレーズ)延期する、先送りする

■the inevitable (n) sth that is certain to happen and cannot be prevented(名)不可避のもの、必ず起きること

■crank up (phrase) to increase sth (フレーズ) 〈話〉〔音量・効率・速度・強度などを〕上げる

■IV (n) intravenous injection (名)点滴

■no matter what (phrase) used to emphasize that sth is always true, or that sb must do sth(フレーズ)たとえ何があろうと

■at the mercy of (phrase) to be in a situation where sb or sth has complete power over you(フレーズ)~のなすがままに、~の言いなりで

■newfangled (a) recently created or invented(形)最新の

■scare (v) to (make a person or animal) feel frightened(動)怖がらせる、びっくりさせる

■keeper (n) sb with good qualities, who you can have a long relationship with or sth good that is likely to be successful or useful for a long time(名)〈話〉保有する価値のある物・人材

■swear jar (n) a coin bank that one puts a coin into whenever he says sth profane(名)誰かが汚い言葉(swear word)を言ったら罰金をいれるビン(Jar)

■blow (v) to lose a good opportunity by making a mistake or by being careless(動)台無しにする、しくじる

■That makes two of us./That makes all of us. (phrase) The same is true for me/us. (フレーズ)それは私(達)も同じです

■have one’s back (phrase) to be ready to protect or defend sb(フレーズ)守る、背中から支える

■grope (v) to feel with your hands, especially in order to find or move towards sth when you cannot see easily(動)まさぐる、痴漢行為をする

■space out (phrase) daydream about nothing in particular(フレーズ)〈俗〉ぼんやりする、ボーッとする

■decipher (v) to discover the meaning of sth written badly or in a difficult or hidden way(動)〔判読が難しいものを〕読み解く、〔暗号を〕解読する

■logbook (n) a book in which someone records details and events relating to sth, for example a journey or period of their life, or a vehicle.(名)日誌(何かに関連する詳細やイベントを記録する本。例えば、旅、人生、乗り物などについて)

■douche [dúːʃ ] (n) (informal) an unpleasant person(名)(俗・軽蔑的〉嫌なやつ

■whatevs = slang for whatever

■pay off (phrase) to pay (a debt or a creditor ) in full(フレーズ)完済する、清算する

■get busy (phrase) begin work or tasks that need to be done(フレーズ)すぐに取り掛かる、仕事を始める、テキパキする

■dirt (n) unpleasant or bad details about sb’s private life(名)うわさ話、ゴシップ、醜聞

■dig up dirt (phrase) try to discover unpleasant details on sb(フレーズ)ゴシップを掘り出す、秘密を暴露する

■cyberstalk (v) to stalk (a person) over the internet(動)ネットを使ってストーカー行為をする

■score (interjection ) exclamation of happiness; “yay!”(間)〈話〉しめた、やった(大成功、素晴らしい成果)

■Are you happay? = Are you satisfied with what you got?

■surveillance (n) the careful watching of a person or place, because of a crime that has happened or is expected(名)監視、見張り

■bust (v) (slang) catch someone who does something wrong(動)(スラング)悪いことをした人をつかまえる

■I hear you (phrase) used for telling sb that you understand their opinion, especially when you disagree with it(フレーズ)言いたいことは分かる、そうだね

■stoked (a) excited and very happy about sth (形)〈米俗〉〔気分が〕かき立てられた、ワクワクした、興奮した

■chill (v) calm down(動)〈主に米俗〉落ち着く、くつろぐ

■subtle (a) not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way(形)さりげない、微妙な、すぐには分からない

■subtle hint(フレーズ)何げないヒント

■assume (v) to accept sth as true without question or proof(動)~と推測する、~と見なす

■text (v) to send someone a text message by phone(動)〔携帯電話でメールを〕書く、打つ、送信する

■watch out for (phrase) to be careful of sth or sb(フレーズ)~に注意する、~を監視する

■pay a visit to (phrase) to visit a person or place, usually for a short time(フレーズ)~を訪問する

■lame (a) uninspiring and dull, convincingly feeble(形)〔説明・言い訳などが〕説得力のない、下手な、まずい、見え透いた

■duty calls (phrase) a phrase used to indicate that one must return to work or do a particular task(フレーズ)仕事をしないと

■get in/into the habit of (phrase) to make sb start doing sth as a habit (フレーズ)~する習慣を身に付ける

■date (n) a person you have a romantic meeting with(名)〈米話〉デートの相手

■keep up with sb/sth (phrase) to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with sb or sth(フレーズ)~に遅れずについていく、~と歩調を合わせる

■co-ed (a) coeducational(形)男女共学の、男女両用の

■give a signal (フレーズ)合図する、信号を送る

■got/have sb/sth by the balls (phrase) have complete control over sb or sth(フレーズ)~の急所を握っている、~の首根っこを押さえる

■nosy (a) too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them(形)詮索好きな、おせっかいな

■Make me! (phrase) Try to make me do it, if you can!(フレーズ)できるものならやってみろ!

■ho (n) a prostitute (名)売春婦、最低な女

■get out of my face (phrase) a rude way of telling sb that they are annoying you and should stop(フレーズ)消え失せろ、やめろ

■get off me! (phrase) stop touching sb(フレーズ)私を離しなさい

□get off of me! (フレーズ)私から離れなさい

■intense (a) extreme and forceful(形)強烈な、激しい

■headbutt (v) to hit sb with your head(動)~に頭突きをする

■call the cops on someone (phrase) report sb’s behavior to the police(フレーズ)~のことを警察に通報する

■the apocalypse (n) in the Bible, the total destruction and end of the world(名)世の終末、大災害

■around the corner (phrase) coming very soon(フレーズ)すぐ近くに、間近に

■alpha (a) used to describe sb who is strong or powerful, and who likes to be in charge of others (形)〔群れの中で〕第1位の

■make a date with (phrase) to arrange to meet sb on a particular day(フレーズ)時間と場所を決めて(人)と会う約束をする

■dick around (phrase) to waste time; to lose focus; to lack seriousness of purpose(フレーズ)〈俗〉時間を浪費する、焦点を失う、目的の深刻さを欠く

■Let’s roll (phrase) used to tell another person or a group of people to start leaving a place or to start doing sth(フレーズ)さあ始めよう、よし行こう

■in person (phrase) with the personal presence or action of the individual specified(フレーズ)じかに、本人が直接に

■have lady balls (phrase) When a girl has the “balls” to do sth(フレーズ)(女性が)度胸がある、根性がある

■for a good cause (phrase) it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people(フレーズ)大義名分の下で、正当な理由があって

■handout [hǽndàut ] (n) something such as food, clothing, or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it(名)〔乞食への〕施し、施し物、お恵み

■work for a living (phrase) to have as one’s job(フレーズ)食べるために働く

■snobby (a) characterized by snobbery(形)お高くとまった、鼻持ちならない

■go ballistic (phrase) to become extremely angry(フレーズ)〈話〉〔人が〕カッとなる、怒鳴りだす、キレる

■fuckup (n) a person who has a tendency to make a mess of things(名)〈卑俗〉大間違い、どじ、ぶち壊し、へまをやる人

■nuisance [núːsəns ] (n) sth or sb that annoys you or causes trouble for you(名)迷惑、迷惑な行為、厄介者、妨害

■bullshit (v) to try to persuade sb or make them admire you by saying things that are not true(動)〈卑俗〉たわ言・デタラメを言う

■pop gun (n) a child’s toy gun which shoots a harmless pellet or cork(名)子どもが使うオモチャの空気鉄砲

■shoot (v) 1. to fire a bullet, 2. to use a camera to record a video or take a photograph(動)1.〔銃を〕撃つ、 2.〔写真や映画の〕撮影をする

■Are we cool (phrase) do you NOT have any anger or hurt feelings toward me? (フレーズ)大丈夫、敵意はない

■mess with (phrase) to treat someone in a bad, rude, or annoying way(フレーズ)~に干渉する、~に盾突く、~にちょっかいを出す

■You’re in way over your head (phrase) the situation that you are in is much too difficult for you; you are not capable of dealing with it(フレーズ)難し過ぎて手に負えない状態にある

□over your head (phrase) too difficult or strange for you to understand(フレーズ)難しすぎて歯が立たない

■dork [dɔːk ] (n) a stupid, awkward person(名)〈俗〉ばか、あほ、とんま、愚か者、のろま

■Amen to that (phrase) said to show that you agree strongly with sth that sb has just said(フレーズ)まったく同感,異議なし

■account book(名)会計帳簿

■encrypt (v) to change electronic information or signals into a secret code(動)暗号化する

■tail (v) to follow and watch sb very closely, especially in order to get information secretly(動)尾行する

■get somewhere (phrase) make progress; achieve success(フレーズ)成功する、効果がある

■plug in(フレーズ)入力する

■drug (v) to give a person or animal a chemical that causes a loss of feeling or the condition of being unconscious(動)~に薬を飲ませる、~に薬物を入れる

■(It) couldn’t hurt to do sth (phrase) used to mean that doing sth would not be harmful and might even be helpful(フレーズ)~してみたとしても害にはならない・損はない

□It doesn’t hurt to try 試してみること自体に害はない→損にはならないのでダメもとでやってみる

■give sb/sth a whack (phrase)1. hit sb/sth, 2. give it a try(フレーズ) 1. ~をピシャリとたたく、2. 試してみる

■PIN code (n) Personal Identification Number(名)個人識別番号

■booyah (exclamation ) used to express triumph or exuberance(間)やったー!、どうだ!

■go through(フレーズ) くまなく調べる、捜索する

■dig up (phrase) to find information by searching carefully(フレーズ)慎重に調べて情報を見つける

■barn [bɑːrn ] (n) a large building on a farm in which animals or hay (= dried grass) and grain are kept(名)納屋、倉庫、物置

■haunted (a) a haunted place is one where ghosts often appear(形)幽霊のよく出る、とりつかれた

■farmhouse (n) the main house on a farm where the farmer lives(名)〔農場内の〕母屋、家屋

■infinite (a) without limits; extremely large or great(形)無限の、計り知れない、終わりのない

■way too (phrase) excessively(フレーズ)あまりに、はるかに、すごく

■goose bumps (n) a temporary condition in which small raised swellings appear on the skin because of cold, fear, or excitement(名)〔寒さ・恐怖などによって皮膚に生じる〕鳥肌

■chest (n) a large, strong box, usually made of wood(名) 〔蓋付きの頑丈な〕収納箱

■jeez (exclamation) an expression of surprise or emotion(間)わー、えーっ(Jesusの婉曲的表現で、驚きや失望を表す発声)

■ancient (a) of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time(形)古代の、古びた、時代がかった

■look closer(フレーズ)もっとじっくり見る、もっと詳しく検証する

■bomb shelter(名)爆弾攻撃から身を守るための防空施設

■scrapbook (名)新聞や雑誌から切り抜いた記事を張っておく帳面

■scope out (phrase) to look carefully(フレーズ)~をよく見る、~を詳しく調べる

■rotten (a) decaying(形)腐っている、朽ちかけた

■with one’s bare hands (phrase) do it without using any weapons or tools (フレーズ)素手で

■at your service (phrase) you are willing to help them in any way you can(フレーズ)どうぞ何なりとお申し付けください

■be all over it/that (phrase) to be dealing with sth with a lot of effort, energy, or success(フレーズ)全力で取り組みます、興味がある

■thy [ðái ] (determiner) your: the possessive form of thou, used when speaking to one person(限)「your」の古い言い方

■will (n) the mental power used to control and direct your thoughts and actions, or a determination todo sth, despite any difficulties or opposition(名)意志

■Thy will be done (phrase) Your will be done(フレーズ)御心のままに

*「Thy will be done」は新約聖書に出てくる文で「thy will」は「神の意志・御心」を指します

■step away(フレーズ)離れる、身を引く

■jackpot (n) an outstanding reward or success(名)大当たり

■cost a fortune (phrase) to cost a lot of money(フレーズ)大金がかかる

■doped up (phrase) under the influence of drugs(フレーズ)薬のせいでぼうっとしている

■furious (a) extremely angry (形)激怒した

■pass out (phrase) to become unconscious for a short time (フレーズ)意識を失う、気絶する

■be out of it (phrase) not conscious of where you are or what condition you are in as a result of taking alcohol or drugs(フレーズ)ボーッとしている、うつろである

■a shitload of = a lot of

■get/take revenge (フレーズ)復讐する

■don’t give a shit (phrase) don’t care about(フレーズ)興味ない

■go down (phrase) If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens(フレーズ)(俗)〔出来事が〕起きる、起こる

■go down (phrase) to lose or be defeated(フレーズ)敗れる、打ち破られる

■be holed up (phrase) to stay in a safe place, often as a way of avoiding sth or hiding from sb(フレーズ)隠れている、潜伏している

■pain in the booty/ass/butt (phrase) sb or sth that is very annoying(フレーズ)うざい、厄介、イライラする

■creep out (phrase) give sb an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease(フレーズ)〈俗〉ひどくゾッとさせる

■put up (phrase) display a notice, sign, or poster(フレーズ)掲示する

■meds (n) = medication or medicine(名)〈話〉医薬品

■freak (n) 1. sb who uses an illicit drug 2.sb who looks strange or behaves in a strange way(名)〈俗〉薬中毒者、〈話〉変人

■have a meltdown (phrase) to become extremely angry(フレーズ)キレる、癇癪をおこす

■deadly (a) complete or extreme(形)甚だしい、致命的な

■get hit with (phrase) receiving sth unwanted(フレーズ)~を吹っ掛けられる、~で打撃を受ける

■boss around (phrase) to tell sb what to do(フレーズ)威張り散らす、偉そうに命令する

■Au revoir (phrase) good bye in French(フレーズ)バイバイ(仏語)


■be on a mission (phrase) undertaking a task that one considers to be a very important duty(フレーズ)任務を負っている、懸命になっている

■be pals/friends with (phrase) to be someone’s friend(フレーズ)~と親しい、~と友達である

■make sense (phrase) be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable(フレーズ)道理にかなう、意味をなす

■build up (phrase) to cause sth to increase or become greater(フレーズ)高める、築き上げる

■get in the way (phrase) to make it difficult for it to happen, continue, or be appreciated properly (フレーズ)邪魔・妨げ・障害になる

■What a shocker (phrase) phrase denoting utmost surprise at a certain event or happening. can also be used as sarcasm.(フレーズ) 1.驚いた、2. おやこれは驚きだねぇ(本当は全然ビックリしていない。わざと反対のことを言っている)

■live up to (phrase) to achieve what is expected, esp. high standards(フレーズ)(期待など)に沿う・応える

■decicate (v) believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it(動)専念する、打ち込む


■stomp (v) to put a foot down on the ground hard and quickly, making a loud noise (動)〔足を〕踏み鳴らす

■stomp around(フレーズ)ドタドタ・ズカズカと歩く

■jump someone (phrase) to attack sb suddenly(フレーズ)~に急に飛び掛かる、~に突然襲い掛かる

エピソード4:Dark Room 暗室 予習・復習用動画



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