「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch1p2 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 1: Side A  part 2)

アレックス: キレイ。

It’s nice.


ゲイブ: ほら。

Come on.




アレックス: このお店がヘイブンツアーの最初の公式訪問地?

Is this the first official stop on the tour?


ゲイブ: その通り。中についてくれば貴重なショーも見られる。“ゲイブ・チェン、お怒り中の彼女につぐないの花を買う”だ。

Absolutely. If you follow me inside you’ll find our prized exhibit: Gabe Chen Buys Makeup Flowers for Angry Girlfriend.


■Absolutely (adv) completely(副)間違いなく、もちろん

■prized (a) highly valued (形)極めて貴重な、珍重される

■exhibit (n) an object that is shown to the public in a museum, etc. (名)展示品、展覧会

■makeup (n) sth that makes up for a previous postponement, omission, failure, or deficiency(名)埋め合わせ


アレックス: へぇ、それは早く見たいな。

Oh, I can’t wait.



It’s gotten so-so reviews.


■so-so (a) neither very good nor very bad(形)〈話〉良くも悪くもない、まあまあの

■review (n) a critical appraisal of a book, play, film, etc. published in a newspaper or magazine(名)〔商品・作品・公演などの〕批評、評価、レビュー




ライリー: あら、ゲイブ。

Hey Gabe.


ゲイブ: ライリー、妹のアレックスを連れてきたぜ。

Riley, meet my sister Alex.



What’s your greatest weakness?


アレックス: えっ・・・なに?

Uh… what?


ゲイブ: 受験する大学の面接対策だ。俺たち、ここ何日も議論してんの。

It’s for a college interview. We’ve been debating this one for days.


■debate (v) argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner(動)議論する



Gabe insists that I give an honest answer.


■insist (v) persist in doing sth(動)主張する、求める

■honest (a) free of deceit; truthful and sincere(形)正直な、誠実な、ごまかしがない


ゲイブ: 正直に答えるほうがいいだろ。

It’s always better to give an honest answer.


アレックス: 他に何かある? ウソとか?

And what’s the alternative? Lying?


■alternative (n) one of two or more available possibilities(名)別の可能性、取って代わるもの



Not lying. More like… strategic, half-truthing. Like “I work too hard” or “I save too many puppies.”


■strategic (a) relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them(形)戦略的な

■half-truth (n) a statement that is intended to deceive by being only partly true(名)一部だけが真実の言葉、騙すかまたは誤らせることを意図した部分的に真実の声明

■save (v) to stop sb/sth from being killed, injured, or destroyed(動)救う、助ける

■puppy (n) a young dog(名)子犬



They can smell that bullshit a mile away. I’ve been trying to warn her.


■bullshit (n) complete nonsense or sth that is not true(名)〈卑俗〉たわ言、でたらめ

■warn (v) give sb cautionary advice about their actions or conduct(動)警告する、注意するように言う


ライリー: そう? アレックスならどうする?

Oh yeah? What would you do?



I would be honest. It’s usually harder, but then you come off as more authentic.


■honest (a) free of deceit; truthful and sincere(形)正直な、誠実な、ごまかしがない

■come off as (phrase) to seem to be (a specified quality or character)(フレーズ)~の印象を与える、~のように見える

■authentic (a) of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine(形)本物の、信頼できる



Called it!


■called it (phrase) To say sth before it happen that you predicted would(フレーズ)予想通り、言った通り


ライリー: うわー、ふたりはもう息もぴったりってことね。

Wow, you two are already Wonder Twinning your way through town.


*The Wonder Twins: Superhero duo from American animated TV series ワンダーツインズ:米国アニメの双子のスーパーヒーロー


アレックス: そうみたい。

Seems that way.


ゲイブ:アレックス、ちょっと頼む。シャーロット用にどっち買えばいい? ヒマワリは彼女の好きな花で・・・でも謝る時はスズランがいいってネットで読んだんだ。どう思う?

Alex, help me out real quick. What do I get for Charlotte? Sunflowers are her favorite… But I read online that lily-of-the-valley is great for saying sorry. What do you think?


■lily-of-the-valley (n) a small plant with large, oval leaves and small, bell-shaped, white flowers that smell sweet(名)スズラン



If Charlotte loves sunflowers, go with the sunflowers.



That’s what I was thinking!



You know, if Mac brought me flowers half as often, well… he wouldn’t be Mac.


ゲイブ: お前らまだくっついたり離れたりしてんのか?

Is it still on and off with you two?


■on and off (phrase) When you and your girlfriend/boyfriend are on and off, you break up one day and back together the next(フレーズ)恋人同士がくっついたり離れたりしてる状態


ライリー: まあそんな感じかな。今はくっついてるって言えるけど、五分後聞かれたらどっちって答えるかな。

Sort of. More on right now, but wait five minutes and ask again.


■sort of (phrase) used to say that sth is partly true but does not describe the exact situation(フレーズ)まぁそんな感じかな



Put this on my tab?


■put ~ on someone’s tab (phrase) to pay the whole amount later(フレーズ)~を(人)のつけにしておく


ライリー: ええ。




Are you sure you don’t want to just tell Mac about the interview?



No, not yet. I’ll handle it.


■handle (v) to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of(動)扱う、対処する



ありがとな! またな、ライリー。

Okay. Your call.

Thanks! See you soon, Ri.


■call (n) a decision(名)決定、選択





How long have you and Charlotte been dating?



Hm, about three years now, I think?



You must spend a lot of money on bouquets.



She’s worth it.


■worth (a) having a particular value(形)~の価値がある、~のかいがある





Gabe Chen, Flower Delivery Man.



I know, right? Let me duck in here and smooth everything out. It’ll only be a minute. Hey, I’ll introduce you properly later. Once, you know…


■duck into (phrase) to move quickly to a place(フレーズ)~に中にさっと・素早く入る

■smooth out (phrase) to reduce the difficulties or changes in a process or situation(フレーズ)〔問題を〕片付ける、〔障害を〕取り除く

■properly (adv) correctly or satisfactorily(副)適切に、ちゃんと、きっちりと



It’s no problem, really.





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