「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch2p4 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 2: Lantans ランタン  part 4)


Might be a good time to check out the dispensary. Jed said Charlotte wants to talk to me.





Oh, sorry.



We met briefly, you’re Gabe Chen’s sister, right?


■briefly (adv) for a short time(副)少しの間、一時的に、簡潔に



Alex, yeah.



I didn’t know him well, but I could tell he had a big heart. I’m so sorry for your loss.


■loss (n) the death of a person(名)死、死去、逝去








Alex. Hey.



Jed said you wanted to see me.



I just wanted to see how you were doing.


アレックス:大丈夫だよ。元気ださないとね。そっちは? すごく辛いよね。

I’m okay. Keeping my chin up. How about you? I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.


■keep one’s chin up (phrase) remain cheerful in difficult circumstances(フレーズ)〔困難な状況で〕元気を失わない、元気を出す

■go through (phrase) undergo (a difficult period or experience) (フレーズ)〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験・経験する



Honestly, I’m really trying to keep it together for Ethan. But he’s shutting me out. He’s never done that before.


■keep it together (phrase) to maintain composure; to avoid an overly emotional reaction; to suppress an instinct or urge(フレーズ)うろたえない、(感情を)抑えろ、我慢しろ

■shut someone out (phrase) to prevent sb from having anything to do with sth(フレーズ)(人)が~に関わることを妨げる



He’s a pretty insightful kid. He knows how much you’re hurting, even when you try to hide it from him. Instead of trying to be strong, maybe the best thing you can do is show him that it’s okay to hurt?


■insightful (a) having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive(形)洞察力のある、物事の実態・真相を見抜く力のある

■instead of (preposition) in place of sb or sth(前)~の代わりに




That’s really helpful Alex, thank you.

I can’t get over the feeling that the one person who could help me deal with the aftermath of Gabe’s death…Is Gabe.


■helpful (a) willing to help, or useful(形)助けになる、有益な

■aftermath (n) the consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event(名)〔災害や不運などの〕余波、後遺症、影響



What is this?



An affidavit. From Typhon. If I sign, I’m agreeing not to press charges in exchange for a payment. A big one.


■affidavit (n) a written statement that sb makes after promising officially to tell the truth. An affidavit can be used as proof in a law court (名)《法律》宣誓供述書

■press charges (phrase) to complain officially about sb in a law court(フレーズ)告発する

■in exchange for (phrase) given because of sth that has been given to you(フレーズ)~と交換に、~の見返りに



That’s so shady. Why would they be offering you money if they didn’t do anything wrong?


■shady (a) dishonest or illegal(形)〈話〉〔行為などが〕後ろ暗い、疑わしい

■offer (v) to ask sb if they would like to have sth or if they would like you to do sth(動)提案する、提示する



They say it’s an “offer of good faith,” but you’re right. He’s dead because of them and I’d be letting them off.


■good faith (n) done in an honest and sincere way(名)誠意、誠実

■let off (phrase) punish someone lightly or not at all for a misdemeanour or offence(フレーズ)~を放免する



Are you gonna sign it?


シャーロット:分からないわ。イーサンのことを何より優先したいの、でも・・・アレックスならどうする? サインしたらゲイブへの裏切りになると思う?

I don’t know. I’m trying to put Ethan first, but…What would you do? Do you think it would be a betrayal of Gabe?


■put sb/sth first (phrase) to treat sb/sth as being more important than anyone or anything else(フレーズ)~を第一に考える、~を最優先する

■betrayal (n) an act of betraying sb/sth, or the fact of sb/sth being betrayed(名)裏切り、密告、背信



You have to put Ethan first. If the money helps, I think you should take it.



Thanks, Alex. That means the world.



Steph asked me to swing by.


■swing by (phrase) to briefly go somewhere, esp. on your way to another place (フレーズ)~に立ち寄る、~に寄り道をする





Hey. I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve only got a sec, but…What if Ethan needs something fun and distracting. Something like a LARP.


■stop by (phrase) to go into a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else(フレーズ)途中で立ち寄る

■distracting (a) making it difficult for sb to give their attention to sth(形)気晴らしになる、気が紛れる



Like the one you and Gabe were gonna take him to?



Yeah, but designed just for him. And Thaynor.



Can we even pull that off?


■pull off (phrase) to succeed in doing(フレーズ)〈話〉〔困難な状況の中で~を〕うまくやり通す、成功させる

例)何とかなるかもしれない。Maybe I can pull this off.


ステフ:質の高いものにはならないけど、それでも楽しいものになるはず。で、協力してもらいたいことがあって。できるだけいいモノにしたいし。イーサンのマンガもらったよね? じゃあ、有名なモンスタースレイヤーにふさわしいやられ役はどっちだと思う?

It won’t be high production value, but it’ll still be fun. I need your help, though. I want it to be as good as it can be. Ethan gave you one of his comics, right? So, what do you think? Who would the famous monter slayer have the most fun defeating?


■defeat (v) to win against sb in a fight, war, or competition(動)負かす、倒す



Stormwrither looks like a worthy opponent. He gets my vote.


■worthy (a) not very interesting but should be admired for its good and useful qualities(形)~に値する、~するに足りる

■opponent (n) a person you are competing against(名)競争相手、対抗者、敵

■vote (n) the act of showing your choice or opinion in an election or meeting by writing an X on an official piece of paper or putting your hand up(名)投票



Alright then. Oh, I gotta get back in there. There’s some stuff in my comp book. It’d be cool if you could check it out, help me make some calls?


■comp book(名)学習ノート(アメリカ・ミード社のノート「COMPOSITION BOOK」のこと。学生の間でよく使われているノートで、日本でいう「campusノート」みたいな感じ?)

■help someone (to) do(フレーズ)(人)が~するのを手伝う

*「help sb to do」でも「help sb do」でもどっちでも間違いではないですが、ネイティブはほとんど「to」のない「help sb do」の方を使います。

■call (n) a decision(名)決定、選択



I’ll see what I can do.





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