「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch4p6 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 4: Flicker ゆらめき part 6)




Hey. Jed.



There she is. Have a seat. Something tells me you’ve had a more exciting Spring Festival than you planned for.


■there she is /there you are(フレーズ)ここにいたんだ、来たね、いた!いた!、見つけた!

■something tells me (phrase) saying you think sth is probably true(フレーズ)何となく~だと思う、どうやら~のようだ



You saw Pike arrest me?


■arrest (v) seize sb by legal authority and take them into custody(動)逮捕・拘束する



And let you go, apparently. Then there’s that business with Ryan and Steph earlier today. I wasn’t sure why it took all three of you to work out Diane’s lunch order. I know you’re used to looking out for yourself. Gabe was like that. But Haven’s a community. We help each other. I wanna help you. But first, you have to let me know what’s going on.


■apparently (adv) used to say you have read or been told sth although you are not certain it is true(副)一見したところ~のようだ、〔聞いた情報によると〕どうも~らしい、どうやら~らしい

■be used to (phrase) be accustomed to / be familiar with(フレーズ)~に慣れている、~するのはお手のものである、~するのに向いている

■look out for (phrase) to try to notice sb/sth(フレーズ)~に気を配る、~の面倒を見る

■go on (phrase) happen (フレーズ)起こる、発生する



I’ve been chasing proof that Typhon was responsible for Gabe’s death, and…I found out they buried something. A secret. Now they’re threatening me. And Steph. And…Ryan.


■chase (v) pursue in order to catch or catch up with(動)追い求める、追う

■proof (n) evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement(名)確かな証拠

■bury (v) to put sth into a hole in the ground and cover it(動)〔土中に〕~を埋める、葬る、〔見えないように物を〕隠す

■threaten (v) to warn of sth unpleasant or unwanted(動)脅す、脅迫する



Threatened how?



Pike showed me photos. Typhon’s been watching us. I signed something. Just to get them off of Steph and Ryan. I promised I wouldn’t press charges against Typhon, but…I’m not giving up, Jed.


■get off of (phrase) to stop holding or touching sth(フレーズ) ~を離す、~から離れる

■press charges (phrase) to complain officially about sb in a law court(フレーズ)告発する



I know what they’re hiding.


アレックス:ちょっ・・・タイフォンの不正を知ってたってこと? ずっと?

Wait…you’re telling me you knew that Typhon’s crooked? This whole time?


■crooked (a) dishonest; illegal(形)不正な



Typhon’s the devil that runs this town. I’ve been carrying their secrets for far too long. I know what they buried in the mountains.



■far too long (phrase) a lot longer than necessary(フレーズ)あまりにも長い間



Tell me.



I’ll do one better. I’ll show you.





There. Up ahead.



Where are we?



Middle of nowhere. About two clicks that way is the minning site where you searched for Ethan. Five clicks that way is town.


■middle of nowhere (pphrase) a place that is very remote(フレーズ)何もない場所、辺ぴな場所、荒野の真っただ中

■click (n) = kilometer(名)〈俗〉キロメートル



What is this thing?



Ventilation shaft. They’re scattered everywhere. Over the years, mines grow into mines, creating a labyrinth under Haven. What you’re searching for is down below.


■ventilation shaft (n) a shaft in a mine , tunnel , or building used for providing ventilation or fresh air(名)通気シャフト、換気塔

■scattered (a) occurring or found at intervals or various locations rather than all together(形)散在している、散らばった

■mine (n) a hole or system of holes in the ground where substances such as coal, metal, and salt are removed(名)鉱山、坑道、採掘坑

■labyrinth (n) a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze(名)迷路、迷宮




アレックス:ジェド? なんで、悲しんでるの?

Jed? Why are you sad?



I’m sorry, kid.





Jed…What are you doing?



I tried to talk you out of it. Scare you off. I was sure those pictures of Ryan and Steph would do the trick. But you’re relentless. Won’t leave damn well enough alone.


■talk someone out of (phrase) persuade sb not to do sth unwise(フレーズ)(人)を説得して~思いとどまらせる、(人)に~しないように説得する

■scare off (phrase) drive or keep sb away by frightening them(フレーズ)~を(怖がらせて)追い払う

■do the trick (phrase) to achieve the desired result(フレーズ)〈話〉目的を達する、うまくいく、〈話〉〔物が〕間に合う

■relentless (a) harsh or inflexible(形)容赦ない、執拗な、なだめられない、動かされない

■leave well enough alone (フレーズ)〔余計なことをせずに〕そのままにしておく、現状でよしとしておく



You don’t have to do this.



I do. Twelve years ago, I made a mistake. The kind of thing that you…you can’t undo. But Typhon made me a deal. A way to save my town, give my boy a normal life. I never wanted Gabe to get hurt.


■undo (v) cancel or reverse the effects or results of (a previous action or measure) (動)〔行為の結果を〕元へ戻す、取り消す

■make someone a deal = make a deal with someone (フレーズ)~と取引する



Go to hell.


■go to hell (phrase) used to angrily tell sb to stop talking and go away(フレーズ)いいかげんにしろ、地獄へ落ちろ






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