「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch5p3 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 5: Side B  part 3)




No no no no, come on, no! I can do this. I can do this. Okay. That’s something.



Alright boys, getting close.



Hell Drivers for life, huh Jed?



Dig so deep, we see where the devil sleeps.



Goddamn right.



This is it…This is what Typhon tried to bury…


■bury (v) to put sth into a hole in the ground and cover it(動)〔土中に〕~を埋める、葬る、〔見えないように物を〕隠す



Lotta runoff moisture in this soil. Jed, we gotta call it, this dig is fucked.


■lotta = lot of

■runoff (n) water that flows away from high areas to low areas(名)流出、流出液、地表を流れる雨水

■moisture (n) a liquid such as water in the form of very small drops, either in the air, in a substance, or on a surface(名)水分

■soil (n) the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles(名)土、土壌



Nothing’s fucked.



Jed, we got no pumps running, no—



My teams have never quit a dig this deep before! We finish the job. Steady goes…steady…


■quit (v)  to stop doing sth or leave a job or a place(動)〈話〉〔仕事・活動などを完了せずに〕やめる、中止する

■steady (a) firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving(形)揺るぎない、着実な



The fuck was—


鉱員B:急げ! おいっ! トンネルから出ろ!

Move! Come on! Clear the tunnel!



Who’s on radio?


鉱員D:ジェド! ふざけんな、おいジェド! ジェド!

Jed! Fuck! Jed! JED!



Oh my god…


鉱員E:急げ! 早く!

We gotta move! Now!


ジェド:まだ部下が残ってるんだ! 溺れちまう!

There’s still men back there! They’ll drown!



Yeah, and so will we if we don’t get the fuck out. Make the call, Jed!


■So + 動詞/助動詞 + 主語(倒置構文)=~も同じです


■get the fuck out (phrase) leave / get out(フレーズ)出ていく、出る

■make the call (phrase) To make a particular decision about sb/sth(フレーズ)重要[大事・重大]な決断を下す


ジェド:クソッ! ちくしょう! おまえら! 行くぞ! 急げ!

Goddamnit. Goddamnit. Everyone! Let’s go, now!



Smells like fireworks…Must be where Typhon blew the charges.







父親:ジェド! 戻ってきやがれ! ジェド、この、クソ野郎!

Jed! Come back! Jed, you son of a bitch!


鉱員D:チェン! もうやめろ。

Chen! You gotta stop, man.


父親:ジェド! くそったれ、ジェド! 戻ってこい!

Jed! Fuck you, Jed! Come back!



It’s over, Chen. He’s not coming back.



I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.





And during my time here, I’ve come to realize what makes Haven so special. It’s a flower shop run by multiple generations. A bar owner who greets every customer by name. It’s a Spring Festival tradition going back a hundred years.


■realize (v) become fully aware of sth as a fact; understand clearly(動)~に気付く、~を悟る、~を実感する

■multiple (a) very many of the same type, or of different types(形)多数の、複合の

■greet (v) to welcome sb with particular words or a particular action, or to react to sth in the stated way(動) 〔人を温かく〕出迎える、〔人に丁寧に〕挨拶する

■go back (phrase) to have existed since a time in the past(フレーズ)〔物事が期間を〕遡って存在する

例)この有名な茶室の歴史は江戸時代に遡ります。This famous teahouse goes back to the Edo Period.



History. Loyalty. Pride. These values which define Haven are the same values that Typhon was built on. And that is why our partnership has been so successful. It’s been my privilege to renew Typhon’s commitment to Haven. We believe in this community, and we’re tremendously excited for its future.


■loyalty (n) the quality of being loyal(名)忠誠、誠実

■define (v) to characterize, to distinguish(動)〔~を〕特徴づける

■successful (a) accomplishing a desired aim or result(形)成功した、達成できた

■privilege (n) a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor(名) 特権、特典、名誉、栄誉

■renew (v) extend the period of validity of (a licence, subscription, contract, etc.) (動)〔契約や免許などを〕延長する、更新する

■commitment (n) an agreement or pledge to do sth in the future(名)献身、深い関与、責任

■tremendously (adv) to a very great extent(副)途方もなく、ものすごく、大いに



Thank you, Diane. I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re eager to make this official. So, time to vote, folks. And then, lunch.


■speak for (phrase) to express the opinions or wishes of sb (人)の代弁をする、(人)を代表する

■I speak for everyone when I say (that)….(フレーズ)みんなを代弁・代表して言うと~です

■I think I speak for everyone when I say (that)….(フレーズ)私が言う~はみんなのことを代弁してると思います

■eager (a) strongly wanting to do or have sth (形)しきりに~したがる、~を切望した

■vote (v) to express your choice or opinion, especially by officially writing a mark on a paper or by raising your hand or speaking in a meeting(動)投票する、〔投票で意見や選択を〕表明する、〔投票で~を〕決定する

■folk (n) (US usually folks) people, especially those of a particular group or type(名)(通常folks)人々






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