「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch5p4 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 5: Side B  part 4)



ステフ:アレックス! ちょっと。

Alex! Oh my god.



I’m fine.



You are not fine. We have to get you to a doctor.



What happened to you?



I found out something you need to hear. I’m sorry.






Alex, you’re hurt!



Do you need help? We can call an ambulance—


■ambulance (n) a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital(名)救急車



Typhon’s been lying to all of you. And so has Jed Lucan.


■lie (v) to say or write sth that is not true in order to deceive sb(動)うそをつく



Alex, what’s going on?



You know exactly what’s going on. I was down in the mine last night. I saw what Typhon’s been hiding for twelve years. Jed Lucan isn’t a hero. That whole story is a lie. Jed caused the accident. And then he abandoned seven of his men. He left them drown to save himself. There were pictures of me and Gabe down there, in the dirt.


■mine (n) a place in the ground where substances such as coal, metal, and salt are removed(名)鉱山、採鉱場

■hide (v) to put sth/sb in a place where that thing or person cannot be seen or found(動)隠す

■cause (v) make (sth, especially sth bad) happen(動)〔~を〕引き起こす、〔~の〕原因となる

■abandon (v) to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever(動)見捨てる、置き去りにする

■dirt (n) dust, soil, or any substance that makes a surface not clean(名)土、泥、土砂



Because one of those miners was my father. Typhon wanted to keep this covered up, in case it jeopardized the vote. Everyone at that company is scared to death. All they do is protect themselves. So they decided to bury the evidence. And nothing was going to stop that blast, not even the fact there were four people up in the mountains.


■miner (n) a person who works in a mine(名)炭鉱作業員

■cover up (phrase) try to hide the fact of illegal or illicit activity(フレーズ)〔罪・悪事・事実・本心などを〕隠す

■jeopardize (v) to cause sth to be harmed or damaged, or to put sth in danger(動)危うくする、脅かす、台無しにする

■scared to death (phrase) extremely scared(フレーズ)死ぬほど怖がっている、おびえきっている

■bury (v) to put sth into a hole in the ground and cover it(動)〔土中に〕~を埋める、葬る、〔見えないように物を〕隠す

■evidence (n) the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid(名)証拠

■blast (n) an explosion / a sudden loud noise(名)爆破、鳴り響く音、爆音





That’s how Gabe was killed. Jed knew all along. He covered up the truth about the past, about Gabe…And when I found out, as you can see, he tried to kill me, too.

Why aren’t any of you saying anything?


■all along (phrase) all the time; from the beginning(フレーズ)〈話〉最初からずっと


ダイアン:いまの告発・・・正気の沙汰とは思えないわ。それと廃坑への立ち入りは――分かってると思うけどとても危険だし・・・違法行為よ。でもあなたの気持ちが分からないわけじゃないの。いろいろ大変だったものね。お兄さんは唯一の家族だったのよね? お兄さんを失ったことに納得のできる説明が欲しいのよね。何か慰めになるような・・・この理不尽な状況をどうにかできるような何かを・・・。

These accusations are…well, they’re insane. And trying to go into the mine was—obviously—a very dangerous, very illegal thing to do. But we all sympathize with your situation. You’ve been through so much. Your brother was your only family, wasn’t he? I can only imagine how much you want an explanation for his loss. Something to give you comfort and…make your life seem less unfair.


■accusation (n) a charge or claim that sb has done sth illegal or wrong(名)告発、告訴、非難、誹謗中傷

■insane (a) extremely unreasonable or stupid(形)〈話〉常軌を逸した、バカげた、愚かな

■obviously (adv) in a way that is easy to understand or see(副)明らかに

■illegal (a) contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law(形)法で禁じられた、違法の

■sympathize (v) feel or express sympathy(動)同情する、気の毒に思う

■explanation (n) a statement or account that makes sth clear(名)説明、解説

■loss (n) the death of a person(名)死、死去、逝去

■comfort (v) ease the grief or distress of(動)楽にする、慰める、痛みを和らげる



Dad—do you have any idea what Alex is talking about?



No, I don’t. I’ve tried to be there for Alex since Gabe died. I thought—I don’t know, I hoped I could be something of a father figure to her. All I can guess is, sometimes when we’re hurting, the people we lash out at are the ones who are trying to help.


■figure (n) a particular type of figure is a person with that characteristic(名)人物、象徴

■lash out (phrase) to criticize sb/sth in an angry way(フレーズ)~を厳しく批判する、~に毒舌を浴びせる、~に難癖をつける






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