「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch5p6 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 5: Side B  part 6)

アレックス:私を殺そうとした理由は分かってる。これがヘイブンのために最善なんだって自分に言い聞かせてるんだろうけど、それは違う。ヘイブンのためなんかじゃないでしょ? 自分自身のためだよ。置き去りにして埋めた人のことを考えずに済むから楽だよね。目をそらして、死なせてしまった人を無関係だと思いたいんだよね。でもそうはさせないから。父さんはあんたの部下だった。名前はジョン。父さんはたくさんの過ちを犯したし、決していい父親じゃなかった。父さんは、変わろうとしてここに来たんだと思う。

I know why you tried to kill me. It’s not what you tell yourself, that you thought it was best for Haven. This was never about haven at all, was it? This was about you. I know it’s easier, not having to think about the men you buried. You wanna look away and pretend the people you hurt aren’t people. But I won’t let you. My father worked for you. His name was John. He made a lot of mistakes. He wasn’t a good father. I think he came here trying to be better.


■look away (phrase) to avert one’s gaze(フレーズ)横を向く、よそ見する、目を離す

■pretend (v) to behave as if sth is true when you know that it is not(動)~のふりをする



But you killed him. And then Gabe. Haven was his second chance. He was so proud of who he’d become. A great boyfriend. A cool dad. But he died, because of you. And then there’s me. For so many years, I just wanted to survive. To get through. Haven changed me. I started to think about the future. And you tried to murder me. You would have ended my life just so you wouldn’t have to face the truth.


■get through (phrase) pass or assist sb in passing(フレーズ)~を切り抜ける、を過ごす

■murder (v) to commit the crime of intentionally killing a person(動)殺す

*「You would have ended…」の「would have  + 過去分詞」は過去の推量を表しています。





I can feel you trying to pull away. Don’t. The truth hurts. Sometimes it’s so awful you think you’re going to break. But when you come out the other side and you’re whole and free and still alive—then you’ll finally know how strong you really are.

I see the truth about you. You hate yourself. You hate what you did in the past. You hate what you’ve done to keep it secret. And the more you deny the hatred, the worse it grows.

I know who you are. I’ve seen the worst parts of you. And I forgive you.


■pull away (phrase) to draw oneself back or away(フレーズ)身を引き離す

■awful (a) extremely bad or unpleasant(形)恐ろしい、ひどい

*「come out the other side」は「反対側に出る」という意味ですが、この場合は「真実から目を背けるという状況から抜け出す」という意味かなぁ?と私は思いましたがどうでしょうかね?

■deny (v) state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of(動)〔~が事実でないとして〕否定する



…and the news is still coming in on the Typhon Mining scandal that has rocked the Western Slope town of Haven Springs…where a council meeting was the scene for schoking revelations. Local bar owner and council president Jed Lucan admitted, in a tearful confession…to covering up the deaths of seven Typhon employees as their manager twelve years ago.


■rock (v) If an event rocks a group of people or society, it causes feelings of shock (動) 揺り動かす、動揺させる

■council (n) a group of people who have been elected to govern a city / an organization consisting of people who have been elected to govern a town, city, or area(名)地方議会議員、地方議会

■revelation (n) the act of making sth known that was secret, or a fact that is made known(名)〔隠されていたものの〕発覚、〔暴露された〕新事実、驚くべきこと

■admit (v) to agree that sth is true, especially unwillingly(動)〔~を事実だと〕認める

■tearful (a) crying or likely to cry / with tears of sadness(形)涙を誘う、涙でいっぱいの

■confession (n) the act of admitting that you have done sth wrong or illegal(名)告白、白状

■cover up (phrase) try to hide the fact of illegal or illicit activity(フレーズ)〔罪・悪事・事実・本心などを〕隠す

■employee (n) sb who is paid to work for someone else従業員、雇われる人



A recent cover up, which involved a clandestine and unpermitted explosion to thwart inspections…caused the death of Haven local Gabe Chen last month. Mr. Lucan is currently in police custody, awaiting arraignment.


■recent (a) having happened, begun, or been done not long ago(形)〔出来事などが〕最近の、少し前の

■clandestine (a) planned or done in secret, especially describing sth that is not officially allowed(形)〔違法行為を隠すために〕秘密に行われる、内密の

■unpermitted (a) not permitted (形)無許可の

■thwart (v) to stop sth from happening or sb from doing sth(動) 〔人の計画や目的の達成などを〕阻止する、妨害する、挫折させる

■inspection (n) the act of looking at sth carefully, or an official visit to a building or organization to check that everything is correct and legal(名)調査、〔公的な機関による〕視察、査察

■cause (v) make (sth, especially sth bad) happen(動)〔~を〕引き起こす、〔~の〕原因となる

■currently (adv) at the present time(副)現在は、これまでのところ

■in custody(フレーズ)拘留されて、保護観察中で

■await (v) to wait for or be waiting for sth(動)待ち望む、待ち構える

■arraignment (n) a legal process in a law court where sb is accused of a particular crime and asked to say if they are guilty or not(名)罪状認否(手続き)



We will have plenty more about this developing story, including the resignation of Typhon’s CEO…the market impact, and what it all means for your drive-time commute coming right after…


■plenty (a) (the state of having) enough or more than enough, or a large amount(形)豊富な、十分な

■developing story (phrase) A short news announcement concerning some on-going news story(フレーズ)終結しておらず、これからどうなるか分からない物事


■resignation (n) an act of leaving a job permanently(名)辞職、退職、退陣

■CEO (n) abbreviation for chief executive officer : the person with the most important position in a company(名)最高経営責任者





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