「ツイステッドワンダーランド」で英語学習 英語版キャラ紹介 イグニハイド寮 & ディアソムニア寮編



今回紹介するのは「イグニハイド寮 」から2名と「ディアソムニア寮」から4名の計6名です!


イグニハイド寮 Ignihyde




Idia Shroud



Housewarden of Ignihyde. A gloomy boy who shies away from socialization and prefers to shut himself in his dorm room. 


■warden (n) a person who is in charge of (the people in) a particular building(名)一棟の建物の監督責任者

■gloomy (a) unhappy and without hope(形)憂鬱な、塞ぎ込んだ、根暗の

■shy away from (phrase) to avoid sth that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about(フレーズ)~するのを避ける、~するのを嫌がる、~するのを尻込みをする

■socialization (n) the activity of mixing socially with others(名)社交、人づきあいをすること

■prefer (v) to like sb/sth more than sb/sth else, so that you would choose it if you could(動)〔…よりも〕~を好む

例)I prefer antique furniture to the more modern stuff. アンティーク家具の方が、より現代的なものよりも好きです。

■shut someone in (phrase) to prevent sb/sth from leaving a place, usually by closing or fastening a door or gate(フレーズ)~に引きこもる



At times, though, he gets unusually talkative and animated.


■at times (phrase) sometimes; on occasions(フレーズ)時々、折々、時には

■unusually (adv) in a way that is not habitual or common(副)著しく、めったにないほど,いつになく

■talkative (a) fond of or given to talking(形)口数の多い、おしゃべりな

■animated (a) full of life or excitement; lively(形)生き生きとした、快活な





Ortho Shroud



Idia’s little brother. While somewhat shrouded in mystery, he is caring and attentive, and accompanies Idia at all times. 


■while (conjunction) despite the fact that; although(接)~なのに、~ではあるものの、しかし一方

■somewhat (adv) to a moderate extent or by a moderate amount; rather(副)少々、やや

■shroud (v) cover or envelop so as to conceal from view(動)覆う、包む 例)森は霧に包まれていた。The forest was shrouded in the mist.

■be shrouded in (phrase) To conceal or obfuscate sth within some state or condition (フレーズ)~で覆い隠されている、~に包まれている

■caring (a) displaying kindness and concern for others(形)面倒見がいい、気遣う

■attentive (a) helpful and take care of sb(形)よく気の付く、〔人を〕気遣う

■accompany (v) go somewhere with sb as a companion or escort(動)同行する、付き添う



In contrast to his constant companion, he is upbeat, forthright, and brimming with curiosity.


■in contrast to (phrase) used when second thing very different from first(フレーズ)~と対照的に、~とは大違いで

■constant (a) occurring continuously over a period of time(形)持続する、定期的な

■contant companion(名)常にそばにいる人、常にそばにある物

■upbeat (a) cheerful; optimistic(形)話〉〔人が〕明るい、陽気な

■forthright (a) (of a person or their manner or speech) direct and outspoken(形)〔人・発言などが〕率直な、ずばりと言う

■brimming (a) completely full with sth(形)あふれんばかりの

■curiosity (n) a strong desire to know or learn sth(名)好奇心、詮索好き


ディアソムニア寮 Diasomnia





Malleus Draconia



Housewarden of Diasomnia. Descended from fae, he is one of the most powerful mages in the world. 


■warden (n) a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity(名)〈米〉番人、監視人、刑務所長

■be descended from (phrase) to be related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past(フレーズ)~の血筋・系統を引いている、~の子孫である

■fae (n) shortened definition of “Farie”, commonly used in RPs(名)ロールプレイングゲームでよく“妖精”という意味で使われている

■mage (n) a person who has magic powers or who has studied for a long time and has a lot of knowledge(名)〈古〉魔法使い、〈古〉学者



He is highly respected on campus, yet his demeanor is less than approachable.


■demeanor (n) outward behaviour or bearing (名)〔性格が表れる〕振る舞い、態度、外見

■less than (phrase) far from; certainly not(フレーズ)決して~でない

■approachable (a) friendly and easy to talk to(形)親しみやすい、愛想のいい




Lilia Vanrouge



Vice Housewarden of Diasomnia and Malleus’s overseer. 


■vice- (prefix) used as part of the title of particular positions. The person who holds one of these positions is next below in authority to the person who holds the full position and can act for them(接頭辞)副~、次~、~代理

■overseer (n) a supervisor or superintendent(名)監督する人



He often makes surprisingly thoughtful remarks for someone of his youthful appearance.


■surprisingly (adv) in a way that causes surprise; unexpectedly(副)驚くほどに、意外にも

■thoughtful (a) showing consideration for the needs of other people(形)〔人や行動が〕思いやりのある、心のこもった、気が利く

■remark (n) a written or spoken comment(名)意見、所見、批評

■make remards(フレーズ)意見を述べる

■youthful (a) young or seeming young (形)若々しい、はつらつとした

■appearance (n) the way that sb/sth looks(名)外見、見掛け







A cool and collected boy who guards Malleus like a knight. He is so low-key that his calm demeanor often crosses over into a state of visible drowsiness.


■collected (a)  calm and self-controlled(形)〔人が感情を抑えて〕落ち着いた、冷静な

■low-key (a) not elaborate, showy, or intensive; modest or restrained(形)〔人の態度・姿勢などが〕控えめな、おとなしい

■demeanor (n) outward behaviour or bearing(名)〔性格が表れる〕振る舞い、態度、外見

■into a state of(フレーズ)~状態に陥る、~の状態に入る

■visible (a) capable of being perceived by the mind(形)一目瞭然の、明らかな、歴然たる

■drowsiness (n) a feeling of being sleepy and lethargic; sleepiness(名)眠気





Sebek Zigvolt



A livewire who, in his zealous eagerness to be a retainer worthy of the great Malleus, often expends a great deal of energy to accomplish very little. He views his fellow countryman Silver as a rival.


■livewire (n) sb who is very active and has a lot of energy(名)〈話〉エネルギッシュな人、精力的な人

■zealous (a) enthusiastic and eager(形)熱心な、熱狂的な

■eagerness (n) enthusiasm to do or to have sth; keenness(名)熱烈、切望すること、意欲

■retainer (n) a servant who has usually been with the same family for a long time(名)〔騎士や貴族などに使えた〕家臣、家来

■worthy (a) not very interesting but should be admired for its good and useful qualities(形)~に値する、~するに足りる

■expend (v) spend or use up (a resource such as money or energy)(動) 〔~を〕費やす、浪費する

■a great deal of (phrase) a large amount(フレーズ)多くの~

■accomplish (v) achieve or complete successfully(動)成し遂げる、遂行する、完遂する

■view (v) to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about sb/sth(動)評価する、見なす

■fellow countryman (n) a person from one’s own country(名)同郷





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