ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep1p01 “The Walking Dead” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 1: A New Day 新たなる夜明け Part 1)

巡査:Well, I reckon you didn’t do it, then. Nope, definitely not.

なあ、あんたやってないんだろ? やってないな。絶対に。


■reckon (v) (informal) conclude after calculation; be of the opinion (動)(話)~であると考える・思う

■definately (adv) without doubt, clearly(副)絶対に


巡査:Y’know, I’ve driven a buncha fellas down to this prison. Lord knows how many. Usually is ‘bout now I get the “I didn’t do it.”




■buncha = bunch of (phrase) a group of people(フレーズ)たくさんの

■fellas (n) slang for fellows(名)ヤツ、男


リー:Every time?



巡査:EVERY time.



無線:We’ve got what looks like a 10-91E near Peachtree Exit of 285. All cars asked to keep on the lookout for a 91V in the area.



■on the lookout for(フレーズ) ~に目を光らせて、~を警戒して

例)We’d better be on the lookout.  警戒した方が良さそうだな。


巡査:I followed your case a little bit, you being a Macon boy and all.



■and all (phrase) and everything else (フレーズ)~など、すっかり、~だったりして

例)It must be difficult for them, with the new baby and all. 赤ちゃんが生まれたことや何やかやで、彼らは大変に違いない。


リー:You’re from Macon then.



巡査:Yep. Came up to Atlanta to be a city cop in the seventies. Always wanted to work a murder case, like that senatorial mess you got yourself mixed up in, with all due respect. A real shame, that is.





■senatorial (a) relating to a senate (= one of the two groups of politicians who make laws in some countries) or to a senator (= a member of a senate):(形)上院(議員)の

■mess (n) sb/sth looks dirty or untidy(名)〔物の状態の〕ゴチャゴチャ、乱雑

■be/get mixed up in sth (phrase) to be or become involved in sth bad or embarrassing(フレーズ)〔悪事に〕関係する、〔良からぬ人と〕関わり合いになる、〔良からぬことに〕巻き添えを食う

例)A government official was mixed up in illegal activities. ある政府の役人が違法な活動に関係していた。

■with all due respect (phrase) used to express polite disagreement in a formal situation(フレーズ)恐れながら、失礼ながら、お言葉を返すようですが

巡査:Hell, the whole family used to be regulars at your folks’ drugstore right in downtown. Still there?



■hell (間投)くそ、畜生、へん

■used to (phrase) done or experienced in the past, but no longer done or experienced(フレーズ)よく~したものだ、昔は~していた

■regular (n) someone who often goes to a particular event or place, such as a shop or restaurant(名)常連(客)、お得意(様)

■folks (n) people, especially those of a particular group or type (名)人々、家族


リー:Sure is.






無線:Be advised of medical personnel on route to Hartsfield, various 10’s and 20’s coming in.



■be advised of (フレーズ)~であることをお知らせします。~であることをご承知おき下さい

■personnel (n) the people who work for a company or organization(名)〔集合的に〕職員、社員

■various (a) different from one another (形)さまざまな、多種多様な


リー:Any of that seem important to you?



巡査:All of it, but that box never shuts up. Sit in this seat and pay too much attention and you’ll drive yourself crazy.

I got a nephew up at UGA, you teach there long?




リー:Going on my sixth year.



■going on ~years (フレーズ)~年目になるところ


巡査:You meet your wife in Athens?  You wanna know how I see it?

奥さんとはアセンズ(ジョージア大のある都市)で出会ったのかい? 俺の考えを聞きたいか?





巡査:Regardless, could be you just married the wrong woman.



無線:Riot in progress. All officers available for incoming 217’s. Rolling calls and dispatches to all locations.



■riot (n) an occasion when a large number of people behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way in public, often as a protest (名)暴動

■in progress (phrase) happening or being done now(フレーズ)進行中で


巡査:I’m driving this man once, h–he was the worst one. He wouldn’t stop going on about how he didn’t do it. He was an older fella. Big, soft eyes behind a pair of smart folk glasses, and he’s just wailing back there, says it wasn’t him. Crying and snotting all over, right where you’re sitting.




■wail (v) to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness(動)(悲嘆や苦しみで)うめき声を上げる、声を出して泣く

例)She was wailing in sorrow. 彼女は悲しみに泣き叫んでいた。



巡査:Then before long he starts kicking the back of the seat, li–like a fussy baby on an airplane. And I tell him he’s gotta stop, that’s government property, and I’ll be forced to zap him otherwise.

So he stops, and having exhausted all his options, he starts crying out for his Mama. “Mama, it’s all a big mistake! It wasn’t me!”






■fussy (a) not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things(人が)小うるさい、イライラしやすい

■zap (v) to get rid of or kill something or someone, especially intentionally(動)強打する、攻撃する、殺す

■exhaust options (フレーズ) 選択肢がなくなる


リー:So did he do it?



巡査:They caught the fucker red-handed! Stabbin’ his wife, cutting her up as the boys came through the door!

He sits in my car screaming bloody murder that it wasn’t him!

I think he actually believed it himself. It goes to show, people will up and go mad when they believe their life is over.

あのクソ野郎は現行犯逮捕されたんだ! 警官たちがドアをぶち破って突入した時、嫁を刺して、体をバラバラにしてるとこだったんだぜ。




■catch (sb) red-handed (phrase) to find someone in the act of doing something illegal (フレーズ) 現行犯で逮捕する、現場を押さえる

■stab (v) If sb stabs you, they push a knife or sharp object into your body(動)~を刺す

■scream bloody murder (phrase) to scream loudly in fear, to protest loudly or angrily(フレーズ)(恐怖・怒り・苦痛などで)金切り声を上げる

■go to show (フレーズ) ~を証明する


巡査:Oh, I got another good one for ya. This one’s a little bit less depressing and a bit more hilarious if I do say so.



■depressing(a) sth makes you feel very unhappy and disappointed(形)意気消沈させる、気のめいるような

■hilarious [ hɪˈler.i.əs ] (a) extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter(形)面白い、笑わせる


リー:Watch out!



■Watch out!(フレーズ)注意しろ! 気をつけろ!


リー:Thirsty… Ahh! Fuck, my leg.

Hey! Hey officer! Are you alright?! I’m still cuffed back here!

OFFICER! That doesn’t look good. He wasn’t ejected from the car…

I need to…drag myself out that window…


おい、巡査! 大丈夫か?! 手錠をかけられたままなんだが!

巡査! 大丈夫じゃないみたいだな。車から放り出されたわけじゃないな・・・。



■eject (v) to make sb leave a place, especially using physical force(動)~を外に出す

■drag out (フレーズ)引きずり出す


リー:Looks empty.  It’ll be easier to carry with these cuffs off.



リー:Uh, office?…Holy shit!

What in the hell?! What the fuck are you?!


何だコレは?! あんた、どうしたんだ!


リー:Get away from me! Don’t make me do this..



■get away from (phrase) to avoid sth that is difficult or unpleasant for you, or sth that limits what you can do in some way(フレーズ)~から離れる、~遠ざかる


リー:His skin’s all rotten…and he smells like shit. What the hell is this?

Are you dead?… HEY! ARE YOU DEAD?!


死んだのか? おい、あんた死んでるのかよ?!


■rotten (a) decayed(形)腐敗した


リー:HELP! Go get someone! There–there’s been a shooting!

助けてくれ! 誰か呼んできてくれ! 撃っちまったんだ!




① 通し再生・字幕あり






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