ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep2p3 “The Walking Dead” script



英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード2 Starved for Help 飢えとの戦い part3)


Come over here and see what I drew.


■draw-drew-drawn (v) produce a picture or diagram by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc.(動)描く


ベン:え? いや、僕は・・・

Wh..what? No, I…



Just come on, okay?


ケニー:この小さなグループでリーダーを気取りたいんだろうが、俺たちは俺たちで決断する! あんたの独裁国家じゃねぇんだ!

You know, you like to think you’re the leader of this little group, but we can make our own goddamn decisions! This isn’t your own personal dictatorship!


■dictatorship (n) a country ruled by a dictator(名)独裁国家


カーリー:ちょっと、言葉が大仰すぎるわ! 事あるごとに何もかも二人の権力争いにして! 付き合いきれないわよ!

Oh, come on! You’re being dramatic! Everything always turns into a power struggle between you two. I’m not gonna be a part of that.


■dramatic (a) very sudden or noticeable, or full of action and excitement(形)〔言動が〕大げさな

■turn into something (phrase) to change or develop from one thing to another(フレーズ)~に変わる

■power struggle (n) an unpleasant or violent competition for power(名)権力闘争、勢力争い



Hey, I didn’t ask to lead this group!



Kenny’s right. Yeah, you’re in charge of the food, and the schedules, but you’re NOT in charge of people’s lives.


■in charge of something/someone (phrase) responsible for something or someone(フレーズ)~を担当して、~を任されて






You weren’t there. Lee made a choice. End of story.



Look, once Katjaa patches that guy up, you can kick them outta here… Send ‘em out on their own, I couldn’t care less.


■patch up (phrase) to fix the problems(フレーズ)応急処置をする

■couldn’t care less (phrase) used to express complete indifference(フレーズ)少しも気にしない、どうでもいい、知ったことではない



But they at least deserve a fighting chance against the walkers. And for the record, Kenny wanted to leave those people behind!


■deserve (v) to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have(動)~の価値がある、~にふさわしい

■for the record (phrase) something that you say before you tell someone something important that you want them to remember(フレーズ)言っておくが

■leave behind (phrase) to go away and not take something or someone with you(フレーズ)~を置き去りにする


リリー:ケニーがちょっとでも冷静になれば、私の決断が彼の家族を守るためだったって分かるでしょうよ! 本当に食べるものがないの!

If Kenny would pull his head out of his ass for five seconds, he’d realize that I make these decisions to protect HIS family! We simply don’t have enough food!


■pull one’s head out of one’s ass (phrase) to be self-absorbed to the extent that you do not see what is going on around you(フレーズ)現実を直視する、冷静になる、ぼやぼやしない



I don’t see any of you stepping up to make the hard decisions! My girl’s got more balls than all of you combined!


■step up to (phrase) to take action when there is a need or opportunity for it (フレーズ)立ちあがる、力を入れる

■have got balls / got balls (phrase) one with courage or bravery to do something awesome (フレーズ)度胸がある、肝が据わっている

■combined (a) the combined value, weight, etc. of two or more things is the value or weight of them added together(形)結び付いた、複合の


Dad, please. Why don’t you go help Mark with the wall?



You know what? If you think I’m doing such a shitty job, then you do it! That’s ALL the food we have for today. YOU decide who gets to eat!


■shitty (a) unfair and unkind(形)〈卑俗〉とても悪い、ひどく劣った

■get to (phrase) to have an opportunity to do something(フレーズ)~する機会を得る、~できるようになる



No, I’m serious. Pick up that food, and start handing it out. You see how it feels to not have enough food for everyone.


■pick up(フレーズ)拾い上げる、手に取る

■hand out (phrase) to give something to each person in a group or place(フレーズ)配る、分配する



Is he gonna be okay?



I don’t know. Can you give me a hand real quick?



Sure. What do you need?



Just apply some pressure here while I try to close this up…


■apply (v) to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose(動)当てる、適用する

■close up(フレーズ)ふさぐ、閉ざす



You know, I thought I was starting to get used to this…sewing up people’s injuries…But, I mean, cuts and bruises are one thing, but, Lee, this man has no leg!


■get used to (phrase) to become familiar with something or someone(フレーズ)~に慣れる

■sew something up (phrase) to close or repair something by sewing the edges together(フレーズ)縫い合わせる、縫合する

■cut (n) an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp(名)切り傷

■bruise (n) an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour(名)打撲傷



Well, you’ve done all you can, Lee. Thanks for the help.



前半: リピート再生・スロー再生・字幕あり

後半: 通し再生・字幕なし



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