ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep2p4 “The Walking Dead” script



英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード2 Starved for Help 飢えとの戦い part4)


Will you hold the damned boards steady?!


■steady (a) not moving or changing suddenly(形)固定した、動かない



I’m trying. I didn’t realize I was getting this weak already.


ラリー:何が欲しい? ほどこしか? おまえが黙ってメソメソするのをやめたらポケットの60セントをくれてやるぞ。

What do you want? A handout? I’ve got 60 cents in my pocket if you’ll shut up and quit being such a pansy.


■handout [hǽndàut ] (n) something such as food, clothing, or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it(名)〔乞食への〕施し、施し物、お恵み

■pansy (n) an offensive word for a man who behaves in a way that is considered to be more typical of a woman(名)〈俗・軽蔑的・やや古〉女々しい男



Need any help with the wall?





■nope = no



Actually, we could use your axe. You mind if we take it?


■axe / ax (n) a tool that has a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle, used for cutting wood(名)おの、まさかり



Yeah, give us that thing for a bit.



Here mark. This should help.






Hey. I’m the one doing all the work over here. You didn’t think to give me the axe?



Come on, Lary. Cut Lee some slack. He knows you’re just out to protect Lilly, he told me so. Just like he’s trying to protect Clementine.


■cut someone some slack (phrase) to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time(フレーズ)(人)に猶予を与える、(人)を大目に見る、(人)を勘弁してやる



HE…I just need some food. Going this long without a proper meal will make anybody cranky.


■cranky (a) easily annoyed or upset(形)〈話〉不機嫌な、怒りっぽい



Here, Larry. Lilly would want you to keep your strength up.


■keep one’s strength up (フレーズ)体力を保つ



That girl needs to quit worrying about me so much.


マーク:なあ、あんた大丈夫か? さっきは酷い状況だった。脚を切断しなきゃならないなんて。

Hey. You holding up okay, Lee? That was pretty fucked up back there. Having to cut that guy’s leg off.


■hold up (phrase) to remain strong or successful(フレーズ)持ちこたえる

■be fucked up (phrase) unhappy and emotionally damaged(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉ひどい、嫌だ、不快である



空軍基地が恋しいかい? この壁では軍の基準を満たさないもんな。

Yeah. I just hope Katjaa can save him.

You ever miss the Air Force base? I mean, this wall isn’t exactly military standard.


■air force (n) the part of a country’s military forces that uses aircraft and fights in the air(名)空軍

■base (n) a place where there are military buildings and weapons and where members of the armed forces live(名)基地

■military (n) relating to or belonging to the armed forces(名)軍

■standard (n) a level of quality(名)〔質の程度を比較する〕尺度、基準、〔到達すべき水準としての〕規格


マーク:あそこに戻るなんて嫌だね。あんたたちが俺を拾ってくれた時に見ただろ? 完全に侵略されちまってた。

No way I’m going back there. You saw what it was like when you guys picked me up. Completely overrun.


■overrun (v) If unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and in large numbers(動)〔国などを〕侵略する



Lilly’s pretty pissed at us.


■be pissed at (phrase) annoyed(フレーズ)〈卑〉(人)にむかつく[腹を立てる]



Listen, I know her intentions are good, but…


■intention (n) something that you want and plan to do(名)〔~する〕意図、腹づもり


ラリー:だけども何もない! 娘は賢い選択をしてる! お前たちが連れてきたお荷物は出ていくべきだ!

But nothing! She’s making the smart choice. Those parasites you guys brought back need to go!


■parasite (n) a person who is lazy and lives by other people working, giving them money, etc. (名)〔人の好意を利用して暮らす〕たかり、寄生者



Well, good luck with that wall.



We’ll get it.



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