ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep2p11 “The Walking Dead” script



英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード2 Starved for Help 飢えとの戦い part 11)



There’s one.



Come on, let’s push it off.


■push off (phrase) to press upon or against (a thing) with force in order to move it away. (フレーズ)押して取り外す、押しのける



Andy said, when this fence is working, the walkers go up like a tree branch on a power line. If those lights are out that means the fence is off, right?


■branch (n) one of the parts of a tree that grows out from the main trunk and has leaves, flowers, or fruit on it(名)枝

■power line (n) a line for conducting electric power. (名)電源供給ライン、送電線



It’d better be. Come on, I’m sure there’s still a few more.



Once this fence is patched up, this place’ll be a fortress! God, can you imagine not having to worry about the walkers anymore?


■patch up (phrase) to fix the problems(フレーズ)応急処置をする、~を修正する

■fortress (n) a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack(名)要塞、堅固な場所



It’s useless without gas. We might need food, but the St. Johns need gas too.



Not many drivers these days, Lee. We could scrounge up a year’s worth of gas, easy.


■scrounge (v) to gather something you want or need from what is available(動)〈俗〉たかる、せびる、あさる、かき集める

■scrounge up (phrase) to seek or find despite a lack of apparent resources or availability(フレーズ)〔探し回って〕何とか~を手に入れる

■worth (n) an amount of something that will last a stated period of time or that takes a stated amount of time to do(名)相当する数・量


マーク:で、あんたはあの兄弟をどう見る? この場所を上手く管理しているみたいだが。

So, what’s your take on the brothers? They seem to have this place tied down pretty well.


■take on (n) perspective, opinion, or ideas about something(名)~についての見解・見方・解釈

例)That’s my take on the situation. 私の考えでは、状況はそんなところだろうと思う。

■tied down (phrase) to fasten someone or something down by tying or binding(フレーズ)~を縛り付ける、固定する



What do you mean by that?



I don’t know. They seem decent enough. I just want you to know that I’ve got your back if anything goes down. That’s all.


■decent (a) socially acceptable or good(形)適切な、きちんとした、まともな

■get someone’s back (phrase) to be willing and prepared to help or defend someone(フレーズ)〈米話〉(人)を守る[かばう]

■go down (phrase) If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens(フレーズ)(俗)〔出来事が〕起きる、起こる






Come on, I think I see where they’re getting in. This one must’ve knocked it over trying to get through.


■knock over (フレーズ)ひっくり返す、張り倒す

■get through (phrase) pass(フレーズ)~を通り抜ける、押し通す



He’s tangled up in there pretty good. Come on, help me get this thing back in place so we can get Mr. Crispy off of here.


■tangled up (phrase) twisted into a messy mass of things(フレーズ)こんがらがって、からみあっって

■in place (フレーズ)適当な位置に、決まった場所に、定位置に

■crispy (a) (of food) having a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture〔食べ物などが〕堅いが砕けやすい、パリッとした



I think we’d get better leverage from the other side.


■leverage (n) the action or advantage of using a lever (名)てこの作用、〔物を動かすための・目的を達成するための〕力



Good idea. If you’re waiting for that guy to help, it ain’t gonna happen. Come on.


マーク:何だよ! 何が起こった?!

Holy fuck! What just happened?



The fences are on!


マーク:何でアンディーは電源なんか入れたんだ! 俺たちがここにいるのを知ってるのに!

Why the hell would he turn the fence on?! He knows we’re out here!



I told you what would happen, you son of a bitch!


リー:何だ・・・ゲートに行こう! しゃがめ!

What the…Get to the gate!! Get down!


■get down (phrase) to lower your head and body quickly in order to avoid being hit by something(フレーズ)身をかがめる、ひざまずく、かがむ



You assholes!





強盗:取り決めたはずだそ! そいつを破りやがって!

We had an agreement! Now you’re fucked!


■have an agreement (phrase) the negotiation is finished and you have both agreed to the terms(フレーズ)合意に達する



Who the fuck is that?!



No idea!


マーク:クソッ! どうする?

Fuck! Now what?!


■Now what? (phrase) used when an attempt to do something has failed and you do not know what to do next(フレーズ)今度は何だっていうんだ?、次はどうしたらいいんだ?


リー:フェンスが通電してる以上、ゲートが唯一の出口だ! ここから出るぞ!

With the fence on, that gate is our only way out! Let’s get out of here!


■way out (n) a door or passage through which you leave a building, a way to escape a difficult situation(名)出口、逃げ道


強盗:運が良かったな、クソッたれどもめ! いいぜ、逃げてみろ! これきりだと思うなよ!

You lucky sons of bitches! Go ahead and run! We ain’t goin’ nowhere!



前半: リピート再生・スロー再生・字幕あり

後半: 通し再生・字幕なし



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