【確認用】Video Game “The Walking Dead” Episode 2: Starved for Help



ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」 エピソード2: Starved for Help









■dammit [dǽmit ] (exclamation) an expression of anger(間)〈俗〉こん畜生、しまった!、クソッ!

■go through (phrase) to use, spend, or eat all of something, especially quickly(フレーズ)使い果たす、全部使う

■commissary [kɑ́məsε`ri ] (n) a shop that supplies food and goods, especially to people in the army or in prison(名)〔軍などの〕売店、販売部

■regret (n) a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake that you have made(名)後悔

■hardly (adv) only just; almost not(副)ほとんど~ない、とても~ない

■No kidding.(フレーズ)(同意して)まったくそのとおりだ

■accidentally (adv) by chance or by mistake(副)偶然に、うっかり

■grab (v) to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly(動)ひっつかむ

■ration [rǽʃən ] (n) a limited amount of something that one person is allowed to have, especially when there is not much of it available(名)〔食料・飲料・燃料などの〕割当量、(rations)食料

■take off (phrase) (フレーズ)〔手・足などを〕~から離す、切断する

■on edge (phrase) nervous and not relaxed(フレーズ)緊張状態で、イライラして、ピリピリして

■cut someone some slack (phrase) to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time(フレーズ)~に猶予を与える、~に息抜きをさせてやる、~を大目に見る

■according to (pre) as stated by(前)~によれば、~に言わせると

■go without (phrase) to not have something or to manage to live despite not having something(フレーズ)~なしでやっていく

■reserve (n) something kept for a particular purpose or time(名)蓄え

■pissed (a) annoyed(形)怒って、イライラして

■tense (a) If a situation is tense, it causes feelings of worry or nervousness(形)〔状況・雰囲気などが〕緊張をはらんだ、緊迫[切迫]した

■take off (phrase) to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going (フレーズ)すぐに去る、ずらかる

■look out for (phrase) to try to notice someone or something(フレーズ)~に気を配る、~の面倒を見る

■blame (v) to say or think that someone or something did something wrong(動)非難する

■What’s A’s deal? (phrase) = What’s wrong with A? (フレーズ)どうしちゃったの?

■go off on (phrase) to suddenly become very angry and start shouting or behaving violently(フレーズ)(人)に怒りをぶつける、腹を立てる

■piledriver (n) a powerful machine that forces piles into the ground(名)くい打ち機

■knock someone flat(フレーズ)(人)を完全に打ちのめす

■get off(フレーズ)~を取り除く、~を取り外す、~から離れる

■raid (v) to attack a place suddenly(動)急襲する

■barely (adv) by the smallest amount; only just(副)辛うじて~する、どうにかこうにか、ぎりぎり

■fucked up (phrase) broken, damaged, or not working properly(フレーズ)ひどい

■special forces (n) military groups who have been specially trained to work in a particular area of security, often using methods that are different from the usual ones(名)特殊部隊

■altered (a) changed in character or composition(形)変えられた、変更[変造]された

■latch [ lǽtʃ ] (n) a metal bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door or gate(名)掛け金、かんぬき

■It’s now or never! (phrase) said when you must do something immediately, especially because you will not get another chance(フレーズ)やるなら今、今しかない

■cut out(フレーズ)切り離す

■pass out (phrase) to become unconscious for a short time(フレーズ)気絶する

■come across (phrase) meet or find by chance(フレーズ)出くわす

■hang on (phrase) to wait for a short time(フレーズ)少し待つ

■helpful (a) willing to help, or useful(形)助けになる、有益な

■stick together (phrase) If people stick together, they support and help each other(フレーズ)協力し合う

■worth (n) an amount of something that will last a stated period of time or that takes a stated amount of time to do(名)相当する数・量

■suppose (v) to think that something is likely to be true(動)〔明確な根拠はないが~だと〕思う、考える

■groceries (n) the food and other items that you buy in a food store or supermarket(名)食料雑貨類

■fight out(フレーズ)徹底的に戦う

■dictatorship (n) a country ruled by a dictator(名)独裁国家

■dramatic (a) very sudden or noticeable, or full of action and excitement(形)〔言動が〕大げさな

■turn into something (phrase) to change or develop from one thing to another(フレーズ)~に変わる

■power struggle (n) an unpleasant or violent competition for power(名)権力闘争、勢力争い

■in charge of something/someone (phrase) responsible for something or someone(フレーズ)~を担当して、~を任されて

■deserve (v) to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have(動)~の価値がある、~にふさわしい

■for the record (phrase) something that you say before you tell someone something important that you want them to remember(フレーズ)言っておくが

■leave behind (phrase) to go away and not take something or someone with you(フレーズ)~を置き去りにする

■pull one’s head out of one’s ass (phrase) to be self-absorbed to the extent that you do not see what is going on around you(フレーズ)現実を直視する、冷静になる

■step up to (phrase) to take action when there is a need or opportunity for it (フレーズ)立ちあがる、力を入れる

■combined (a) the combined value, weight, etc. of two or more things is the value or weight of them added together(形)結び付いた、複合の

■shitty (a) unfair and unkind(形)〈卑俗〉とても悪い、ひどく劣った

■pick up(フレーズ)拾い上げる、手に取る

■hand out (phrase) to give something to each person in a group or place(フレーズ)配る、分配する

■apply (v) to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose(動)当てる、適用する

■close up(フレーズ)ふさぐ、閉ざす

■get used to (phrase) to become familiar with something or someone(フレーズ)~に慣れる

■sew something up (phrase) to close or repair something by sewing the edges together(フレーズ)縫い合わせる、縫合する

■cut (n) an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp(名)切り傷

■bruise (n) an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour(名)打撲傷

■steady (a) not moving or changing suddenly(形)固定した、動かない

■handout [hǽndàut ] (n) something such as food, clothing, or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it(名)〔乞食への〕施し、施し物、お恵み

■pansy (n) an offensive word for a man who behaves in a way that is considered to be more typical of a woman(名)〈俗・軽蔑的・やや古〉女々しい男

■nope = no

■axe / ax (n) a tool that has a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle, used for cutting wood(名)おの、まさかり

■cranky (a) easily annoyed or upset(形)〈話〉不機嫌な、怒りっぽい、気難しい

■keep one’s strength up (フレーズ)体力を保つ

■hold up (phrase) to remain strong or successful(フレーズ)持ちこたえる

■be fucked up (phrase) unhappy and emotionally damaged(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉ひどい、嫌だ、不快である

■air force (n) the part of a country’s military forces that uses aircraft and fights in the air(名)空軍

■base (n) a place where there are military buildings and weapons and where members of the armed forces live(名)基地

■military (n) relating to or belonging to the armed forces(名)軍

■standard (n) a level of quality(名)〔質の程度を比較する〕尺度、基準、〔到達すべき水準としての〕規格

■overrun (v) If unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and in large numbers(動)〔国などを〕侵略する

■be pissed at (phrase) annoyed(フレーズ)〈卑〉(人)にむかつく[腹を立てる]

■intention (n) something that you want and plan to do(名)〔~する〕意図、腹づもり

■parasite (n) a person who is lazy and lives by other people working, giving them money, etc. (名)〔人の好意を利用して暮らす〕たかり、寄生者

■hold onto (phrase) to keep something you have (フレーズ)~をしっかりつかまえておく、~を手放さない

■hon (n) =honey(名)〈話〉〔親しい人への呼び掛けに用いる〕あなた、君

■pretend (v) to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not(動)~のふりをする

■word gets out that (フレーズ)~といううわさが立つ、~ということがうわさになる

■best bet (n) Your best bet is the action that is most likely to be successful(名)最善の策、確実な方法

■get away from (phrase) to avoid something that is difficult or unpleasant for you, or something that limits what you can do in some way(フレーズ)~から離れる、~遠ざかる

■mainland (n) the main part of a country or continent, not including the islands around it(名)本土

■make up one’s mind (phrase) make a decision; decide(フレーズ)決心する

■strength (n) the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort(名)力、強さ

■make it(フレーズ)〔健康状態などが〕回復する、良くなる

■get sick of (phrase) to be angry or bored with something that has been happening for a long time(フレーズ)~にうんざりする

■in the first place (phrase) in or at the beginning(フレーズ)そもそも

■bite – bit – bitten (v) to use your teeth to cut into something or someone(動)噛む

■bite (n) the act of biting something (名)かむこと

■no matter how (phrase) used to say that something is true or that something happens whatever the situation is(フレーズ)どうやっても

■destroy (v) to damage something so badly that it cannot be used(動)破壊する

■infected (a) containing bacteria or other things that can cause disease (形)〔病原体に〕感染した

■guess (v) to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct(動)推測する

■hide out (phrase) to stay somewhere where you cannot be found(フレーズ)潜伏している

■take it (phrase) bear(フレーズ)我慢する、耐える

■pill (n) a small solid piece of medicine that a person swallows without chewing(名)錠剤

■back off (phrase) to move backwards(フレーズ)後へ下がる

■armed (a) using or carrying weapons(形)武装した、武器を持った

■protection (n) the act of protecting or state of being protected(名)保護すること、保護されていること

■gain/get the upper hand (phrase) you have more power than anyone else and so have control(フレーズ)〔戦い・競争・交渉などで敵・相手より〕優位に立つ

■electric (a) using electricity for power(形)電気の、電動の

■generator (n) a machine that produces electrical power(名)発電機

■provide(v) to give someone something that they need (動)~を供給する

■electricity (n) a form of energy that can be produced in several ways and that provides power to devices that create light, heat, etc. (名)電気、電力

■dairy (n) a place on a farm where milk and cream are kept and cheese and butter are made(名)酪農場

■farm (n) an area of land, together with a house and buildings, used for growing crops and/or keeping animals as a business(名)農場

■lower (v) to move something into a low position(動)下げる、低くする

■trade (n) the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries(名)取引、交換

■plenty (a) (the state of having) enough or more than enough, or a large amount(形)豊富な、十分な

■legit [lədʒít ] (a) honest, legal(形)本物の

■I (have) got your back. (フレーズ)私がついてる、背中を守る

■fishy (a) seeming dishonest or false(形)〔話が〕うさんくさい、怪しい

■You’ve got a deal. (phrase) they agree with the exchange that you proposed(フレーズ)(提案など)受け入れる、同意する

■in exchange(フレーズ)引き換えに

■gallon [gǽlən ] (n) a unit for measuring volume(名)1ガロン=〈米〉3.785リットル〈英〉4.546リットル

■power (v) to provide a machine with energy and the ability to operate (動)~に動力・電力を供給する

■cattle (n) a group of animals that includes cows, buffalo, and bison, that are often kept for their milk or mea(名)〔集合的に〕畜牛

■stocked up (phrase) to buy a large quantity of something(フレーズ)蓄える、買いだめする

■for a while (phrase) for a short time(フレーズ)しばらく、少しの間

■ridiculous (a) stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at(形)ばかげた

■personally (adv) used when you give your opinion(副)個人的には

■take charge (phrase) to accept responsibility for something and have control over it (フレーズ)実権を握る

■trustworthy (a) able to be trusted(形)信頼できる

■senator (n) a politician who has been elected to a Senate(名)〔アメリカなどの〕上院議員

■affair (n) a sexual relationship, especially a secret one(名)不倫、浮気

■matter (v) to be important, or to affect what happens(動)大きな違いがある、重要である

■over the years (phrase) throughout these years(フレーズ)長年にわたって、ここ何年も

■pretty (adv) quite, but not extremely(副)かなり、非常に

■messed up (phrase) unhappy and emotionally confused(フレーズ)めちゃくちゃだ、ひどい

■settled in (phrase) to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there(フレーズ)〔新しい住居・環境などに慣れて〕落ち着く

■frankly (adv) in an honest and direct way(副)率直に言って、実のところ

■used to (phrase) done or experienced in the past, but no longer done or experienced(フレーズ)よく~したものだ、昔は~していた

■goat (n) an animal related to sheep that usually has horns and a beard (名)ヤギ

■cut someone out (phrase) to keep someone from taking part in a plan, activity, or process(フレーズ)(人)を締め出す

■get down (phrase) to lower your head and body quickly in order to avoid being hit by something(フレーズ)身をかがめる、ひざまずく、かがむ

■bandit (n) a thief with a weapon, especially one belonging to a group that attacks people travelling through the countryside(名)〔銃を使った〕強盗、追いはぎ

■asshole (n) an unpleasant or stupid person(名)〈卑俗・侮蔑的〉〔嫌なことをする〕ばか者、ろくでなし

■wait sth out (phrase) to wait until something unpleasant has ended(フレーズ)〔危険などが〕過ぎ去るまでじっと待つ

■move on (phrase) to leave the place where you are staying and go somewhere else(フレーズ)立ち去る

■zapper (n) a device that kills or gets rid of something, especially by using electricity(名)殺虫装置

■amps (n) =amplifier (名)(電気の)増幅器、アンプ

■assume (v) to accept something as true without question or proof(動)~と推測する、~と見なす

■lethal (a) able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous(形)致死の、多大な被害をもたらす可能性のある

■untouched (a) not changed or spoiled in any way(形)触れられていない、手付かずの

■in ruins (フレーズ)廃虚となって、荒廃して

■be worth …ing (phrase) having a particular value (フレーズ)~する価値がある

■hence (adv) that is the reason or explanation for(副)したがって

■juice (n) electricity(名)動力源、電気、電力、ガソリン

■company (n) the person or people you are with(名)訪問者

■drive (n) a short private road that leads from a public road to a house or garage(名)〔通りから家までの〕私有車道、アプローチ

■goodness (exclamation) used to express any strong emotion, especially surpriseおやおや、やれやれ(Godの婉曲表現で、軽い驚きを表す)

■vulnerable (a) able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked(形)被害に遭いやすい、攻撃されやすい

■good faith (n) done in an honest and sincere way(名)誠意、誠実

■incredibly (adv) used for saying that something is very difficult to believe(副)(話〉信じられないほど、非常に

■fresh (a) recently made, done, arrived, etc.(形)出来たての、焼きたての、産みたての

■make it through (phrase) to survive, to endure something, to successfully complete without significant stress or harm (フレーズ)~をうまくやり遂げる、何とか~乗り越える

■bout (n) a short period of illness or involvement in an activity (名)一時的な期間、不快な状態、〔病気の〕発作

■for a good long while (phrase) a long time(フレーズ)かなり長い間

■cow (n) a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk(名)乳牛、雌牛

■vet = veterinary (n) a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals(名)獣医

■folk (n) people, especially those of a particular group or type(名)人々

■prayer (n) the act or ceremony of speaking to God or a god, esp. to express thanks or to ask for help, or the words used in this act(名)祈り、祈とう、祈りの言葉

■one’s prayer is answered (フレーズ) 願いが叶う、祈りが届く

■feast (n) a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people(名)〔入念に準備した〕ごちそう

■round up (phrase) to gather people, animals, or things into one place(フレーズ)かき集める、寄せ集める

■handle oneself (phrase) to be able to defend oneself (フレーズ)~自身でうまく対処する

■take along (phrase) to bring something/someone with one on a trip or to a location(フレーズ)連れて行く、~を持っていく

■in a while (phrase) after a while, after a period of time(フレーズ)すぐに、少したって

■tangled up (phrase) twisted into a messy mass of things(フレーズ)こんがらがって、からみあって

■knock over (フレーズ)ひっくり返す、張り倒す

■post (n) a vertical stick or pole stuck into the ground, usually to support something or show a position(名)柱

■top off (phrase) fill a container completely(フレーズ)満タンにする

■run dry (phrase) used to describe something that has no water or other liquid in(フレーズ)使いつくす、枯渇する

■you betcha (phrase) used to say “yes” very strongly(フレーズ)もちろん、その通り

■incredible (a) impossible, or very difficult, to believe(形)信じられない、信じ難いほど素晴らしい

■play one’s cards right (phrase) to behave in a way that gives you an advantage or allows you to succeed at something(フレーズ)上手く対処する、如才なく立ち回る

■figure out (phrase) to understand or solve something (フレーズ)見つけ出す、~であると分かる

■obviously (adv) in a way that is easy to understand or see (副)明らかに

■swing (n) a seat joined by two ropes or chains to a metal bar or a tree, on which you can sit and move backwards and forwards(名)ブランコ

■big deal (n) important or special thing(名)大事なこと

■decent (a) socially acceptable or good(形)適切な、きちんとした、まともな

■get a good look at (phrase) to see (someone or something) clearly(フレーズ)~をよく見る、~を詳細に調べる

■defence (n) protection or support against attack, criticism, or infection (名)防備、防衛

■overloaded (a) having or supplied with too much of something(形)混み過ぎた、過剰な

■husk (n) a dry or rough outer layer or coating(名) 残物、抜け殻、無価値なもの

■strip off (phrase) to remove a layer or cover from something(フレーズ)~をはぎ取る

■finish up with (phrase) finish a task completely(フレーズ)~で締めくくる、~で終わりとする

■attentive (a) listening or watching carefully(形)油断しない

■draw a conclusion (phrase) to decide that a particular fact or principle is true according to the information you have been given(フレーズ)結論を出す、推断する

■besides (preposition) other than; except~を除いて

■a pain in the ass/butt (phrase) someone or something that is very annoying (フレーズ)不快な人・物

■talk behind someone’s back (phrase) talking shit indirectly about a person (usually mean)(フレーズ)陰口を言う

■civil (a) polite and formal(形)市民にふさわしい、礼儀にかなった

■push off (phrase) to press upon or against (a thing) with force in order to move it away. (フレーズ)押して取り外す、押しのける

■branch (n) one of the parts of a tree that grows out from the main trunk and has leaves, flowers, or fruit on it(名)枝

■power line (n) a line for conducting electric power. (名)電源供給ライン、送電線

■patch up (phrase) to fix the problems(フレーズ)応急処置をする、~を修正する

■fortress (n) a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack(名)要塞、堅固な場所

■scrounge (v) to gather something you want or need from what is available(動)〈俗〉たかる、せびる、あさる、かき集める

■scrounge up (phrase) to seek or find despite a lack of apparent resources or availability(フレーズ)〔探し回って〕何とか~を手に入れる

■take on (n) perspective, opinion, or ideas about something(名)~についての見解・見方・解釈

■tied down (phrase) to fasten someone or something down by tying or binding(フレーズ)~を縛り付ける、固定する

■get someone’s back (phrase) to be willing and prepared to help or defend someone(フレーズ)〈米話〉(人)を守る[かばう]

■go down (phrase) If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens(フレーズ)(俗)〔出来事が〕起きる、起こる

■get through (phrase) pass(フレーズ)~を通り抜ける、押し通す

■in place (フレーズ)適当な位置に、決まった場所に、定位置に

■crispy (a) (of food) having a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture〔食べ物などが〕堅いが砕けやすい、パリッとした

■leverage (n) the action or advantage of using a lever (名)てこの作用、〔物を動かすための・目的を達成するための〕力

■have an agreement (phrase) the negotiation is finished and you have both agreed to the terms(フレーズ)合意に達する

■Now what? (phrase) used when an attempt to do something has failed and you do not know what to do next(フレーズ)今度は何だっていうんだ?、次はどうしたらいいんだ?

■way out (n) a door or passage through which you leave a building, a way to escape a difficult situation(名)出口、逃げ道

■ambush [ ǽmbuʃ ] (n) to suddenly attack someone after hiding and waiting for them(名)奇襲、不意打ち攻撃、待ち伏せ

■property (n) a building or area of land, or both together(名)〔所有されている〕地所

■bastard [ bǽstərd ] (n) an unpleasant person(名)〈米俗・軽蔑的〉不愉快なやつ、ろくでなし

■put out外に出す

■sort out (phrase) to deal successfully with a problem or a situation(フレーズ)解決する

■run into (phrase) to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to(フレーズ)偶然~に出会う、~と鉢合わせする

■farmhand (n) a person who is paid to work on a far(名)農場・農業労働者

■make a deal (phrase) to successfully achieve or negotiate a deal or agreement(フレーズ)取引する

■hassle [ hǽsl ] (n) a situation that causes difficulty or trouble, or an argument(名)〈話〉〔人を〕うるさがらせる、悩ます、イライラさせる

■so much for someone/something (phrase) Someone or something is no longer relevant, feasible, or worth consideration.(フレーズ)~についてはそれだけにしておく、~はもはやこれまでだ

■shithead (n) a stupid person (名)愚かな人

■inkling (n) a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain (名)うすうす感づくこと、ほのめかし、ほのめかすもの

■have an inkling (フレーズ)うすうす感づく、多少なりとも知っている

■woulda = would have

■stand for (phrase) (informal) to refuse to endure or tolerate(フレーズ)~を我慢する、~をこらえる

■get away with (phrase) to succeed in avoiding punishment for something (フレーズ)〔悪い事をしたのに〕逃げきる、何の罰も受けないで済む、ただで済む

■pin down (phrase) to discover the exact details about something(フレーズ)突き止める

■scope out (phrase) to look carefully(フレーズ)~をよく見る、~を詳しく調べる

■punk (n) a young man who fights and is involved in criminal activities (名)〈俗・軽蔑的〉青二才、若造、役立たず

■bow (n) a weapon for shooting arrows, made of a long, thin piece of wood bent into a curve by a tightly stretched string(名)弓

■arrow (n) a weapon that is like a long, thin stick with a sharp point at one end(名)矢

■take over (phrase) to begin to have control of something(フレーズ)奪取する、乗っ取る、占領する

■cool your jets (phrase) to become calm and not so excited or worried(フレーズ)落ち着け

■deal with (phrase) to do something in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem(フレーズ)〔問題などに〕取り組む、対応する

■make friends with (phrase) become on good or affectionate terms with(フレーズ)~と親しくなる、~と友達になる

■charm (n) a quality that makes you like or feel attracted to someone or something(名)〔人を引き付ける〕魅力

■volunteer (v) to offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment(動)~を自発的に行う

■stay behind (phrase) to not leave a place when other people leave(フレーズ)あとに残る、残留する

■fix (v) to repair something(動)修理する

■no shit (phrase) an expression of surprise, often used as a joke when someone has told you something that is very obvious(フレーズ)あたりまえじゃないか、もちろんそうだ

■buddy (n) a close friend(名)仲間、相棒

■fight back (phrase) to defend yourself when someone attacks you physically(フレーズ)応戦する、抵抗する

■recon = reconnaissance (n) the process of getting information about enemy forces or positions by sending6 out small groups of soldiers or by using aircraft, etc. (名)偵察、調査

■mount (v) to plan, organize, and begin an event or a course of action (動)〔攻撃・戦闘などを〕開始する、しかける

■revenge(n) harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone else(名)報復、仕返し

■big-box (n) =superstore (名)〔郊外型の〕大規模小売店

■nutty (a) insane(形)俗・軽蔑的〉気の狂った、ばかげた、いかれた

■head out (phrase) to leave some place; to depart. (フレーズ)〈話〉出発する

■up against (phrase) having to deal with a difficult situation or opponent(フレーズ)〔敵などと〕対戦して

■main base(名)本部基地

■steal – stole – stolen (v) to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it(動)盗む

■cross the line (phrase) to start to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable (フレーズ)一線を越える

■get a move on (phrase) to hurry(フレーズ)〈話〉〔行動を〕急ぐ、始める

■handle (v) to deal with(動)~を扱う

■lend – lent – lent (v) to deal with(動)貸す

■democracy (n) a country in which power is held by elected representatives(名)民主主義国、民主制

■put down (phrase) to put something or someone that you are holding or carrying onto a surface(フレーズ)下に置く

■have a deal取引する

■as long as (phrase) if (フレーズ)~さえすれば

■shoot – shot – shot (v) to fire a bullet or an arrow, or to hit, injure, or kill a person or animal(動)撃つ

■eyeball (n) the whole eye, including the part that cannot usually be seen(名)目玉

■change one’s mind (phrase) to reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision(フレーズ)気が変わる、考えが変わる

■string up (フレーズ)(ひもで)高い所に吊るす

■straight up (phrase) used to show that you are telling the truth(フレーズ)〈話〉正直に、本当に

■point at (phrase) to direct or aim at or in the direction of someone or something. (フレーズ)指す

■forehead (n) the flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair(名)額

■a/one hell of a ride (phrase) the experience is impressive/completely crazy(フレーズ)とんでもない体験(良い意味、悪い意味両方に使える)

■be/get soft on (phrase) to treat someone delicately; to not criticize or punish(フレーズ)~に甘い、~に手加減する

■squabble (v) an argument over something that is not important(動)つまらない口げんかをする、言い争う

■common ground (phrase) shared interests, beliefs, or opinions between two people or groups of people who disagree about most other subjects(フレーズ)共通の土台、〔意見・経験などの〕共通点・一致点

■fall apart (v) to break into pieces(動)ばらばらになる、〔組織・体制・関係などが〕崩壊する、破綻する

■Nah (adv) slang for “no” (副)Noのカジュアルな言い方

■go stir-crazy (phrase) restless, uncomfortable, or impatient due to inactivity or confinement(フレーズ)〈俗〉同じ所に閉じ込められて気が変になる

■tummy (n) ( informal or child’s word) the stomach, or the lower front part of the body  (名)〈幼児語〉おなか、ポンポン

■Don’t worry your (pretty little) head about it (phrase) used to tell someone not to worry(フレーズ)心配しないで

■wander (v) to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction(動)歩き回る、ぶらつく

■before you know it (フレーズ)すぐに、いつの間にか

■barn [bɑːrn ] (n) a large building on a farm in which animals or hay (= dried grass) and grain are kept(名)納屋、倉庫、物置

■pet (v) touch it gently and kindly with your hands(動)撫でる、かわいがる

■go ahead (phrase) said to someone in order to give them permission to start to do something(フレーズ)さあどうぞ、さーさー~しなさい

■stranger (n) someone you do not know(名)見知らぬ人

■hide (v) to put something or someone in a place where that thing or person cannot be seen or found(動)隠す

■get paranoid (phrase) said when you recognize that you generally worry too much about people trying to harm you(フレーズ)被害妄想に駆られる

■no matter what (phrase) used to emphasize that someone must do something(フレーズ)たとえ何が起ころうと、たとえどんな~であろうと

■what’s-his-name (n) used for referring to a man or boy when you cannot remember or do not know his name (名)何とかいう人、例の男、誰かさん(名前を思い出せない・思い出したくない男性の代用語として使われる。)

■definitely (adv) without any doubt(副)間違いなく

■back up (phrase) to provide support or help to someone or something(フレーズ)援護する、バックアップする

■think through (phrase) to carefully consider the possible results of doing something(フレーズ)〈米〉考え抜く、とことんまで考える、熟慮する

■smash (v) to defeat someone or to destroy something completely(動)粉砕する、打ち砕く、壊滅させる、壊す

■turn out (phrase) to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one(フレーズ)結局~であることが分かる、~という状態で終わる

■pick a lock (phrase) open a lock with an instrument other than the proper key(フレーズ)正式なカギ以外の物でロックを外す

■urban (a) relating to towns and cities(形)都会の、都市に住む、都会派の

■come out of someone’s mouth (フレーズ)〔物・言葉などが〕~の口から出てくる

■screw (n) a thin, pointed piece of metal used to join things together (名)ねじ、ねじくぎ、ビス

■instead of (preposition) in place of someone or something(前)~の代わりに

■padlock [ pǽdlɑ̀k ] (n) a small metal lock with a U-shaped bar (名)南京錠

■assembly (n) the process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure(名)〔部品の〕組み立て、〔組み立て前の〕部品

■peek (n) a quick or furtive look(名)ちらっとのぞくこと、のぞき見

■have a peek (phrase) to look at something for a short time(フレーズ)のぞき見をする、ちらっと見る

■replace (v) to put something back where it was before(動)元に戻す

■hang around (phrase) to wait or spend time somewhere, usually for no particular reason(フレーズ)〔当てもなく辺りを〕ぶらつく、うろつく

■keep an eye on (phrase) to watch someone or something, esp. to keep someone out of trouble(フレーズ)~に目を光らせる、~から目を離さない、~を見守る、~を見張る

■fuck around (phrase) to behave stupidly, or to waste time doing things that are not important(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉〔物を〕いじくる、ばかなまねをする

■multi-tool (n) a small device that incorporates several tools within a single unit(名)マルチツール、万能工具

■handy (a) useful or convenient(形)役に立つ、便利な、重宝な

■borrow (v) to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time(動)借りる

■do (動)役に立つ、間に合う

■make an excuse (phrase) to give a reason for doing something you shouldn’t do, or for not doing something you should do(フレーズ)言い訳をする、口実を作る

■skin (v) to remove the skin of something(動)~の皮を剥ぐ

■dress (v) to prepare meat, chicken, fish, or crab so it can be eaten(動)〔獲物の肉や毛皮を〕切り分ける

■make a mess (phrase) create a dirty or untidy state(フレーズ)散らかす

■mess (n) something or someone looks dirty or untidy(名)〔物の状態の〕ゴチャゴチャ、乱雑

■go upstairs (phrase) to climb steps to reach a higher level of a building(フレーズ)上の階に行く

■delight (n) great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness(名)楽しみ、楽しいこと、歓喜

■rest (v) to stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength(動)休む

■Mind if…?(フレーズ)~してもいいですか?

■muck around (phrase) to behave in a silly way, or to treat someone or something in a careless way(フレーズ)ぶらつく、めちゃめちゃにする、いじくる

■What’s gotten into you? (phrase) = Why are you acting in such an unusual or unpleasant way?(フレーズ)一体どうしちゃったの?

■indulge (v) to give someone anything they want and not to mind if they behave badly(動)〔過度に人を〕甘やかす、気ままにさせる

■It’s always something with someone (phrase) the person always has some issue or problem(フレーズ)~はいつも面倒事を起こす

■pick someone off (prase) to shoot a person or animal chosen out of a group, esp. from a distance(フレーズ)~を(一人ずつ)ねらい撃つ、~をむしり取る

■be out of one’s skull (phrase) crazy or very drunk(フレーズ)〈俗〉正気を失っている、〈俗〉〔酒や薬で〕酔っている

■settle down (phrase) to become quieter(フレーズ)落ち着く

■rural (a) in, of, or like the countryside(形)田舎の、地方の

■waste (v) to use too much of something or use something badly when there is a limited amount of it(動)無駄にする

■raise (v) to take care of a person, or an animal or plant, until they are completely grown(動)育てる

■roam around (phrase) to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are going to do(フレーズ)放浪する、歩き回る

■rot (v) to decay (動)腐る

■imply (v) to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly(動)ほのめかす

■go after (phrase) to chase or follow someone in order to catch them(フレーズ)~の後を追う、~を追い求める

■one way or another (phrase) in some way that is not known yet (フレーズ)いずれにせよ、どうにかして

■let go of (phrase) to stop holding something or someone(フレーズ)~から手を放す

■tear apart (フレーズ)引き裂く

■with (one’s ) bear hands (phrase) with one’s hands but without tools, weapons, or other implements (フレーズ)素手で

■bang (v) to (cause something to) make a sudden very loud noise or noises(動)〔バンと音を立てて〕~を打つ[たたく]

■drag one’s feet (phrase) to be very slow in doing sth, for example taking a decision(フレーズ)〔わざと・故意に〕のろのろ・もたもたする、すぐに腰を上げない

■be stuck in (phrase) unable to move(フレーズ)~で身動きできない、~から逃れられない

■shut up (phrase) to stop talking or making a noise, or to make a person or animal stop making noise (フレーズ)(人)を黙らせる、話をやめる

■stop …ing(フレーズ)~するのをやめる

■breathe (v) to move air into and out of the lungs(動)呼吸する

■heart attack (n) a serious medical condition in which the heart does not get enough blood, causing great pain and often leading to death(名)心臓発作

■pissed off (phrase) annoyed, fed up, displeased(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉怒って、腹を立てて

■mourn (v) to feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone’s death (動)嘆く、悼む

■keep A from ..ing (phrase) to prevent someone from doing something(フレーズ)Aに~させない

■get over (phrase) deal with, cope with, sort out (フレーズ)〔面倒なことを〕済ませてしまう、やってしまう、片付ける

■chance (n) a possibility that something bad will happen; a risk(名)〔悪い事が起こるかもしれない〕危険性

■take a chance (phrase) behave in a way that leaves one vulnerable to danger or failure(フレーズ)いちかばちかやってみる

■hopeful (a) having hope(形)希望に満ちた

■pretend (a) imaginary or not real(形)〈話〉うその、偽の、架空の

■work on (phrase) to spend time repairing or improving something (フレーズ)に取り組む

■ought to be (phrase) used to express something that you expect will happe(フレーズ)きっと~だろう、~のはずだ

■fit through (フレーズ)〔隙間などを〕何とか通り抜ける

■longshot (n) something that is not likely to succeed(名)見込みが薄い、期待薄

■come off (phrase) to removed from something(フレーズ)〔付属物・部品などが〕取れる、外れる

■take it off (phrase) to remove something(フレーズ)取り除く

■remove (v) to take something or someone away from somewhere, or off something(動) 〔物を〕取り除く、取り去る

■do the trick (phrase) to achieve the desired result(フレーズ)〈話〉目的を達する、うまくいく、〈話〉〔物が〕間に合う

■mention (v) to speak about something quickly, giving little detail or using few words(動)言及する

■in other words (phrase) used to introduce an explanation that is simpler than the one given earlier(フレーズ)言い換えれば、つまり

■useful (a) effective; helping you to do or achieve something(形)役に立つ

■blessing (n) the approval to do something(名)承認、賛成、恵み、恩恵

■loot (v) (usually of large numbers of people during a violent event) to steal from shops and houses(動)〔戦争・暴動などに乗じて物を〕盗む、略奪

■corpse (n) a dead body(名)死体

■permission (n) the act of allowing someone to do something, or of allowing something to happen(名)許可、許諾、認可、承認、同意

■quarter (n) in the US and Canada, a coin worth 25 cents(名)〈米〉25セント硬貨

■dime [ dáim ] (n) in the US and Canada, a coin worth 10 cents(名)〈米〉10セント硬貨

■lead (v) to go in a particular direction(動)〔道や戸などが場所に〕通じる、つながる

■get to (phrase) to have an opportunity to do something(フレーズ)~する機会を得る、~できるようになる

■slaughterhouse [slɔ́ːtəhàus ] (n) a place where animals are killed for their meat(名)食肉処理場、畜殺場

■dumbass (n) someone who is stupid (名)〈米・卑俗〉大ばか者、ぼんくら

■be caught up in (phrase) so involved in an activity that you do not notice other things(フレーズ)~に捕らわれる、~に巻き込まれる、~に夢中になる

■rant [rǽnt ] (n) a long, angry, and confused speech(名)大言壮語、暴言を吐くこと

■sneak up on (phrase) to approach someone quietly and surprise that person(フレーズ)~にこっそり近づく

■bullshit (n) complete nonsense or something that is not true(名)〈卑俗〉たわ言、でたらめ

■guard (v) to protect someone or something from being attacked or stolen(動)監視する、守る

■weirdo (n) a person who you think is strange and who makes you uncomfortable (名)〈俗〉変人、奇人、危険人物

■far behindかなり遅れて

■give of oneself (phrase) to use one’s time and effort to help others (フレーズ)時間と労力を誰かを助けるために投じる

■cannibalism [ kǽnibəlìzəm ] (n) the practice of a person who eats human flesh, or the behaviour of an animal that eats others of its own type (名)食人(の風習)、共食い

■tainted (a) damaged in quality, taste, or value(形)〈主に米〉〔飲食物などが〕腐った、傷んだ

■coward (n) a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain(名)臆病者

■murder (v) to commit the crime of intentionally killing a person(動)殺す

■hurt (v) to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause them pain(動)傷つける

■something is up (phrase) something unusual or undesirable is happening(フレーズ)何か困ったことがある

■chop sth off (phrase) to cut off part of something with a sharp tool(フレーズ)切り落とす、切断する

■feed (v) to give food to a person, group, or animal(動)~に食物を与える

■bring on (phrase) to cause something to happen, esp. something bad(フレーズ)〔病気・発作・惨事・危機などを〕起こす、引き起こす、招く

■You ain’t shit (phrase) = You’re nothing.(フレーズ)おまえはクズだ。

■walk away (phrase) to stop being involved in a situation because it is difficult to deal with(フレーズ)立ち去る、遠ざかる

■don’t you dare (phrase) used to tell someone angrily not to do something(フレーズ)Don’t の強い言い方

■unattended (a) not being watched or taken care of(形)〔物が〕放置された

■leave ~ unattended (フレーズ)~を放ったらかしにする

■manage (v) to succeed in doing or dealing with something, especially something difficult(動)何とか~する

■document (v) to record information about something important by writing about it or photographing it(動)(文書・音声・写真・映像)で記録する

■Hon = honey

■fallout (n) the adverse results of a situation or action(名)(予期せぬ)副産物,結果,余波

■get away from (phrase) to move away from a person or place(フレーズ)~から逃れる

■come after (phrase) to try to find or catch someone(フレーズ) ~の後を追う、~を探す

■Oh, crap! = Oh, shit!

■a shitload of = a lot of

■supply (usually “supplies”) (n) an amount of something that is available for use(名)生活必需品、補給品

■save (v) to stop someone or something from being killed, injured, or destroyed(動)救う、助ける

■ruin (v) to spoil or destroy something completely(動)~を破壊する、~を台無しにする

■abandoned (a) left in a particular place or condition, usually forever(形)〔物が所有者から〕見捨てられた、放棄された

■miss out (phrase) to not use or to not have an opportunity to experience something good(フレーズ)〔チャンス・仕事・楽しいことなどを〕逃す、見逃す、取り損なう

■The hell we will (phrase) =No you will not

■antibiotics (n) a medicine or chemical that can destroy harmful bacteria in the body or limit their growth(名)抗生物質

■hoodie (n) a sweatshirt that has a hood to cover the head(名)パーカー

■fit (v) to be the right size or shape for someone or something(動)〔形や大きさなどが~に〕合う

■eventually (adv) in the end(副)そのうち、ゆくゆくは

■camcorder [kǽmkɔ̀rdər ] (n) a small video camera that can be held easily in one hand(名)〔携帯型の〕カムコーダー、ビデオカメラ

■sicko [síkəu ] (n) someone who behaves or thinks in a strange and unpleasant, often sexual, way(名)〈米俗〉病人、精神障害者、倒錯者、狂人

■get one’s eye on (フレーズ)~じっと見守る、~に目が留まる



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