「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep2p12 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 2: Out of Time 時間切れ Part 12)


Did you see that?



Is this for real?


■for real (phrase) real, not pretended(フレーズ)本当に(の)、実際に(の)、本気で(の)



I didn’t think she was that messed up…


■messed up (phrase) unhappy and emotionally confused(フレーズ)めちゃくちゃだ、混乱している


マックス:ケイト! やめて・・・。死んじゃダメだよ! ダメ!

また? 何でこんな時に・・・。どうにかしなきゃ・・・もう何回も巻き戻せないよ・・・。


Kate! No…She can’t die. She can’t!

Not again…not now…I have to try something…I won’t be able to rewind again and again…

Keep…going…Max… You…can…do it…


■rewind (v) to make a sound or video recording go back to the beginning(動)巻き戻す、巻き直す

■keep going (phrase) to continue in the same way as before(フレーズ)前進し続ける、やり続ける


ケイト:何をしてるの、マックス? 来ないで! 近づかないでよ!

What are you doing here, Max? Stop! Don’t come near me!



Not now… It won’t work… I don’t have any power… Now I have to do this by myself…?



Max, seriously, don’t come near me. I will jump.



Okay, okay. I’m right here. Kate, please…



Oh, Max, I know you want to help me… I love that you stepped up to David, but it doesn’t matter now. Nothing matters.


■step up to (phrase) to take action when there is a need or opportunity for it (フレーズ)立ちあがる、行動を起こす

■step up to sb/sth (phrase) to move in front of or close to sb, something, or some position(フレーズ)~に向かって歩み出る ~に近づく

例)He stepped up to the man and told him to back off. 彼はその男に向かって歩み出て、さがれと言った。

*「step up to (人)」は「(人)と対決する、対峙する」という意味で使われます。

■matter (v) to be important, or to affect what happens(動)大きな違いがある、重要である



You matter. And not just to me.



I do want to believe that…



Kate, your life is still yours. And we can get through this together… Let me help.


■get through (phrase) pass, finish(フレーズ)~を通り抜ける、処理する



I’m glad to hear you worry about me… That makes me feel better…



Of course I worry. You’re my friend, Kate.



I always feel like you really listen.




Kate, please trust me. Come stand by me, okay? I can help you now. I know I can.

This morning I erased the weblink to the video… It was written on the shower room mirror…


■erase (v) rub out or remove (writing or marks) (動)~を消す


ケイト:そんなのマックスが言ってるだけでしょ・・・信用できないよ。今朝私が助けを求めた時は? 何もするなって言ったじゃない!

That’s your story now. How can I trust you? What about this morning when I needed help? You told me to do nothing!



Kate, I’m gathering proof that Nathan Prescott drugged you. And you’re not the only victim. So you have to help me take Nathan down.


■drug (v) to give a person or animal a chemical that causes a loss of feeling or the condition of being unconscious(動)~に薬を飲ませる、~に薬物を入れる

■take down (phrase) to defeat or kill someone, or to stop someone from causing harm(フレーズ)やっつける、悪事を止める


ケイト:ネイサン・プレスコット? ありえるね・・・卑劣なヤツだから。証拠は見つかったの?

Nathan Prescott? That makes sense… He’s a scumbag. You have proof now?


■make sense (phrase) be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable(フレーズ)道理にかなう、意味をなす

■scumbag (n) a very unpleasant person(名) 〈卑俗〉卑劣な人、極悪人



Soon. Then straight to the police. Think of it like we’re cleansing Blackwell…


■cleanse [ klεnz ] (v) to make something completely clean(動)清める、浄化する、〔ウイルスを〕駆除する



You do have my back, Max. That’s the first time I’ve felt hopeful in a week…


■have one’s back (phrase) to be ready to protect or defend someone(フレーズ)守る、背中から支える

■hopeful (a) having hope(形)希望に満ちた



Good. We all need to have each other’s backs. So I want you to come with me now…

Please…you don’t have to do this…




前半: リピート再生・スロー再生・字幕あり

後半: 通し再生・字幕なし




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