「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep2p14 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 2: Out of Time 時間切れ Part 14)


How about we talk about you waving a gun in the girls’ bathroom—


ネイサン:おい、今のは完全に名誉棄損だぞ! おまえもこの学校もすぐにでも告訴できるんだぞ! すでに俺には個人弁護士がいるんだ。

Hey, that’s total slander! I could sue you and this school so fast! I already have a personal lawyer.


■slander (n) a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement(名)名誉毀損

■sue (v) to take legal action against a person or organization(動)告訴する


校長:待ちなさい、マックス。昨日君は何もないと言っただろ? ウソをついていたのか? どうやって君の言うことを信じろと?

Wait, Max. You told me that nothing happened yesterday. Are you just making things up? How can I trust you?


■make things up(フレーズ)作り話をする、でっち上げる



I was afraid yesterday, but I have to tell the truth.



I do understand that. And since Mr Prescott does appear prominently in the video and was responsible for the party, I have no choice but to suspend him until further notice.


■prominently (adv) in a way that can easily be seen or noticed(副)著しく、顕著に、傑出して

■suspend (v) temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity(動)~を停職(処分)にする、~に停学を命じる



Whatever. See you in court.


■court (n) a place where trials and other legal cases happen(名)法廷


ジェファソン:すみませんが、これ以上質問攻めにする前にマックスとネイサンを休ませてあげては? 目の前で仲間が命を絶とうとしたんだす・・・この話し合いを今する必要はないでしょう。

Excuse me, I think Max and Nathan need a break before we grill them further.

A friend and student just tried to kill herself… They don’t need this forum right now.


■grill (v) to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time(動)質問攻めにする

■forum (n) a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter especially of public interest(名)問題を討論する場・会議



Yes, I’m kinda devastated right now. I’d like to be with my family.


■devastated (a) very shocked and upset(形)精神的に打ちのめされた



All right, Miss Caulfield, please sign here to confirm what you’ve told us. I’ll continue this investigation from there.


■investigation (n) the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth(名)〔真相を明らかにするための詳細な〕調査



Well, I think we know less now than when we started. We’ll be assisting the police with further inquiries. I know this has been a stressful day… I wish I had the power to change it all for the better… So, thank you for coming in.


■inquiry (n) an official process to discover the facts about something bad that has happened(名)取り調べ、調査

■for the better(フレーズ)良い方向へ



I couldn’t even believe it was happening. It was literally slow motion as I grabbed her hand…and then I could feel her grabbing mine…


■literally (adv) used to emphasize what you are saying(副)文字通り

■grab (v) to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly(動)ひっつかむ


ウォーレン:マックス、あんなスゴい場面、見たことないよ! 今まで一回も! マックスが手を差し伸べ、ケイトも・・・抱擁、涙、拍手喝さい! スーパーヒーローみたいだ!

Max, that was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen! Ever! You reached out, she reached out…hugs, tears, applause! Like a superhero!


■reach out (phrase) to stretch arm to touch someone or something, to offer help(フレーズ)手を伸ばす


マックス:どこが? 見てよ、私ボロボロだよ・・・。

Not quite. Look at me, I’m a mess.


■mess (n) sb/sth looks dirty or untidy(名)〔物の状態の〕ゴチャゴチャ、乱雑


ウォーレン:キラキラ輝いてるじゃんか! ホントに! 後光が差してるよ! 今日でぜったい背中に羽が生えたね。

You’re glowing. Seriously! A human halo. I’m pretty sure you earned your wings today.


■glow (v) to produce a light, to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining(動)輝く

■halo [héilou ] (n) a ring of light around the head of a holy person in a religious drawing or painting(名)後光



I’m still worried about Kate. She did try to kill herself. All over a video…



“Viral” is the right word. Like a disease.


■viral(形)1.ウイルスの、ウイルス性の 2.〔ソーシャルメディアを使って〕口コミで素早く広がる、バイラルの



So, you watched it?



Just one…and a half times…


■one and a half times(フレーズ)1倍半



Warren, I don’t mean to sound weird, but there’s something ominous going on at Blackwell…


■ominous (a) suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen(形)不吉な

■go on (phrase) happen (フレーズ)起こる、発生する



Today proves that.



And I’m working on proof that Kate Marsh is connected to Rachel Amber…somehow. Along with Nathan and Mr. Madsen.


■somehow (adv) in a way(副)何かしらの形で

■along with (phrase) in addition to someone(フレーズ)~と併せて、~と同時に



I’m not a big conspiracy guy, but I wouldn’t doubt it. Nathan did scare me yesterday and Madsen is a straight-up dickhead. So…what do you think is really happening?


■conspiracy (n) the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal(名)陰謀

■straight-up (adv) honestly ; truly(副)〈話〉正直に、本当に

■dickhead (n) an unpleasant or stupid person(名)〈卑俗〉ばか、あほ



What the hell is this…? The weather confirms this weird day… Feel that chill…


■confirm (v) to prove that a belief or an opinion that was previously not completely certain is true(動)確認する、裏付ける



Max, there was no eclipse scheduled today… I would know. I would.


◆eclipse (n) an occasion when the sun disappears from view, either completely or partly(名)日食



I believe you, Warren… I’ll believe anything this week…





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後半: 通し再生・字幕なし




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