「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep3p9 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 3: Chaos Theory カオス理論 Part 9)


Listen, when I went through David’s laptop, I found pictures of Rachel and Frank… being more than friends.


■go through (phrase) search through or examine methodically(フレーズ)細かく調べる、捜索する

■laptop (n) a computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling (名)ノート型パソコン



Right. No way, Max. She was just posing to tease Frank.


■pose (v) to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have(動)ふりをする

■tease (v) to laugh at sb or say unkind things about them(動)いじめる、からかう



If you’re not gonna believe me, why don’t we check out what Frank has in his RV?



What’s that gonna prove?


■prove (v) to show that sth is true(動)証明する



Frank has Rachel’s bracelet. What else does he have in there?



Motherfucker better not have anything. For his sake.


■for the sake of sb/for sb’s sake (phrase) in order to help or bring advantage to sb(フレーズ)(人)のために



Let’s check the door. Frank gets so wasted he sometimes forgets to lock it.


■wasted (a) very drunk or ill from drugs(形)〈俗〉〔酒や麻薬で〕酔っぱらった



I can’t believe you hung out with him.


■hang out with sb (phrase) to spend time with sb(フレーズ)つるむ、親しくする



Not anymore. We have to be casual ninjas here…





■shitballs (interjection ) explaining great frustration or fright(間)フラストレーションや強い恐怖を表現



Chloe, I got this. I’ll be right back.


■I/I’ve got this (phrase) used to tell sb that you can or will deal with something(フレーズ)私に任せて



I’ll try to scrounge up a Scooby snack to distract his mangy mutt…


■scrounge up (phrase) to seek or find despite a lack of apparent resources or availability(フレーズ)〔探し回って〕何とか~を手に入れる

■Scooby snack (n) a snack, especially if given as a reward(名)犬のおやつ

*Derived from the dog biscuits given to dogs in the cartoon “Scooby-Doo”アニメ「スクービードゥー」で犬に与えられるおかしが由来

■distracted (a) nervous or confused because you are worried about sth(形)気を散らされた、注意散漫で、取り乱した

■mangy (a) suffering from mange(形)疥癬(かいせん)にかかった、汚らしい

■mutt (n) a dog, especially one whose parents are of different breeds(名)〈俗〉雑種犬



Now to find a quick and easy way to snag Frank’s keys.


■snag [snǽg ] (v) (informal) to get or catch something by acting quickly(動)〈米話〉~をさっとつかむ



You show up after almost shooting me? You have serious balls, little girl. But hanging out with Chloe, playing with guns and dressing like Rachel doesn’t make you cool or tough. The fuck do you want?


■show up (phrase) to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly(フレーズ)現れる、姿を現す

■have balls (phrase) (slang) have the courage(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉根性がある

*「The fuck do you want?」は「What」が省略されています。本当は「What the fuck do you wand?」。



I’m afraid I’ll have to take your keys now, asshole.


■asshole (n) an unpleasant, arrogant, uncaring, or stupid person(名)〈卑俗・侮蔑的〉〔嫌なことをする〕ばか者、ろくでなし、横柄なヤツ


フランク:そんなことしていいと思ってんのか・・・。俺の鍵を返せ、この野郎! 今すぐ返せ!

You did not just do that…! Give me back my keys, bitch! Give me my keys now!


■bitch (n) those who do not follow the rules, nasty person(名)ルールを守らないヤツ、嫌なヤツ(男女ともに使える)



Key brought, now back to Chloe.



I should have known. The Amazing SpiderMax.


*A pun for the movie “The Amazing Spider-Man” and “Max”.




I couldn’t have done it without Frank. Now let’s get in and out.



You’ll need this Max! On your mark, get set… throw!


■on your mark(フレーズ)位置について(競技の開始の掛け声)



Get the treat treat, boy!


■treat (n) an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure (名)〔飼い主などが動物に与える〕ご褒美



I think we just made that dog our bitch… get it?


■A makes B A’s bitch. (phrase) A makes B as A told B., A makes B A’s slave.(フレーズ)AがBを支配下に置く



Now I can snoop in peace. But let’s not waste time.


■snoop (v) to look around a place secretly, in order to discover things or find out information about sb or sth(動)〈話〉嗅ぎ回る、探る、コソコソ詮索する



Damn, and I thought my room was a shithole.


■shithole (n) (informal) a very unpleasant place, especially one that is very dirty or poor(名)非常に汚い・不潔な・むさ苦しい場所



Oh, we could cruise everywhere in this bad boy. Can you see us heading down the coast to Big Sur and beyond?


■Big Sur (n) a picturesque coastal region of California to the south of San Francisco(名)カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ南部の美しい海岸地域




Yes, we’d be tearing up the highway. And you’d probably want me to kiss you again…

Chloe, we’re on a schedule. We need clues about Rachel.


■clue (n) a sign or some information that helps you to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery(名)手がかり、ヒント、糸口



I know. Just daydreaming.





Oh man, Rachel and Frank’s dog…

Rachel really did hang out with Frank.

I’m learning more about Rachel than I want to know…


■hang out with sb (phrase) to spend time with sb(フレーズ)つるむ、親しくする



フランクとやってたなんて信じられんねぇ! レイチェルのヤツ、ガチであたしに面と向かってウソをついていやがった! なんで何も言わなかったんだよ!

It makes me ill that Rachel posed like this for Frank… or wrote him love letters… I can’t believe she was banging Frank! Rachel straight up lied to my face! Why didn’t she say anything?


■make someone sick/ill (phrase) cause sb to feel intense annoyance or disgust (フレーズ)(人)をイライラさせる、(人)の気分を害する・悪くさせる

■bang (v) to have sex with someone(動)〈卑俗〉(人)とセックスする

■straight up (phrase) (slang) exactly, truly(フレーズ)ガチで

■lie to one’s face (phrase) to lie directly to a person(フレーズ)直接ウソをつく



Because she knew how you would react.




Then she wasn’t much of a friend, huh? Just another person who shits all over me. Why does everybody in my life let me down? My dad gets killed, you bail on me for years, my mother gloms onto step-fucker… now Rachel betrays me…


■be not much of a friend (phrase) used for saying that sb is not a very good example of friends(フレーズ)友達がいがない

■shit all over (phrase) To mistreat someone in a very cruel or unfair manner(フレーズ)~を完膚なきまでに打ち負かす、ひどい仕打ちをする

■let someone down (phrase) to disappoint sb by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do(フレーズ)失望させる

■bail on (phrase) to walk out on someone; to leave someone(フレーズ)〈米俗〉(人)を残して立ち去る、(人)を見捨てる

■glom onto (phrase) to become very interested in sth such as a new idea or fashion or in sb(フレーズ)〈俗〉~を手に入れる、~に強い興味を示す



Chloe, Rachel is missing. Nobody betrayed you.


クロエ:ウソつけ! 誰が裏切ってないって?! みんなクソくらえ!

Bullshit, who hasn’t?! Fuck everybody!


■bullshit (n) complete nonsense or something that is not true(名)〈卑俗〉たわ言、でたらめ








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