「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p6 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 6)


Chloe…you’re back. I’m just…I’m just–I’m so glad you’re here!


クロエ:ハイになってない? でも朝からまさぐってくれたおかげで目が覚めた。徹夜の『CSI:アルカディア・ベイ』ごっこで探偵の真似事して頭がぼーっとしてたからさ。ってか、この話したよな? あたしが寝てる間に時間を巻き戻したりした・・・?

You sound high, but thanks for the morning grope. Since we were up all night playing “CSI: Arcadia Bay,” I was still spaced out here, trying to put all this info together.

Max, did you forget we’ve gone over this? I hope you weren’t messing around with time while I was sleeping…


■grope (v) to feel with your hands, especially in order to find or move towards sth when you cannot see easily(動)まさぐる、痴漢行為をする

*CSI: …comes from an American crime drama “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”,  also referred to as “CSI: Las Vegas”

米国の犯罪捜査ドラマ『CSI:科学捜査班(CSI: ラスベガスとも呼ばれている)』のもじり

■space out (phrase) daydream about nothing in particular(フレーズ)〈俗〉ぼんやりする、ボーッとする






Not anymore. I’m just spaced out, too.

Welcome back to the real world, Max…

Let’s look at the big board and see all our pieces in the puzzle so far.

So close, yet so far away…

We have to do three main things.



Right…uh, what things?



One, decipher Frank’s logbook. Two, get Nathan’s phone to find out where he’s been during the Vortex Club parties with Kate and Rachel. And see whatever hidden shit he’s got in his messages.


■decipher (v) to discover the meaning of sth written badly or in a difficult or hidden way(動)〔判読が難しいものを〕読み解く、〔暗号を〕解読する

■logbook (n) a book in which someone records details and events relating to sth, for example a journey or period of their life, or a vehicle.(名)日誌(何かに関連する詳細やイベントを記録する本。例えば、旅、人生、乗り物などについて)



Three, beat step-douche down until he tells us about Frank, Nathan, and the “Dark Room.”

And I do have a gun now…


■douche [dúːʃ ] (n) (informal) an unpleasant person(名)(俗・軽蔑的〉嫌なやつ



Keep it in your pants. We’ll have to do this on our own.



Dude, at least let me kick his ass, then rewind–Fine, whatevs, it’s your power.


■whatevs = slang for whatever



Which I can’t waste on shit like that. Or Blackwell would be in big trouble.



You didn’t even let me take that money to pay Frank off.


■pay off (phrase) to pay (a debt or a creditor ) in full(フレーズ)完済する、清算する



And I’m glad. We have to be better than that.



I know. You should get busy in the garage to see what dirt you can dig up. I’m going to cyberstalk some names and see where that leads…or to who.


■get busy (phrase) begin work or tasks that need to be done(フレーズ)すぐに取り掛かる、仕事を始める、テキパキする

■dirt (n) unpleasant or bad details about sb’s private life(名)うわさ話、ゴシップ、醜聞

■dig up dirt (phrase) try to discover unpleasant details on sb(フレーズ)ゴシップを掘り出す、秘密を暴露する

■cyberstalk (v) to stalk (a person) over the internet(動)ネットを使ってストーカー行為をする






大成功! クロエのところに戻ろう。

I’m on it, partner.

It looks like David finished his car repairs. Maybe there’s some new clues around.

Whoa, that is a serious padlock on that locker. Sorry, David, but I bet you would do the same thing as me.

Whoa… Maps, notes, coordinates, photos of Kate, Nathan… Oh, yes!

Score! Back to Chloe now.


■I’m on it (phrase) I will take care of a situation(フレーズ)すぐやります、もう取りかかってます、了解しました

■clue (n) a sign or some information that helps you to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery(名)手がかり、ヒント、糸口

■padlock [ pǽdlɑ̀k ] (n) a small metal lock with a U-shaped bar (名)南京錠

■score (interjection ) exclamation of happiness; “yay!”(間)〈話〉しめた、やった(大成功、素晴らしい成果)





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