「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p17 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 17)


We got no time for this shit. Come on, Max.



Sorry… I just wanted to feel like a normal student after this week’s ultraviolence. I never hit anybody like that before… I was always the one getting my ass kicked.


マックス:もう少しだけ協力して。ネイサンを見かけたらすぐにメールして? 向こうには気づかれないようにね。

Hey, we still need your expert help. If you see Nathan, text me immediately, okay? And do not let him see you.


■text (v) to send sb a text message by phone(動)〔携帯電話でメールを〕書く、打つ、送信する



He won’t. I know how to be invisible here…


■invisible (a) impossible to see(形)目に見えない



Not to me, Warren. Text soon.



Hi, Stella.



Hey, Max, welcome to the “End of the World.” Do you want me to check anything in?



No, thanks, Stella. Have you seen Nathan yet?



No, thank God. That boy creeps me out… Wait, some girl just asked about Nathan before you came in. She had blue hair, dressed like a punk… I’ve seen her putting up those Rachel Amber posters. I’m stuck here, so I’m sorry I can’t help you.


■creep out (phrase) give sb an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease(フレーズ)〈俗〉ひどくゾッとさせる

■put up (phrase) display a notice, sign, or poster(フレーズ)掲示する



Victoria, listen to me…your life is in serious danger. I know Nathan is your friend, but he is truly unstable and dangerous. He did drug Kate at that party so he could take her some place…dark.


■unstable (a) prone to psychiatric problems or sudden changes of mood(形)不安定な

■drug (v) to give a person or animal a chemical that causes a loss of feeling or the condition of being unconscious(動)~に薬を飲ませる、~に薬物を入れる


ヴィクトリア:何それ? ご苦労様。でも信じないけどね。なぜネイサンがそんなことしなくちゃならないの?

What? Nice try, Max. But I don’t believe you. And why would he do that?



That I don’t know yet. But it was enough to make Kate want to die…And I think you’re next.



Max, that is crazy. Nathan is like one of my best friends. Yes, he takes serious meds, but that’s not his fault. His family treats him like a total freak, just because he has little meltdowns.


■meds (n) = medication or medicine(名)〈話〉医薬品

■freak (n) 1. sb who uses an illicit drug 2.sb who looks strange or behaves in a strange way(名)〈俗〉薬中毒者、〈話〉変人

■have a meltdown (phrase) to become extremely angry(フレーズ)キレる、癇癪をおこす



They’re not little anymore. They’re deadly. I don’t care if you hate me or not, but you have to believe me.


■deadly (a) complete or extreme(形)甚だしい、致命的な



You could have been a major bitch to me when I got hit with that paint… and I deserved it.


■get hit with (phrase) receiving sth unwanted(フレーズ)~を吹っ掛けられる、~で打撃を受ける



Max, I don’t hate you… I actually think you’re one of the coolest people at Blackwell… Weird, but cool. You just don’t know it yet. Maybe I’m jealous because you don’t give a shit what anybody thinks. And I do.



To be honest, Nathan has been freaking me out lately… He’s not here and I haven’t seen him.



Just make sure you stay away from him and stick close to your friends tonight, okay?



I’ll let you boss me around this one time. And I have other people I can go to for protection. Thanks for telling me this, Max. If what you said is true… then you be careful, too.


■boss around (phrase) to tell sb what to do(フレーズ)威張り散らす、偉そうに命令する



I’ve got my own protection.



Um, text me if you need anything…



I will. Thanks, Victoria.



Au revoir.


■Au revoir (phrase) good bye in French(フレーズ)バイバイ(仏語)





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