【確認用】”Life is Strange” Episode 2: Out of Time



ビデオゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」 エピソード2: Out of Time

英語版「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」のエピソード2の通し動画。





<ライフ イズ ストレンジ・エピソード2復習用動画>

<ライフ イズ ストレンジ・エピソード2語彙・フレーズ>


■stand up for (phrase) to defend or support someone or something(フレーズ)~のために立ち向かう、~に味方する、~をかばう

■Absolutely (adv) completely(副)間違いなく、もちろん

■What’s up? (phrase) What are you doing?, What are you up to?(フレーズ)何してるの? これから何するの?


■awesome (a) causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear(形)〈米俗〉素晴らしい、イケてる

■sorry (a) feeling bad because you have caused trouble or difficulty to someone else(形)後悔する

■boo hoo〈擬声語〉エーンエーン、メソメソ、トホホホ、やれやれ、あーあー

■viral (a) used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc. (形)〔ソーシャルメディアを使って〕口コミで素早く広がる、バイラルの

■slut (n) a woman who has sexual relationships with a lot of men without any emotional involvement(名)〔不特定多数の人とセックスする〕ふしだらな女、尻軽女

■viral slut (n) a woman who somehow acts ‘slutty’ on diverse social media. (名)ソーシャルメディア上でふしだらな振る舞いをする女性

■hook up (phrase) to meet or begin to work with another person or other people(フレーズ)仲間になる、付き合うようになる

■good shit (n) drugs that get you higher than usual(名)〈卑〉〔マリフアナなどの〕上物

■sista = sister

■Yuck (exclamation) an expression of disgust(間投)(嫌悪・反感を表す)ゲッ!、オエッ! ウエッ!

■minion (n) a follower or underling of a powerful person(名)寵臣、手先、子分

■take one’s sweet time (phrase) to do something as slowly as one wants even though other people want one to act more quickly(フレーズ)好きなだけ時間をかける、ゆっくりし過ぎである

■give it a rest! (phrase) used to ask someone to stop talking about something that the speaker finds irritating (フレーズ)やめなさい!、だまれ!

■be in an accident(フレーズ)事故に遭う

■hang out with sb (phrase) to spend time with sb(フレーズ)つるむ、親しくする

■weirdo (n) a person who behaves strangely(名)〈俗〉変な人、変人

■dumb (a) stupid(形)間抜けな

■quirky (a) unusual in an attractive and interesting way(形)〔人や行動が良い意味で〕とっぴな、予測できない

■in action(フレーズ)活動中の、行動中で、実施中に

■evil (a) morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant(形)邪悪な

■beeatch (n) Variant of “bitch”, as pronounced to further emphasise the expression(名)bitch の変形した単語

■mean (a) unkind or unpleasant(形)卑劣な、意地悪な

■worth (a) having a particular value(形)~に値する

■immaculate[imǽkjələt ] (a) perfectly clean or tidy(形)汚れのない、無傷の、純潔な

■pigsty [pígstai ] (n) an enclosed area where pigs are kept(名)〈英〉豚小屋、〈主に英話〉〔豚小屋みたいに〕散らかし放題の場所

■step in (phrase) to become involved in a difficult situation or argument in order to help find a solution(フレーズ)〔事件・論争などに〕介入する

■bully (n) someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often over a period of time(名)自分より弱い者に対するいじめを繰り返す人

■You should know better.(フレーズ)もっと分別があってもいいんじゃないか。そんなことでどうするの。もっと賢い人のはずなのに。

■actually (adv) in fact or really(副)本当に、実際は

■What’s the story? (フレーズ)なんなの? どうなっているの?

■paranoid (a) anxious because you do not feel you can trust others(形)偏執性の、被害妄想を持った

■humiliating (a) making you feel ashamed or stupid(形)屈辱的な、恥をかかせるような

■suck (v) (slang) If someone or something sucks, that person or thing is bad or unpleasant(動)(俗・軽蔑的〉最悪である、非常にむかつく

■end up doing (phrase) to finally be in a particular place or situation(フレーズ)最後には~になる~する羽目になる

■make out with(人)といちゃつく、(人)とペッティングする

■a bunch of(フレーズ)〈話〉たくさんの

■awful (a) extremely bad or unpleasant(形)恐ろしい、ひどい

■sort out (phrase) to understand or find sth, such as a reason or a solution by thinking (フレーズ)整理する、選び出す、気持ちを落ちつける、冷静さを取り戻す

■swear (v) to promise or say firmly that you are telling the truth(動)誓う

■sip (n) a very small amount of a drink that you take into your mouth(名)(飲み物の)一口、ひとすすり

■wasted (a) very drunk or ill from drugs(形)〈俗〉〔酒や麻薬で〕酔っぱらった

■drug (v) to give a person or animal a chemical that causes a loss of feeling or the condition of being unconscious(動)~に薬を飲ませる、~に薬物を入れる

■dizzy (a) feeling like everything is turning around and as if you might fall(形)目が回る、目まいがする、フラフラする

■definitely (adv) without any doubt(副)間違いなく

■recall (v) to bring the memory of a past event into your mind(動)思い出す

■sting (n) a pain or wound resulting from or as from stinging, the act of stinging(名)刺すこと、針、とげ

■mark (n) a small area on the surface of something that is damaged, (名)〔傷や汚れなどの〕跡

■bruise (n) an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour(名)打撲(傷)、あざ

■gross [gróus ] (a) extremely unpleasant(形)〈話〉気持ち悪い、ゾッとする、むかつく

■take down (phrase) to remove of a web page, film, web site from the internet(フレーズ)〔コンテンツ・ウェブページ・掲示板などを〕消す、削除する

■figure out (phrase) to understand or solve something (フレーズ)見つけ出す、~であると分かる

■check back (phrase) to return to a place, person, etc., in order to try something again or to get additional information(フレーズ)(人)にもう一度連絡する

■grab at (phrase) to try to get hold of someone or something quickly, with your hand(フレーズ)~にしがみつく、~をつかもうとする

■prove (v) to show that something is true(動)証明する

■hopeless (a) without hope(形)望みのない

■go on (phrase) happen (フレーズ)起こる、発生する

■squirrel [skwə́ːrəl ](名)リス

■whisper (v) to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice(動)ささやく


■get in the way (phrase) to make it difficult for it to happen, continue, or be appreciated properly(フレーズ)邪魔をする

■ritual (n) a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony (名)儀式のように決まって行う日常の行為、儀式

■rap about sth (phrase) you talk about it in a relaxed or informal way(フレーズ)自由に話す、おしゃべりをする

■intense (a) extreme and forceful(形)強烈な、激しい

■knock someone on someone’s ass (phrase) If someone hits you with something or you ran into (フレーズ)尻もちつくほど打ちのめす

■dick (n) a stupid man(名)愚か者

■stand up to (phrase) to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly(フレーズ)~に抵抗する

■run off with sb (phrase) to leave together secretly and suddenly(フレーズ)~と一緒に逃げる、駆け落ちする

■in a while (phrase) after a while, after a period of time(フレーズ)しばらくの間

■beg the question (phrase) to talk about sth as if it were true, even though it may not be(フレーズ)論点となっていることを真実とみなして話を先へ進める

■lay low (phrase) staying out the scene and avoiding where the hype is at(フレーズ)身を低くする、隠れる、おとなしくする

■Karma (n) good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one’s actions(名)〔善い・悪い行いに対する〕報い

■bizarro (a) bizarre (形)奇怪な、異様な、信じられない

■snowfall (n) a fall of snow(名)降雪

■dystopia(n) a very bad or unfair society(名)ディストピア、反理想郷、暗黒世界

■old-school (a) old-fashioned(形)古い習慣を守る、伝統的スタイルの

■text (v) to send someone a text message by phone(動)〔携帯電話でメールを〕書く、打つ、送信する

■have something to do with (phrase) you are not involved or connected with sb(フレーズ)~と関係がある、つながりがある

■diner (n) a small restaurant that serves cheap meals(名)軽食レストラン

■clang (v) to make a loud deep ringing sound like that of metal being hit, or to cause something to make this sound(動)(金属性の)ガチャン、カンカンと鳴る

■silverware (n) objects, especially knives, forks, spoons, etc., made of silver (名)銀製食器

■explore (v) to think or talk about something in order to find out more about it(動)〔詳しく〕~を調査・研究する

■unusual (a) different from what is usual or expected(形)普通でない、まれな

■confused (a) not clear and therefore difficult to understand    (形)混乱した、訳が分からない

■delighted (a) very pleased(形)喜んでいる

■resident (n) a person who lives or has their home in a place(名)居住者


■meteorologist (n) someone who studies meteorology(名)気象学者

■odd (a) strange or unexpected(形)へんな、奇妙な

■snow flurry (n) a sudden light fall of snow(名)小雪がちらつくこと、微量の雪

■prank (n) a trick that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage(名)いたずら、悪ふざけ

■nice save (phrase) sb a good job at saving a situation from getting going bad  (フレーズ)〔自分や他人の失言・気まずい状況などを取り繕う〕うまい一言、ナイス・フォロー

■folks (n) people, especially those of a particular group or type (名)人々、家族

■move forward (phrase) to advance in position or progress. (フレーズ)前進する

■pass on(phrase) polite expression for die(フレーズ)この世を去る、永眠する

■expulsion (n) (the act of) forcing someone, or being forced, to leave a school, organization, or country(名)〔罰としての組織からの〕除名、除籍

■rebel (v) to refuse to obey rules or people in authority(動)反抗する

■stepfather (n) the man who is married to someone’s mother but who is not their real father(名)義父

■along with (phrase) in addition to sb or sth else(フレーズ)~と一緒に、~と同時に

■mention (v) to speak about sth quickly, giving little detail or using few words(動)言及する

■stay out of sth (phrase) to not become involved in an argument or discussion(フレーズ)~に関わらない、口を挟まない

■next to(フレーズ)~は別にして

■get down to the nitty-gritty (phrase) to become focused on the most important(フレーズ)問題の核心に入っていく

■drool (v) to allow saliva to flow out of your mouth(動)よだれを垂らす

■speak of the devil (phrase) something you say when the person you were talking about appears unexpectedly(フレーズ)うわさをすれば影

college fund 大学進学資金(の貯蓄)

■put it on one’s tab(フレーズ)~のつけにする

■tab (n) a record of what you have ordered or used but not yet paid for, especially in a bar or restaurant(名)つけ、勘定

■treat (v) to buy or pay for something for another person(動)〔食事を〕おごる

■treat (n) an occasion on which you pay for someone’s food or entertainment(名)おごり

■rewind (v) to make a sound or video recording go back to the beginning(動)き戻す、巻き直す

■predict (v) to say that an event or action will happen in the future(動)予言する

■dazzle (v) to cause someone to feel strong admiration of something or someone(動)(才能や素晴らしさが人を)驚嘆させる、圧倒する

■oops (exclamation) an expression of surprise or feeling sorry about a mistake or slight accident (間投)うわっ! しまった!

■refill (n) an amount of what is needed to fill something again(名)〔飲食物の〕おかわり

■shoot (exclamation) used to express anger, disgust, disappointment, etc.(間投)〈俗〉しまった!、くそっ!


■slap (v) to hit sb or sth with the flat part of the hand or other flat object(動)ひっぱたく、平手でたたく

■garbage (n) waste material or unwanted things that you throw away(名)ゴミ

■go to Davy Johes’s locker (フレーズ)海の藻屑と消える

■rip someone a new one (phrase) to express great anger(フレーズ)~に激怒する

■break up (phrase) to bring to an end(フレーズ)〔争っている人々などを〕止める


■crawl (v) to move slowly, especially with your body stretched out along the ground(動)〔手足を地表または床面につけて〕はう

■way to go! (phrase) used to tell someone they have done well(フレーズ)〈米話〉よくやった、いいぞ、その調子である

■You call it. (phrase) To predict something before it happens, and subsequently state once the predicition actually occurs.(フレーズ)何かが起こる前にそれを予測し、その後、実際に予測が発生したときにそれを述べること。

■bust (v) (slang) catch someone who does something wrong(動)(スラング)悪いことをした人をつかまえる

■pledge (v) to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something(動)誓約する、固く誓う

■allegiance (n) loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group, or belief(名)忠義、忠誠

■pledge allegiance to(フレーズ)~に忠誠を誓う

■screw that (phrase) said after someone tells or asks you to do something that you’re too lazy or you just don’t want to do(フレーズ)(言われたことに対して)それは嫌だ

■bang (v) strike (動)たたく

■with no strings attached(フレーズ)〔支援などが〕何も条件を付けずに、付帯条件なしで、ひも付きでなく

■boom (exclamation) used to define / draw attention to an excellent outcome. Can be used without any preamble. 優れた結果に注意を引くために使用される感嘆符。

■make a move on (フレーズ)~への行動を起こす、ちょっかいを出す、〔人の領域に〕侵入する

■insane (a) extremely unreasonable or stupid(形)〈話〉〔行動・考えなどが〕常軌を逸した、正気とは思えない、ばかげた、愚かな

■blow one’s nose(phrase) to force air from your lungs and through your nose to clear it (フレーズ)鼻をかむ

■lair (n) a refuge or place for hiding(名)〈話〉〔秘密の〕隠れ家

■sidekick (n) a person closely associated with another as a subordinate or partner(名)〈話〉〔親しい〕仲間、〈話〉〔親しい〕助手

■cave (n) a place providing privacy or seclusion from others(名)プライバシーがあり他者から隔絶されている場所

■rust (名) さび

■raw (a) not processed or purified(形)粗野な

■rough (a) crude in style or expression(形)洗練されていない

■suit (v) to be right for a particular person, situation, or occasion(動)ふさわしい

■douche [dúːʃ ] (n) (informal) an unpleasant person(名)(俗・軽蔑的〉嫌なやつ

■armed (a) using or carrying weapons(形)武装した、武器を持った

■step- (prefix) related to someone through a second marriage(接頭)血縁のない

■dildo(n) a stupid man(名)〈米俗〉嫌な人、ばか、あほ

■abuse (v) to use sth for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong(動)~を誤用する、~を悪用する

■prep (v) prepare(動)準備する

■shooting range(名)射撃練習場

■combo (n) a combination of different things(名)組み合わせ

■Pretty please. (phrase) an extra cute way to say please(フレーズ)Pleaseの可愛らしい言い方

■primordial (a) existing at or since the beginning of the world or the universe


■graffiti (n) words or drawings in public places(名)落書き

■flyer (n) a small piece of paper with information on it about a product or event(名)チラシ、ビラ、小冊子

■dated (a) having or showing a date(形)日付のある、~日付の

■bestie (n) best friend(名)〈俗〉親友

■booze (n) alchole(名)〈話〉酒、ビール

■voilà (exclamation) used when showing to other people something that you have just made or got and are pleased with(間投)〈フランス語〉ほら、じゃじゃーん

■booty (n) any valuable things or money stolen by an army at war or by thieves(名)戦利品、略奪品

■duh (exclamation) used to show that you think a person or statement is stupid, or that sth is obvious(間投)〈俗〉分かり切ったことを聞くな、何当たり前のこと言ってるんだ

■slightly (adv) a little(副)少しだけ

■junker (n) an old car in poor condition(名)〈米俗〉ぽんこつ自動車

■adios (exclamation) goodbye(間投)〈スペイン語〉さようなら

■for real (phrase) real, not pretended(フレーズ)本当に(の)、実際に(の)、本気で(の)

■bust a cap (phrase) to fire a weapon; to shoot with a gun(フレーズ)(俗)銃で撃つ

■freak out (phrase) to become or cause someone to become extremely emotional(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔人を〕怖がらせる、感情的にさせる

■chat up (phrase) to talk informally with sb(フレーズ)〈話〉おしゃべりする

■lock and load (phrase) to lock cartridge into the gun(フレーズ)〈米〉銃に弾を込める、銃の発射準備をする

■get in trouble(フレーズ)厄介ごとに巻き込まれる

■Excuse us (他の人には遠慮してもらい二人になりたい時に使う)すみません

■bonding (n) the process by which a close emotional relationship is developed(名)絆の形成

■gunshot (n) (the sound of) the shooting of a gun(名)銃声、発砲、砲撃

■alike (a) similar to each other(形)よく似ている

■a shitload = a lot

■broke (a) without money(形)〈話〉無一文の、金欠の

■act tough (phrase) to pretend that everything is fine(フレーズ)タフなふりをする

■girlie (n) a girl or young woman (often used as a term of address) (名)〈話〉女の子、お嬢ちゃん

■asshole (n) an unpleasant or stupid person(名)〈卑俗・侮蔑的〉〔嫌なことをする〕ばか者、ろくでなし

■step back (phrase) to stop being involved in something(フレーズ)後ずさりする、〔行動・活動から〕身を引く

■mean (v) used to add emphasis to what you are saying(動)〔はったりや冗談ではなく〕本気で~と言っている

■track down ( phrase) to search for someone or something(フレーズ)追い詰める、追跡して捕らえる

■interest (n) money that is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money(名)利子

■keep A off B’s ass (phrase) to prevent A from touching B(フレーズ)〈卑〉AがBに付きまとわないようにする

■seal (v) to close an entrance or container so that nothing can enter or leave it (動)~を封印する、密封する

■electrified (a) having an electric current passing through(形)電気の流れている

■bunker (n) a shelter, usually underground, that has strong walls to protect the people inside it from bullets or bombs(名)《軍事》掩蔽壕、出入り口や上部をおおった防空壕。

■work out (phrase) to happen or develop in a particular way(フレーズ)結局~となる、結果が~になる

■Let’s blow (phrase) Let’s go. (フレーズ)行こう

■hilarious [ hɪˈler.i.əs ] (a) extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter(形)面白い、笑わせる

■brainiac [bréiniæ̀k] (n) people who are extremely intelligent. (名)異例な頭脳力を持つ人

■epic (a) extremely good(形)〈米俗〉素晴らしい、最高の

■barrel (n) the long part of a gun that is shaped like a tube(名)銃身

■hang around (phrase) associate with someone(フレーズ)つるむ、まつわりつく

■keep sb/sth out (phrase) to not go in a place, or to stop sb or sth from going into a place(フレーズ)〔場所に〕入らせない、~を排除する

■hangout [ hǽŋàut ] (n) a place where someone spends a lot of time, or where someone lives(名)たまり場

■hardcore (a) highly committed in one’s support for or dedication to something.(形)〔人が〕筋金入りの、熱烈な、本格的な

■front (v) to put on a fake or false personality; not keeping it real(動)〈米俗〉格好を付ける、見えを張る

■stash (n) mustache(名)口ひげ

■mangy (a) suffering from mange(形)疥癬(かいせん)にかかった、汚らしい

■pay off (phrase) to pay (a debt or a creditor ) in full(フレーズ)完済する、清算する


■keep an eye on (phrase) to watch someone or something, esp. to keep someone out of trouble(フレーズ)~に目を光らせる、~から目を離さない、~を見守る、~を見張る

■eyeball (v) to look closely at someone(動)〈話〉~をじっと[じろじろ]見る

■crap (n) something that is not worth anything, not useful, nonsense, or of bad quality


■have a great eye for (phrase) good at noticing it or making judgments about it(フレーズ)目が利く

■beat (n) beatnik(名)ビート族(の若者)

■would rather (phrase) used to show that you prefer to have or do one thing more than another(フレーズ)~する方が良い、むしろ~したい

■be stuck (phrase) unable to move(フレーズ)~で身動きできない、~から逃れられない

■hold on (phrase) used to tell someone to wait for a short time(フレーズ)ちょっと待って

■bonded (形)絆で結ばれた

■take away (フレーズ)連れて行く

■desolate (a) (of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak emptiness(形)荒涼とした、人けのない

■faithful (a) firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles(形)真心を尽くす

■chauffeur [ʃóufər ] (n) someone whose job is to drive a car for a rich or important person(名)〈フランス語〉〔自家用車のお抱え〕運転手

■companion (n) a person you spend a lot of time with often because you are friends or because you are travelling together(名)〔付き添う〕仲間

■ride (n) a free journey in a car to a place where you want to go(名)〈米話〉〔車にただで〕乗せること

■right on time (phrase) The timing was perfect (フレーズ)〈話〉きっかり時間どおりに

■ginormous [dʒainɔ́ːməs ] (a) extremely large(形)〈俗〉とてつもなく大きい

■take out (phrase) to destroy, disable, or critically damage something (フレーズ)破壊する

■high (a) to be emotionally uplifted, to be wasted on drugs or alcohol(形)〈話〉〔気分が〕ハイになった、〔酒や麻薬で〕酔った

■alter (v) to change sth, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of sth to change(動)変える、改ざんする

■geek (n) someone who is intelligent but not fashionable or popular(名)マニア、おたく

■freak (a) very unusual or unexpected(形) 〔極めて〕異常な、珍しい、風変わりな

■Armageddon (n) a final war between good and evil at the end of the world, as described in the Bible(名)アルマゲドン、終末に行われる善と悪の最終決戦

■wander (v) to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction(動)歩き回る、ぶらつく

■come over (phrase) to come to a place or move towards someone(フレーズ)こちらにやって来る

■assume (v) to accept something as true without question or proof(動)~と推測する、~と見なす

■tormented (a) experiencing or characterized by severe physical or mental suffering(形) 〔人が連続的に肉体的・精神的に〕ひどく苦しめられている、悩まされている

■on a daily basis (phrase) everyday(フレーズ)毎日の、日常的に

■what if (フレーズ) もし~だったらどうなるか

■doth [dʌθ ] = does (v) in the past, the third person singular of the present tense of “do”(動)doの三人称単数・直説法現在形

■hold back (phrase) to not do sth, often because of fear or because you do not want to make a bad situation worse(フレーズ)〔事実・本心などを〕隠す、本当のことを言わない

■puffy (a) If the skin around your eyes is puffy, it is slightly swollen(形)膨れた、むくんだ、腫れぼったい

■have a lot on one’s plate (phrase) have a great deal (or too much) to cope with(フレーズ)やるべきことが山ほどある・ありすぎる

■beat it (phrase) go away(フレーズ)〈話〉すぐに出て行く・立ち去る

■usual suspect (n) the usual people or things that are suspected or thought of in a particular situation —often used humorously(名)容疑者としていつも名前が挙がる人、札付き

■giggle about (phrase) to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, often at something silly or rude(フレーズ)のことをクスクス笑う

■false (a) not real, but made to look or seem real(形)誤った、ウソの

■shoot out (phrase) to dart, extend or thrust outward very quickly(フレーズ)飛び出して行く

■put away (phrase) to put sth in the place or container where it is usually kept(フレーズ)しまう、片付ける

■go down (phrase) If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔出来事が〕起きる、起こる

■remain seated(フレーズ)座ったままでいる

■dismissed (a) students are free to go at the end of a lesson period(形)授業は終わり

■keep going (phrase) to continue in the same way as before(フレーズ)前進し続ける、やり続ける

■step up to (phrase) to take action when there is a need or opportunity for it (フレーズ)立ちあがる、行動を起こす

■matter (v) to be important, or to affect what happens(動)大きな違いがある、重要である

■get through (phrase) pass, finish(フレーズ)~を通り抜ける、処理する

■take down (phrase) to defeat or kill someone, or to stop someone from causing harm(フレーズ)やっつける、悪事を止める

■scumbag (n) a very unpleasant person(名) 〈卑俗〉卑劣な人、極悪人

■cleanse [ klεnz ] (v) to make something completely clean(動)清める、浄化する、〔ウイルスを〕駆除する

■have one’s back (phrase) to be ready to protect or defend someone(フレーズ)守る、背中から支える

■hopeful (a) having hope(形)希望に満ちた

■body (n) a dead person(名)死体

■web (n) a net made by a spider(名)クモの巣


■be full of crap/shit/it (phrase) someone often says things that are wrong or stupid(フレーズ)ほら吹きである

■pull together (phrase) to work hard as a group in order to achieve something(フレーズ)協力する

■modest (a) unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements(形)謙虚な

■The head of a school, college, or other educational institution(名)校長、学長

■well-being (n) the state of feeling healthy and happy(名)健康で安心なこと

■operating procedure (名)作業手順

■go through (phrase) undergo (a difficult period or experience) (フレーズ)〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験・経験する

■amiss (a) wrong, not suitable, or not as expected(形)間違った、不適切な

■dose (v) to give someone a measured amount of medicine(動)~に投薬する、~に服用させる

■without a clue(フレーズ)何も知らずに

■loaded (a) drunk(形) 〔酒・麻薬に〕グデングデンに酔っぱらった

■play the field (phrase) to hold an interest in a number of people or things, especially to become romantically or sexually involved with a number of partners(フレーズ)多くの異性とつきあう・遊び回る

■emergency room (名)〈主に米〉緊急救命室

■ER (n) abbreviation for emergency room(名)emergency roomの省略形

■sober up (phrase) to become less drunk, or to make someone become less drunk(フレーズ)~の酔いをさます、酔いがさめる

■bullshit (n) complete nonsense or something that is not true(名)〈卑俗〉たわ言、でたらめ

■slander (n) a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement(名)名誉毀損

■sue (v) to take legal action against a person or organization(動)告訴する

■make things up(フレーズ)作り話をする、でっち上げる

■prominently (adv) in a way that can easily be seen or noticed(副)著しく、顕著に、傑出して

■suspend (v) temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity(動)~を停職(処分)にする、~に停学を命じる

■grill (v) to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time(動)質問攻めにする

■forum (n) a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter especially of public interest(名)問題を討論する場・会議

■devastated (a) very shocked and upset(形)精神的に打ちのめされた

■investigation (n) the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth(名)〔真相を明らかにするための詳細な〕調査

■inquiry (n) an official process to discover the facts about something bad that has happened(名)取り調べ、調査

■for the better(フレーズ)良い方向へ

■literally (adv) used to emphasize what you are saying(副)文字通り

■reach out (phrase) to stretch arm to touch someone or something, to offer help(フレーズ)手を伸ばす

■glow (v) to produce a light, to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining(動)輝く

■halo [héilou ] (n) a ring of light around the head of a holy person in a religious drawing or painting(名)後光

■one and a half times(フレーズ)1倍半

■ominous (a) suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen(形)不吉な

■somehow (adv) in a way(副)何かしらの形で

■conspiracy (n) the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal(名)陰謀

■straight-up (adv) honestly ; truly(副)〈話〉正直に、本当に

■dickhead (n) an unpleasant or stupid person(名)〈卑俗〉ばか、あほ

■confirm (v) to prove that a belief or an opinion that was previously not completely certain is true(動)確認する、裏付ける

■eclipse (n) an occasion when the sun disappears from view, either completely or partly(名)日食



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