ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep4p5 “The Walking Dead” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード4 Around Every Corner 追い詰められて part 5)




Oh, my god. Chuck. He must’ve tried to hide out down here. No bullets. He must’ve saved the last one for himself. You deserved better, old man.


■hide out (phrase) to stay somewhere where you cannot be found(フレーズ)潜伏している

■deserve (v) to have earned or to be given sth because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have(動)~の価値がある、~にふさわしい





Who are you?



Nobody. I’m just lost, trying to get back home.



Yeah, well, you took a wrong turn. This is our home, not yours. And you’re not welcome here.


■take a wrong turn (phrase) to go the wrong way : to turn in the wrong direction(フレーズ)曲がる場所を間違える、道を間違える、方向を間違える



Look, I’m sorry I disturbed you folks. I’ll just be going.


■folks (n) people, especially those of a particular group or type (名)人々、家族



You can’t let him leave. He’s from Crawford! If he goes back there and they find out we’re down here…



Are you from Crawford?



I came here with a small group, hoping to find a boat. We just want to get out of here. How about you just let me go?



Ain’t no boats around here. Crawford took everything.



Yeah, I heard.



You can’t trust him, Vernon. You can’t let him leave.



What do you want me to do, shoot him in the head?


ブリー:それの何がダメなの? クロフォードのヤツらがしてきたことに比べたら慈悲深いぐらいよ。

Why not? That’d be more of a mercy than anyone from Crawford ever showed us.


■mercy (n) kindness towards a person, especially an enemy, who is in one’s power(名)慈悲、情け深い行為、寛大な措置

■more of A than B (phrase) to be one thing rather than another(フレーズ)BというよりA


リー:私はクロフォードじゃないが、上で彼らのしたことを見た。気が滅入るよ。私はヤツらとは違う。そしてあんたも違うだろ? あんたは善い人だ。

I’m not from Crawford, but I saw what they did up there. It made me sick. I’m not like them. And I don’t think you are either. I think you’re a good man.





It’s okay.


ブリー:ヴァーノン、何やってるのよ?! ヴァーノン!
Vernon, what the hell are you doing?! Vernon!



Relax. I’m not here to hurt you.



You’re really not from Crawford?



No. I’m really not.



Well…we are. Or were. We got out of there when they starting sealing up the place, starting weeding out the sick and the old so their perfect survivor society wouldn’t be threatened. No room for weakness or vulnerability in their little master race.


■seal up (phrase) close it completely so that nothing can get in or out(フレーズ)封印する、厳封する

■weed out (phrase) to remove things which are unwanted from a group or collection(フレーズ)〔好ましくないものを〕取り除く

■weakness (n) the state or condition of being weak(名)弱いこと、脆弱性、不十分

■vulnerability (n) the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally(名)脆弱性、もろさ、傷つきやすさ

■master race (n) a people or nation whose members consider themselves genetically superior to all others and therefore justified in conquering and ruling them(名)支配者民族



You don’t look that old. So…you’re sick?



WE’RE sick. We’re all members of a cancer survivors group that used to meet here at the hospital. We’re in remission. But that wasn’t good enough for Crawford. They’d already rounded up five of us before the rest managed to hole up and hide from them down here. This old basement’s been abandoned for years.


■remission (n) a lessening in the severity of an illness etc(名)〔病状の一時的な〕回復、寛解

■round up (phrase) to gather people, animals, or things into one place(フレーズ)一網打尽に捕らえる、取り押さえる

■hole up (phrase) to stay in a safe place, often as a way of escape(フレーズ)身を隠す、潜伏する、立てこもる

■abandoned (a) left in a particular place or condition, usually forever(形)〔物が所有者から〕見捨てられた、放棄された

■for years (phrase) for a long time (フレーズ)何年間も、長期にわたって



What is this, a morgue?


■morgue (n) a building where people who have been found dead are laid until they are identified etc(名)死体安置所、死体保管所



Yeah. Irony’s always high on my list when I’m looking for a place to survive. How did you find your way down here?


■be high/low on a list of sth (phrase) to be considered very important or not very important(フレーズ)リストの上位/下位に



I told you. My group and I were up by the river looking for a boat. Now I just want to get out of here and find them again.



That sewer system you came through runs all over the city, it’ll take you wherever you want to go.


■sewer (n) a large pipe, usually underground, that is used for carrying waste water and human waste(名)下水管、下水道



Those sewers are like a damn maze. Any chance you could help me find my way back?


■(Is there) any chance(フレーズ)~は可能ですか、~する可能性はありますか



Look, I’d like to help you. But we’ve all got our own problems. Two of our group are sick and need constant care. And I’m the only doctor here.


■constant (a) occurring continuously over a period of time(形)持続する、定期的な






ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


ゲーム「バイオハザード RE:2」




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