「バイオハザード ダークサイド クロニクルズ」で英語学習 p10 “Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles” script


ダークサイド クロニクルズ ’オペレーション・ハヴィエ’

Darkside Chronicles ‘Operation Javier’




These are all human organs.


■organ (n) a part of the body of an animal or plant that performs a particular job(名)臓器、器官



The missing girls. Manuela!


■missing (a) (of a thing) not able to be found / (of a person) absent from a place(形)〔あるはずの物が〕見当たらない、〔人・動物が〕行方不明の



Her organs must be transplanted regularly.


■transplant (v) to move tissue or an organ from one person’s body to another’s(動)移す、〔臓器などを〕移植する

■regularly (adv) at repeated times, with equal or similar amounts of time between one time and the next(副)定期的に



What are you talking about?



It helps with the pain, keeping the virus at bay. But that’s only for the first 15 years.


■at bay (phrase) to control sth and prevent it from causing you problems(フレーズ)追い詰められて、攻撃者と向き合うことを強いられる

例)インフレを食い止めている。Inflation remains at bay.



If you had just let me die, none of this would ever happened.



No. I couldn’t just watch you die. In nature, the predators who prey on others only grows stronger and thrive!


■prey on (phrase) to hurt, cheat, or steal from sb(フレーズ)~を餌食[食い物・犠牲]にする、~を捕食する

■thrive (v) to grow, develop, or be successful(動)力強くなる、繁栄する



You crazy selfish old fool!


■selfish (a) sb who is selfish only thinks of their own advantage(形)利己的な、自分勝手な

■fool (n) a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person(名)ばか者



Considering you brought my daughter back, I will grant your deaths meaning.


■grant (v) to give or allow sb sth(動)〔嘆願などを〕許可する、〔権利などを〕与える



レオン:クラウザー! 大丈夫か?!

Krauser! You OK?



It’s nothing.


マヌエラ:お母さん? 他人を犠牲にしなくちゃいけないなら、生きていたくない・・・。

Mother? I don’t want to live, if it means others have to die.



ハヴィエ:もっと早くこうすべきだったな、ヒルダ。愚かなアメリカ人どもよ。怪物を倒せると過信しているのだろう? だが忘れているぞ。お前たちが深淵を覗き込むとき、深淵はお前たちを飲み込むのだ。

I should have done this sooner, Hilda. Stupid Americans. You think you can defeat it, don’t you?! But you forget that when you look into the depths of the abyss…It swallows you whole.


■defeat (v) to win against sb in a fight, war, or competition(動)負かす、倒す

■depth (n) the distance down either from the top of sth to the bottom, or to a distance below the top surface of sth(名)深さ

■abyss (n) a very deep hole that seems to have no bottom(名)底知れぬ深い穴、奈落の底

■swallow (v) to cause food, drink, pills, etc. to move from your mouth into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat(動)〔~を〕飲み込む



マヌエラ:今分かった。この痛みを感じるのは私が・・・まだ人間だから。それが消えるというのなら・・・私はもう人間ではなくなる。イヤよ! 私は人間のまま死ぬことを選ぶ。

I understand now. I feel this pain because I’m still…still human. But if I were to no longer feel pain…Then that would mean…that I…No! I choose to die a human.


レオン:マヌエラ! やめろ!

Manuela! Don’t!






Manuela…are you…?



I’m still here.




I’m losing too much blood. Maybe…maybe it’s for the best. For this way, I will never lose my soul.






Thank you, Leon.


レオン:マヌエラが心を失わなかったのはなぜだ? 遺伝的な何かか? それとも生命あふれるこの地のおかげか?


Why did Manuela never lose her conscience? Was it something genetic? Or was she sustained by this land that’s so rich with life?

The virus continues to grow. Altering its form, strengthening perpetually, until the day it can be destroyed. In our bodies…in our souls.


■conscience (n) the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel guilty about bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for(名)良心、道義心、自制心

■genetic (a) relating to genes or heredity(形)遺伝の

■sustain (v) to cause or allow sth to continue for a period of time(動)〔~の存在を〕持続・維持する

■alter (v) to change sth, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of sth to change(動)変える、改ざんする

■strengthen (v) make or become stronger(動)強化する

■perpetually (adv) in a way that never ends or changes; constantly(副)絶え間なく、ひっきりなしに





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