「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p9 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 9)


I think there’s too much going on in my life.


ジェファソン:”イベント”といえば、僕もそろそろ仕事をしないとな。今夜のパーティーで「日常のヒーロー」コンテストの優勝者を発表するんだ。君たちもお祝いに来るよね? マックスが写真をエントリーしなかったのは残念だが、しかたない。芸術家に仕事を強要することはできないからね・・・。

On that note, Blackwell duty calls. Remember, I’m going to announce the winner of the “Everyday Heroes” contest tonight at the party, so I hope you’ll be there to celebrate. Even though I’m sorry you didn’t enter a photo, I understand your reasons. You can’t force an artist to work…


■duty calls (phrase) a phrase used to indicate that one must return to work or do a particular task(フレーズ)仕事をしないと



I feel like a total loser, but it’s been a hard week to focus. No pun intended.


*「focus 集中する」と「focus カメラをフォーカスする」を掛けてるんですね。駄じゃれ~。

■no pun intended (フレーズ)しゃれを言うつもりではなく



I’m proud of you for caring so much about a troubled friend. And I take hope in the fact that you have plenty of time to find your way. Just…get in the habit of putting your work out there.


■get in/into the habit of (phrase) to make sb start doing sth as a habit (フレーズ)~する習慣を身に付ける



Thanks, Mr. Jefferson. I’ll definitely be there tonight.


■definitely (adv) without any doubt(副)間違いなく



Me too. I’ll be Max’s date. You better dance with us at least once.


■date (n) a person you have a romantic meeting with(名)〈米話〉デートの相手



Nobody should have to see me dance. Plus, you don’t want to watch the old hipster trying to keep up with the kids… I have some pride. Be seeing you.


■keep up with sb/sth (phrase) to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with sb or sth(フレーズ)~に遅れずについていく、~と歩調を合わせる



Yes, you will. Hot for teacher.




So lame they don’t have co-ed dorms here.


■lame (a) uninspiring and dull, convincingly feeble(形)ダサい、〔説明・言い訳などが〕説得力のない、下手な、まずい、見え透いた

■co-ed (a) coeducational(形)男女共学の、男女両用の



Yes, because I want Nathan Prescott in the room next door.



Good point.



Wait here. Give me the signal if Nathan or anybody shows up.


■give a signal (フレーズ)合図する、信号を送る

■show up (phrase) to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly(フレーズ)現れる、姿を現す



I won’t let you down, Bat-Max.




マックス:さあ、ネイサンの部屋を見つけないと・・・。助かるよケイト! なるほど「111」が魔法の番号ってわけね・・・。
ネイサンのヤツ、パーティ―のことしか頭にないみたい・・・嫌な予感がする。うわぁ、父親のショーン・プレスコットがネイサンの元凶かも・・・。何なの、この床の上の跡は? さあ、いったい何を隠してるの・・・。よし、携帯ちゃん、もう君は私の物だ。

Now I just have to find Nathan’s room…Kate brings it! So room 111 is the magic number…

Nathan is way into this party…Bad sign. Oh, man, Sean Prescott might be Nathan’s real problem…

What the hell are all those marks on the floor? Let’s find out what you’re hinding…Oh yes, little phone, you are mine now.


■be into sth (phrase) to like and be interested in sth(フレーズ)ハマる、のめり込む

■way (adv) used to emphasize degree or separation, especially in space or time(副)〈話〉はるかに、ずっと、かなり




Damn, Max, you’re finally back. I got worried… So, what did you find?



His room was clean and…creepy. Check this out…


■creepy (a) strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened(形)気味悪い、不快な気分にさせる


クロエ:どうだ、ネイサン! おまえの急所を握ってやったぜ。

Boom, Nathan! We got you by the balls, fucker.


■got/have sb/sth by the balls (phrase) have complete control over sb or sth(フレーズ)~の急所を握っている、~の首根っこを押さえる


ネイサン:おまえら、俺の寮で何やってんだ?! 何でも首を突っ込みやって!

What are you doing in my dorm?! You’re such a nosy bitch, Max!


■nosy (a) too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them(形)詮索好きな、おせっかいな



Stop right there, Nathan!



Make me, ho!


■Make me! (phrase) Try to make me do it, if you can!(フレーズ)できるものならやってみろ!

■ho (n) a prostitute (名)売春婦、最低な女





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