「バイオハザード ダークサイド クロニクルズ」で英語学習 p9 “Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles” script


ダークサイド クロニクルズ ’オペレーション・ハヴィエ’

Darkside Chronicles ‘Operation Javier’



レオン:マヌエラはベロニカ・ウイルスに感染していると思う。つまりこの土地に広がる可能性がある。しかしなぜハヴィエは自分の娘を感染させたのか? そしてマヌエラはどうやって人間の姿を保っているのか? スティーブのように恐ろしい姿に変わらずどう維持させているのか?

I believe Manuela is infected with the Veronica virus. Which means it could spread throughout this land. But why would Javier infect his own daughter?  And how can she maintain her human form? How does she sustain it without transforming into something horrific like Steve?


■infect (v) to pass a disease to a person, animal, or plant(動)〔病気・ウイルスなどを~に〕感染させる

■spread (v) to cover, reach, or have an effect on a wider or increasing area(動)広まる、伝わる

■maintain (v) cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue(動)保持する、継続する

■sustain (v) to cause or allow sth to continue for a period of time(動)〔~の存在を〕持続・維持する

■transform (v) make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of(動)〔~の状態・形・外観・性質・機能などを〕変える

■horrific (a)  very bad and shocking(形)〔物事の性質が〕恐ろしい、ゾッとするような



レオン:ハヴィエはなぜ君にベロニカ・ウイルスを? 手遅れになるとはどういう意味なんだ?

Why did Javier infect you with the Veronica virus? And what did he mean by too late?



You know, I shouldn’t even be standing here. Given the circumstances…


■given (preposition) knowing about or considering a particular thing(前)~を考慮すると、~と仮定すると



The virus!



I was injected with it as part of my treatment.


■inject (v) introduce (a liquid, especially a drug or vaccine) into the body with a syringe(動)〔~を〕入れる、〔~を〕注入する、〔~を〕注射する

■treatment (n) the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury(名)〔病気・けがなどを治すための〕治療、手当て、医療





マヌエラ:私のせいじゃない! 母と同じ病気に罹ったと医者に診断されたの。直る見込みがないって。分かったのは、この地に住む人だけが罹る病気らしいってことだけ。その病気で母は死んだわ。でもなんとか私は・・・。

It wasn’t my fault! My doctor diagnosed me with the same disease my mother had. He told me there was no chance of recovery. And all we could find out was that only people living in this area contracted it. It…it killed my mother. But somehow…I…


■diagnose (v) to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it(動)診断する、原因を突き止める

■contract (v) to catch or become ill with a disease(動)病気にかかる

■somehow (adv) 1. for a reason that is not known or specified  2. in some way; by some means(副)1. どういうわけか 2. どうにかして




Manuela told us everything she knew. When she was fifteen, she contracted the same fatal disease that her mother had. The Veronica virus was used as a form of treatment. And consequently, she recovered. It must have strengthened her cells.


■contract (v) to catch or become ill with a disease(動)病気にかかる

■fatal (a) causing death(形)〔病気・事故などが〕命に関わる、致命的な

■treatment (n) the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury(名)〔病気・けがなどを治すための〕治療、手当て、医療

■consequently (adv) as a result(副)それ故に、その結果として

■recover (v) return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength(動)取り戻す、回復する

■strengthen (v) make or become stronger(動)強化する

■cell (n) the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism(名)細胞



However, the virus can severely damage its host’s brain cells and if incompatible, will take them over Completely. Even Ashfords’ researchers were unable to control it. There appears to be no exception to this, outside of Javier’s treatment of Manuela. Somehow, he’s managed to keep her from turning into a monster.


■severely (adv) to an undesirably great or intense degree(副)すごく、厳しく、ひどく、重く

■incompatible (a) not able to exist or work with another person or thing because of basic differences(形)〔血液型・移植用臓器などが〕不適合の

■take over (phrase) to begin to have control of sth(フレーズ)奪取する、乗っ取る、占領する

■appear to be(フレーズ)~であるように見える・思われる

■exception (n) a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule(名)例外、除外

■outside of (phrase) other than; except for(フレーズ)~の他に、~の外側へ、~を除いて、~を別とすれば

■somehow (adv) 1. for a reason that is not known or specified  2. in some way; by some means(副)1. どういうわけか 2. どうにかして

■manage to (phrase) to succeed in doing or dealing with sth, especially sth difficult(フレーズ)何とか~する

■keep someone from (phrase) to prevent sb/sth from doing sth(フレーズ)(人)に~させないようにする、(人)が~するのを抑制する




Leon. We should take care of the girl before it gets too late. It’s only a matter of time, Leon. Before she becomes a threat.


■a matter of time (phrase) If you say that sth is just a matter of time, you mean that it is certain to happen at some time in the future(フレーズ)時間の問題

■threat (n) the possibility that sth unwanted will happen, or a person or thing that is likely to cause sth unwanted to happen(名)脅かす物、人、危険な存在



Javier knows something. He’s been able to prevent Manuela from transforming. I have to take her with me and find out how.


■prevent (v) to stop sth from happening or sb from doing sth(動)〔~が起きるのを〕防ぐ

■transform (v) make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of(動)〔~の状態・形・外観・性質・機能などを〕変える



Anti-virus Weapon Protocol number 7600. You’re on a special assignment for the President.


■assignment (n) a job that sb is sent somewhere to do(名)〔人に与えられた〕任務、業務



My mission is to eradicate this virus once and for all. And with your help, I intend to do just that.


■mission (n) an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do(名)任務

■eradicate (v) to get rid of sth completely or destroy sth bad(動)〔病気・有害なもの・悪い状態などを〕根絶する、絶やす

■once and for all (phrase) completely and finally(フレーズ)きっぱりと、決定的に

■intend (v) to have as a plan or purpose(動)〔~する〕つもりである、〔~を〕意図する



Well, I am a soldier. And if your orders from the President, then I’m on your side.



Let’s go!



Time to kick some ass!


■kick some ass (phrase) to punish sb or to defeat sb with a lot of force(フレーズ) 〈卑俗〉〔人を〕たたきのめす





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