「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep5p1 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 5: Polarized 偏光 Part 1)






I hate looking at myself like that. You’ll pay for this, Jefferson.

I promised I would never go back in time like this again… But this is the only way…


■pay for (phrase) to be punished for doing sth bad to sb else, or to suffer because of a mistake that you made(フレーズ) ~の報いを受ける、~の代価を払う



This angle highlights your purity, see? The slightly unconscious model is often the most open and honest. No vanity or posing just…pure expression.


■highlight (v) to attract attention to or emphasize sth important(動)〔~を〕強調する、〔~を〕目立たせる

■purity (n) the quality of being morally good or the state of not having sex(名)純粋であること、無垢であること

■slightly (adv) a little(副)少しだけ

■unconscious (a) in the state of not being awake and not aware of things around you(形)意識を失った、気絶した、〔~に〕気付いていない

■vanity (n) the fact that you are too interested in your appearance or achievements (名)虚栄心、うぬぼれ

■expression (n) the look on sb’s face, showing what they feel or think (名)表情、顔つき、〔言葉・動作・芸術などによる〕表現



顔はそのまま! じっとしてろ! ああ、マックス! せっかくの構図が台無しだ!


Oh Christ… Look at that perfect face.

Hold that stare there! Stay still! Oh, Max! You fucked up my shot!

But please don’t worry, we have all the time in the world. For now.


■stare (n) a long look at sth or sb with your eyes wide open(名)じっと見ること、〔驚いて目を見開いた〕凝視の表情

■still (a) staying in the same position; not moving(形)じっとした、動かない

■stay still (phrase) to refrain from moving very much or at all(フレーズ)じっとしている

■fuck up (phrase) To ruin or damage sth; to mess up sth(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉台無しにする、駄目にする、失敗する

■shot (n) a photograph (名)〔写真の〕場面、ショット



I knew you were special the second I saw your first…”selfie”. Yes, I still hate that word. But I love the purity of your own image. Not like Rachel, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Rachel.



If only Nathan could see this setup. He tried so hard, but you can’t just throw a few subjects around and expect a cohesive style or theme. But he had an eye for shadows. And an eye for a whole lot more, as his elite family will find out…along with Arcadia Bay.


■subject (n) a person, thing, or situation that is written about in a book, article, etc. or shown in a picture, etc. (名)〔絵画や写真などの〕題材、被写体

■cohesive (a) united and working together effectively(形)まとまりのある

■have an eye for (phrase) to be good at noticing a particular type of thing(フレーズ)~の鑑識眼を持っている、~を見る目がある

■a whole lot (phrase) a large amount of, very much(フレーズ)たくさんの



Nice… Good… Oh, those eyes…


ジェファソン:ただ君が詮索好きなのはいただけないね! だがこの部屋は・・・24時間監視下にあってね。だからネイサンのケータイからメールを送るだけでよかった。そして君は私の手の中に落ちてきた。


It’s just too bad you’re so goddamn nosy, Max! But, this room…is under 24/7 surveillance, so all I had to do was text you from Nathan’s phone, and you fell right into my hands. You really should have focused on schoolwork, not “private detecting” with your little…friend.


■nosy (a) too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them(形)詮索好きな、おせっかいな

■24/7 (adv) 24 hours a day, seven days a week: all the time(副)〈話〉〔活動・営業などが〕毎日24時間・週7日ずっと

■surveillance (n) the careful watching of a person or place, because of a crime that has happened or is expected(名)監視、見張り

■under surveillance(フレーズ) 監視下に








Chloe, right. Yeah, I’m sorry that I killed—that Nathan killed her in self-defense. But she had a troubled history like most Arcadia Bay dropouts. Nobody will be surprised…or care. Though I promise…people will care when you die tonight, Max. I wasn’t lying when I said you have a gift.


■in self-defense(フレーズ) 自己防衛のためのに、正当防衛で

■dropout (n) a person who has abandoned a course of study or who has rejected conventional society to pursue an alternative lifestyle(名)〈話〉〔競争・既成社会からの〕脱落(者)、中途退学(者)








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