「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep2p2 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 2: Out of Time 時間切れ Part 2)

マックス:ケイト? いる?

Kate? You in there?



Yes, I’m here. Come in, Max…



Kate’s room is usually immaculate. For her this must be a pigsty…


■immaculate[imǽkjələt ] (a) perfectly clean or tidy(形)汚れのない、無傷の、純潔な

■pigsty [pígstai ] (n) an enclosed area where pigs are kept(名)〈英〉豚小屋、〈主に英話〉〔豚小屋みたいに〕散らかし放題の場所



Uh, hey, Kate, I brought your book…



Max, why did you step in between David and me yesterday?


■step in (phrase) to become involved in a difficult situation or argument in order to help find a solution(フレーズ)〔事件・論争などに〕介入する



I hate bullies. David Madsen should know better.


■bully (n) someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often over a period of time(名)自分より弱い者に対するいじめを繰り返す人

■You should know better.(フレーズ)もっと分別があってもいいんじゃないか。そんなことでどうするの。もっと賢い人のはずなのに。



I was hoping he would. But it’s nice to see that you care about me…



Kate, I actually do care. So, what’s the story with you and David?


■actually (adv) in fact or really(副)本当に、実際は

■What’s the story? (フレーズ)なんなの? どうなっているの?



Well… He’s a total paranoid ass! He thinks I’m part of the Vortex Club.


■paranoid (a) anxious because you do not feel you can trust others(形)偏執性の、被害妄想を持った



Why does he think that?



Because he saw the video. Do you know how humiliating this is for me?


■humiliating (a) making you feel ashamed or stupid(形)屈辱的な、恥をかかせるような



I know this sucks, Kate, but…tell me about the video and maybe I can help.


■suck (v) (slang) If someone or something sucks, that person or thing is bad or unpleasant(動)(俗・軽蔑的〉最悪である、非常にむかつく



Basically, I went to one Vortex Club party and ended up making out with a bunch of people…and I have no memory of it…


■end up doing (phrase) to finally be in a particular place or situation(フレーズ)最後には~になる~する羽目になる

■make out with(人)といちゃつく、(人)とペッティングする

■a bunch of(フレーズ)〈話〉たくさんの



That’s awful. So, how did that happen?


■awful (a) extremely bad or unpleasant(形)恐ろしい、ひどい



It’s a long story. I’m still trying to sort it all out…


■sort out (phrase) to understand or find sth, such as a reason or a solution by thinking (フレーズ)整理する、選び出す、気持ちを落ちつける、冷静さを取り戻す


マックス:もうちょっと詳しく教えて。パーティーで何があったの? お酒飲んだ?

You have to tell me more than that. What happened at the party? Did you drink?



I swear to God I had one sip of red wine. And then I drank water.


■swear (v) to promise or say firmly that you are telling the truth(動)誓う

■sip (n) a very small amount of a drink that you take into your mouth(名)(飲み物の)一口、ひとすすり



Not enough to get wasted, is it?


■wasted (a) very drunk or ill from drugs(形)〈俗〉〔酒や麻薬で〕酔っぱらった



I don’t get wasted. Ever. I take a sip at church and I don’t end up on a viral video, okay?



Did somebody drug you?


■drug (v) to give a person or animal a chemical that causes a loss of feeling or the condition of being unconscious(動)~に薬を飲ませる、~に薬物を入れる



I remember…I remember getting sick and dizzy… Then Nathan Prescott said he would take me to the hospital…


■dizzy (a) feeling like everything is turning around and as if you might fall(形)目が回る、目まいがする、フラフラする



Did you go?



Definitely not. I’m not sure where I went…


■definitely (adv) without any doubt(副)間違いなく



What do you remember about that?




All I recall is driving for a long time…then I woke up in a room…I thought it was a hospital because it was so white and bright…


■recall (v) to bring the memory of a past event into your mind(動)思い出す


ケイト:誰かが柔らかい声で話しかけてきて・・・お医者さんかと思ったわ・・・ネイサンの声を聞くまでは。それから首筋に鋭い刺す様な感覚があって・・・それで・・・覚えてるのはそれだけだよ! 何が起こったのか分からないの・・・次の日、寮の部屋の外で目覚めたの。変な痕とかアザとかはなかったけど、すごく気持ちが悪かった。

Somebody was talking to me in a soft voice…I thought it was a doctor…until I heard Nathan and felt a sharp sting in my neck…and.. That’s all I remember! I don’t know what happened… I woke up outside my dorm room the next day. I didn’t have any marks or bruises, but I felt gross.


■sting (n) a pain or wound resulting from or as from stinging, the act of stinging(名)刺すこと、針、とげ

■mark (n) a small area on the surface of something that is damaged, (名)〔傷や汚れなどの〕跡

■bruise (n) an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour(名)打撲(傷)、あざ

■gross [gróus ] (a) extremely unpleasant(形)〈話〉気持ち悪い、ゾッとする、むかつく



So, who took the video of you at the party?



I have no idea. Probably Victoria. She was there being her mean self.



Jesus, Kate, I’m sorry. This is serious shit.




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