「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p4 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 4)


Of course, my pain just keeps getting worse…but you caught me on a good day. Max, I’m so grateful that I’m even able to hang out with you. See, I’m getting mushy. I’m already high.


■hang out with sb (phrase) to spend time with sb(フレーズ)つるむ、親しくする

■mushy [mʌ́ʃi ] (a) too emotional(形)〈話〉過度に感傷的な



You are so adorable. Do you want anything else?


クロエ:さらにエモキモで悪いんだけどさ、そこのアルバムを持ってきてくれないかな? 子どもの頃にマックスと一緒に撮った写真が見たいの。


Um, stop me if I’m being too emo, but can you grab one of the photo albums over there? I’d like to check out some old pictures of us when we were kids.

Oh my god, look how little we are there! We look like toys!


■emo (a) having and expressing strong feelings(形)〈話〉情緒不安定な、憂鬱な



I remember that day by the lighthouse.



My dad was pissed at us. He actually tried to give us a time-out!


■be pissed at (phrase) annoyed(フレーズ)〈卑〉(人)にむかつく・腹を立てる

■time-out (n) a quiet period used especially as a disciplinary measure for children(名)タイムアウト(悪い事をした子どもに反省をさせるために、数分間黙らせておくこと)



And you laughed at him. My dad would have banished me.


■banish (v) to send sb away, especially from their country, and not allow them to come back(動)〔学校・家・国・団体などから〕追い出す、追放する



Whoa, awesome picture. We look so badass in our pirate gear.


■badass (a) used to describe sb or sth you admire or find impressive(形)〈主に米・卑俗〉大胆不敵な、超格好いい

■gear (n) the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a particular activity(名)道具、用具一式、衣服、服装



We should have taken over Arcadia Bay when we had the chance.


■take over (phrase) to begin to have control of something(フレーズ)奪取する、乗っ取る、占領する



There’s still time for you…



Oh man, there we are making pancakes. I love that shot of us. It’s hard to believe my dad took that picture only five years ago.



Literally seems like yesterday…



I wish it was.



Me too…



Listen, Max, my respiratory system is failing and…and it’s only getting worse. I’ve heard the doctors talking about it when they thought I was zonked out. So I know I’m just putting off the inevitable, while my parents suffer along…and I will, too. This isn’t how I want things to end.


■respiratory (a) relating to breathing(形)呼吸(器官)の

■fail (v) to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do(動)機能しなくなる、役に立たなくなる

■zonked out (phrase) extremely tired / passed out(フレーズ)意識を失っている、非常に疲れている

■put off (phrase) to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date (フレーズ)延期する、先送りする

■the inevitable (n) sth that is certain to happen and cannot be prevented(名)不可避のもの、必ず起きること


マックス:え? 何を言ってるの?

What? What are you saying?



I’m saying that being with you again has been so special. I just wanted to feel like when we were kids running around Arcadia Bay…and everything was possible. And you made me feel that way today. I want this time with you to be my last memory… Do you understand?



Yes, I do.



All you have to do is crank up the IV to eleven…


■crank up (phrase) to increase sth (フレーズ) 〈話〉〔音量・効率・速度・強度などを〕上げる

■IV (n) intravenous injection (名)点滴





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