「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p7 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 7)

マックス:Yo, Chloe, are you ready yet? I have to get back to my dorm!

おーい、クロエ、まだ? 私、寮に戻らないと!



Are we happy?


■Are you happay? = Are you satisfied with what you got?




Very happy. I hit the secret file jackpot. Kate, Nathan, and Rachel. Plus, there’s some location coordinates. David is, like, a one-man surveillance army. Now let’s get the hell out of here, before we get busted.

But I absolutely have to go see Kate in the hospital right now. I want to find out how she’s doing.


■surveillance (n) the careful watching of a person or place, because of a crime that has happened or is expected(名)監視、見張り

■bust (v) (slang) catch someone who does something wrong(動)(スラング)悪いことをした人をつかまえる

■Absolutely (adv) completely(副)間違いなく、もちろん



This is definitely Kate’s floor.


■definitely (adv) without any doubt(副)間違いなく



Hospitals always freak me out.


■freak out (phrase) to become or cause sb to become extremely emotional(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔人を〕怖がらせる、感情的にさせる



I hear you. But imagine how Kate feels… I’m so glad I get to see her again. I hope it’s not too weird for her.


■I hear you (phrase) used for telling sb that you understand their opinion, especially when you disagree with it(フレーズ)言いたいことは分かる、そうだね



No, she’ll be stoked to see you. Who wouldn’t be?


■stoked (a) excited and very happy about sth (形)〈米俗〉〔気分が〕かき立てられた、ワクワクした、興奮した



This be it. I’m a little nervous…



Just go in there and be her friend. I’ll wait out here so you can chill by yourselves.


■chill (v) calm down(動)〈主に米俗〉落ち着く、くつろぐ






Oh, Kate!



I thought I’d never see you again. I feel so ridiculous… I’m so sorry.



Kate, listen to me… you have nothing to be sorry about. Other people do. You do not know how happy I am to see you. You look awesome. Is it a stupid question if I ask how you’re doing?


■awesome (a) causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear(形)〈米俗〉素晴らしい、イケてる



Now that you’re here, I’m doing even better. I’m so grateful to you for coming up to the roof to talk me down… Max, I felt so lost and alone… but when I saw how much you cared, how hard you were trying… you made me realize I wasn’t alone. Thank you.



Kate, there are so many people who love you and want to help you.



I know, you should see all the letters and postcards. I gave most of the flowers to other patients here because they need them more than me. I’m keeping the balloons, though. One of the nurses gave me some pen and paper so I could do some drawings.



I love your illustrations.



They got kind of dark there for a while, but I have an idea for a new children’s book about bullying… I was thinking about having some photographs in there too.



I hope that’s a subtle hint that you’ll let me take the photographs for the book…


■subtle (a) not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way(形)さりげない、微妙な、すぐには分からない

■subtle hint(フレーズ)何げないヒント


ケイト:分かりにくかった? 写真撮ってよ。

Was that subtle? You better take the pictures, Max.





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