「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch3p1 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 3: Monster or Mortal 光と闇 part 1)




ステフ:超能力があるって? ふたりとも私をおちょくってるんでしょ?

You have a superpower? You’re both fucking with me, right?


■fuck with someone (phrase) to tease or attempt to deceive sb, typically as part of a prank or practical joke(フレーズ)いたずらやジョークで誰かをからかったり、だまそうとすること



I’m not so into calling it a “superpower”, but all the rest is true.


■be not into (phrase) be not interested in sth (フレーズ)〜する気がしない、好きではない、興味がない



Fine. Then tell me what I’m feeling right now.


ライアン:ウソつき! とかだろ?

You’re feeling disbelief.


■disbelief (n) inability or refusal to accept that sth is true or real(名)疑念、懐疑、不信



You’re…actually a little annoyed. You feel hurt that we didn’t tell you until now. Whether it’s true or not, you don’t like being left out.


■annoyed (a) slightly angry; irritated(形)〔人が〕イライラした、腹を立てた

■be left out (phrase) If sb feels left out, they are unhappy because they have not been included in an activity(フレーズ)のけ者にされる



Well, okay…Never thought I’d have a freaky empath friend. Pretty wild.


■freaky (a) very odd, strange, or eccentric(形)異常な、奇妙な、妙な

■empath (n) a person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual(名)他人の感情を読み取る超能力者




So, any sign of Diane today?



No. But she was in yesterday, working on her laptop.


■work on (phrase) to spend time repairing or improving sth (フレーズ)に取り組む

■laptop (n) a computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling (名)ノート型パソコン


ステフ:ゲイブが死んだ事故のことで何かビビってるんだよね? タイフォンのしたことをダイアンが隠蔽してるなら何か証拠になるようなものがあるんじゃない?

You said she was afraid of something around Gabe’s death. If she’s covering up what Typhon did, I bet there’s proof.


■cover up (phrase) try to hide the fact of illegal or illicit activity(フレーズ)〔罪・悪事・事実・本心などを〕隠す

■proof (n) evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement(名)確かな証拠



I hope so. If she comes in today, let’s be ready with a plan. In the meantime, I’ve got to finish my shift.


■in the meantime (phrase) until sth expected happens, or while sth else is happening(フレーズ)その間

■have got to = have to(フレーズ)~しなければならない



We’re on it.


■We’re on it (phrase) We will take care of a situation(フレーズ)すぐやります、もう取りかかってます、了解しました





She’s here.



I know.







Welcome. I’ll be right with you.

Okay, she’s here. What’s the plan?



Well, we have two plans, actually. But we’re still workshopping them.


■workshop (v) to experiment with different versions of (a play or other performance), often in a collaborative environment(動)パフォーマンスを色々なバージョンで試してみる


アレックス:選択肢があるのは良いことだよね? で、どんな案なの?

Good to have options, right? So, what are they?



Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking. I ask Diane out on a date—


■ask someone out on a date (phrase) to ask sb to be one’s escort, partner(フレーズ)(人)をデートに誘う、(人)にデートの約束をする



Wait, what?



And she’s so into it, she doesn’t notice one Ryan Lucan—Swiping her laptop. Ryan carries said laptop upstairs, acquiring damning evidence. Maybe Diane and I still hook up? Not important.


■be into (phrase) to like and be interested in sth(フレーズ)興味がある、のめり込む、好き

■swipe (v) to steal(動)かっぱらう、くすねる、盗む

■said (a) used before the name of a person or thing you have already mentioned(形)前述の、前記の

■laptop (n) a computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling (名)ノート型パソコン

■acquire (v) to get or buy sth(動)手に入れる

■damning (a) A damning report, judgment, remark, etc. that includes a lot of criticism or shows clearly that someone is wrong, guilty, or has behaved very badly(形) 〔証拠などが〕悪事・有罪を証明する

■evidence (n) the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid(名)証拠

■hook up (phrase) to meet or begin to work with another person or other people(フレーズ)仲間になる、付き合うようになる


アレックス:それがステフの案? ちょっと、お願いだからもっとマシな案あるって言って。

That’s your plan? Oh my god, please tell me you have something better.




I do. Now, to be clear, it’s the same plan—Except I’m the distraction.

Look, Steph, I don’t even think she’s gay, alright? She’s probably into the rugged, mountain man type. All the transplants are.


■distraction (n) a thing that prevents sb from concentrating on sthg else (名)気を散らすこと

■rugged (a) If you describe a man as rugged, you mean that he has strong, masculine features(形) 〔人が〕頑丈な、たくましい

■transplant (n) a person or thing that has been moved to a new place or situation(名)移住(者)



I’m genuinely worried that these were the best ideas you had.


■genuinely (adv) truthfully; sincerely; really; actually(副)純粋に、真に、正真正銘


ステフ:は? シンプルな作戦じゃない。話して盗むの2ステップだけ。あとはよりイケてる誘い役を選べばいいだけじゃん。

What? It’s a simple plan! Literally two steps! You just need to choose the hotter distraction.


■literally (adv) used to emphasize what you are saying(副)文字通り、本当に

■hot (a) sexually attractive(形)〈米俗〉〔人が〕魅力的な



Okay, I’m not doing that.



You’re the only tiebreaker we have…


■tiebreaker (n) a means of deciding a winner from competitors who have tied(名)同点の対戦者たちの勝敗を決する手段


アレックス:じゃあライアンでいこう。もちろんステフだってすごくイケてるけど、でも相手はダイアンでしょ? ここはライアンが妥当かな。

Let’s go with Ryan. Of course you’re a total smokeshow, Steph. But for Diane? I think Ryan is a good choice.


■smokeshow (n) A word to describe sb so hot that you basically see the smoke coming off them(名)非常にセクシーでイケてる人


ステフ:このライアンが? これ悪い夢かな。

This Ryan? This is like a bad dream.



Look, I appreciate the…the effort, but we don’t even know if she has anything worth stealing yet. I’m just gonna try talking to her. Maybe I can get her worked up and read her emotions. I’ll let you know if I need that distraction.


■worth (a) having a particular value(形)~の価値がある、~のかいがある

■get sb/sth + 形容詞(フレーズ)(sb/sth)を(形容詞)の状態にする

■worked up (phrase) upset or very excited about sth(フレーズ)〈米話〉神経が高ぶっている、感情的になっている



Good luck.






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