「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch3p2 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 3: Monster or Mortal 光と闇 part 2)





Your usual.


■one’s usual (フレーズ)いつものやつ、お決まりのやつ



Thanks, Alex.




What’s the best way to rile her up?

I know Typhon is responsible for my brother’s death. I don’t know how…and I don’t know why yet, but I will find out.


■rile up (phrase) to make someone angry (フレーズ)〈話〉〔人を〕激怒させる、いらつかせる



Alex, I can assure you that Typhon is committed to a full and open investigation.

We want to find those responsible and hold them accountable just as much as you do. That’s the truth.


■assure (v) to tell sb confidently that sth is true, especially so that they do not worry(動)〔人に〕~であると断言する、~であることを請け合う

■be committed to (フレーズ)~にコミットしている、~に全力を注いでいる

■investigation (n) the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth(名)〔真相を明らかにするための詳細な〕調査

■responsible (a) to be the person whose duty is to deal with sb/sth(形)〔不都合の〕原因である、張本人である

■hold sb accountable (phrase) to consider sb responsible for sth; to blame sth on sb(フレーズ)(人)に責任を課す





She’s got a great poker face, unlike Mac. But let’s see what she’s really feeling.





I’m sick of the lies, and I’m sick of taking the heat for this company.


■be sick of (phrase) to have experienced too much of sb/sth with the result that you are annoyed(フレーズ)~にうんざりしている、~がしゃくに障る

■take the heat(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔激しい〕非難・批判に耐える、~の責任を取る


アレックス:ねえ、あなたは悪い人じゃない。でもあなたたちタイフォンのした選択によって兄さんは亡くなった。それについてどう思ってるんですか? 教えてくれませんか?

Look, I know you’re not a bad person. But my brother is dead because of the choices you and Typhon made. How does that make you feel? I actually wanna know.



Alex, I…we…Typhon is doing everything we can to address the situation. That’s the truth. Okay?


■address (v) to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem(動)〔問題などに〕対処する、取り組む



Does it fall within the tolerable limits?


■fall within (phrase) to fit within a certain range, category, or parameter(フレーズ)~の範囲に入る、~に含まれる

■tolerable (a) of a quality that is acceptable, although certainly not good(形)耐えられる、我慢できる

■tolerable limit (名)受忍限度



Well, as I say in the report, there’s a small chance that debris from the detonation could–


■debris (n) scattered pieces of rubbish or remains(名)〔破壊された物の〕破片、がれき

■detonation (n) an explosion, usually done on purpose(名)爆発



It’s a simple question.




It falls within the tolerable limits.

Typhon brought me here. And I look where it got me. Damn them all.



Wait, there’s something else…



I didn’t join Typhon to cover up a murder. If they try to pin this on me, I’ll have everything I need to fight back.


■cover up (phrase) try to hide the fact of illegal or illicit activity(フレーズ)〔罪・悪事・事実・本心などを〕隠す

■murder (n) the crime of intentionally killing a person(名)殺人事件


■pin on (phrase) to blame sb for sth, often when they are not responsible(フレーズ)〔責任を〕(人)に負わせる、〔罪を〕(人)に着せる

例)あなたは私に罪を着せようとしましたね。You tried to pin everything on me.

■fight back (phrase) to defend yourself when sb attacks you physically(フレーズ)応戦する、抵抗する



Holy shit. She must have evidence on the USB stick. Looks like I’ll need a distraction after all.


■evidence (n) the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid(名)証拠

■distraction (n) a thing that prevents sb from concentrating on sthg else (名)気を散らすこと

■after all (phrase) in spite of any indications or expectations to the contrary(フレーズ)(何だかんだ言っても)結局のところ、やはり、所詮








Hey Ryan. What’s up?



Well if you’re free later, I was thinking we could go on a hike together. There’s some beautiful trails up in the mountains.


■go on a hike (フレーズ)ハイキングに行く

■trail (n) a path through a countryside, mountain, or forest area(名)自然歩道、〔登山・ハイキングなどの〕コース



Oh, that sounds like a nice idea.


アレックス:このイケメンと山でふたりっきり? デートみたい。ちょっと、いつから考えてたの?

Alone in the mountains with this handsome fella? Sounds like a date.

How long have you been planning this, you devil?


■fella = fellow



Oh, um…Well, to be honest, I’ve been wanting to ask you ever since you showed up in Haven. Truth be told. So, what do you say?


■to be honest (phrase) used when telling sb what you really think(フレーズ)率直に言えば、正直なところ

■show up (phrase) to arrive, especially at the place where sb is waiting for you(フレーズ)現れる、姿を現す



Hey, no rush. He’s not going anywhere. Mull it over, get back to him. Anyway, gotta go.


■mull over (phrase) to think carefully about sth for a long time(フレーズ)~について検討する、~についてよく考える

■get back to (phrase) to talk to sb again(フレーズ)(人)に返事をする、(人)にあらためて連絡を取る



See you!






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