「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep2p11 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 2: Out of Time 時間切れ Part 11)


I have a little time before Mr. Jefferson’s class, so…I can do some wandering.


■wander (v) to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction(動)歩き回る、ぶらつく



So you can’t help me?



I’m trying. But you have to understand my position…


ケイト:なぜ? 私の立場は分かってくれないのに!

Why? You don’t understand mine.



Excuse me, Max…can you come over here?


■come over (phrase) to come to a place or move towards someone(フレーズ)こちらにやって来る






You look worried…is everything okay?



Just between you and me, I’m worried about Kate Marsh.



I assume you know about this viral video?


■assume (v) to accept something as true without question or proof(動)~と推測する、~と見なす

■viral (a) used to describe sth that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc. (形)〔ソーシャルメディアを使って〕口コミで素早く広がる、バイラルの



Kate is freaked out by all of this… She can’t do homework while she’s being tormented on a daily basis.


■freak out (phrase) to become or cause sb to become extremely emotional(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔人を〕怖がらせる、感情的にさせる

■tormented (a) experiencing or characterized by severe physical or mental suffering(形) 〔人が連続的に肉体的・精神的に〕ひどく苦しめられている、悩まされている

■on a daily basis (phrase) everyday(フレーズ)毎日の、日常的に


ジェファソン:ケイトにも問題があったとしたら? 良かれと思ってやっているのだろうが、彼女の「説教」がうとまれていたのは事実だ。隠し事をしているようにも見える。彼女とは話したかい?

What if Kate brought this on herself? She means well, but maybe she doth protest too much… She seems like she’s holding back the truth. Have you talked to her?


■what if (フレーズ) もし~だったらどうなるか

■bring ~ on oneself (phrase) To cause sth unpleasant to happen to oneself(フレーズ)〔問題・災厄・苦痛などを〕自ら招く

例)He brought all his troubles on himself by being so stubborn. ひどく強情だったことが、彼の全ての問題を招きました。

■doth [dʌθ ] = does (v) in the past, the third person singular of the present tense of “do”(動)doの三人称単数・直説法現在形

■hold back (phrase) to not do sth, often because of fear or because you do not want to make a bad situation worse(フレーズ)〔事実・本心などを〕隠す、本当のことを言わない



She needs friends and support now. I just don’t want Kate Marsh to become the next Rachel Amber…


ジェファソン:レイチェル・アンバー? 彼女がケイトと何の関係があるんだ?

Rachel Amber? What does she have to do with Kate?


■have to do with (phrase) be connected with (sb/sth) to the extent specified (フレーズ)~と関係・つながりがある、~に関与・関連している



With all her “Missing Persons” posters around, it’s hard not to think of her…



Rachel was nothing like Kate.



Listen, should I–?


ジェファソン:ちょっと失礼。もしもし? はい? ああ・・・ちょっと待って・・・。すまない、どうしてもとらないといけない電話だ・・・すぐに行くから、教室にはいっててくれないか。

Excuse me, Max. Hello? Yes? Uh…hold on. I have to take this, so just go into class and I’ll be there soon.


マックス:ちょっと。どうしてデイビッドがケイトの写真を撮ってるの? 意味わかんない・・・変なの・・・。

Okay, why is David taking photos of Kate? Now, this is so wrong. And weird…


■weird(a) very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural(形)奇妙な、変な



What up, Max?



Hey, Warren!



I saw Kate earlier and her eyes were puffy from crying.


■puffy (a) If the skin around your eyes is puffy, it is slightly swollen(形)膨れた、むくんだ、腫れぼったい



Kate has a lot on her plate…


■have a lot on one’s plate (phrase) have a great deal (or too much) to cope with(フレーズ)やるべきことが山ほどある・ありすぎる



I didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t tell me anything…



Okay, I know you love me, but if you’re not in this class, beat it. Everybody else, please sit down.


■beat it (phrase) go away(フレーズ)〈話〉すぐに出て行く・立ち去る



Maybe I’ll see you later?


ジェファソン:今日も話すことがたくさんあるがいつも通り時間はない。さて、札付きたちは全員そろっているな・・・ケイト・マーシュは? 誰か見なかったか?

We have a lot to cover today, and so little time, as usual. I see all the usual suspects here… Anybody seen Kate Marsh?


■usual suspect (n) the usual people or things that are suspected or thought of in a particular situation —often used humorously(名)容疑者としていつも名前が挙がる人、札付き



I think everybody has seen Kate Marsh by now.



She’s…not feeling good.



Sounds like you’re giggling about a video gone viral. Maybe it involves a student or a friend. I wonder how it would feel to have false images of yourself shot out all over the world for people to judge…


■giggle about (phrase) to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, often at something silly or rude(フレーズ)のことをクスクス笑う

■go viral (phrase) If a video, image, or story goes viral, it spreads quickly and widely on the Internet through social media and e-mail(フレーズ)〔インターネットや口コミで情報が〕急速に広まる・拡散する

■false (a) not real, but made to look or seem real(形)誤った、ウソの

■shoot out (phrase) to dart, extend or thrust outward very quickly(フレーズ)飛び出して行く



No smartphones in class, Max! Put that away.


■put away (phrase) to put sth in the place or container where it is usually kept(フレーズ)しまう、片付ける


ザック:おい、女子寮でとんでもないことが起こってるぞ! 来てみろよ!

Yo, some crazy shit is going down at the girls’ dorm! Check it!


■go down (phrase) If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens(フレーズ)〈俗〉〔出来事が〕起きる、起こる


ジェファソン:ザック! ウチの授業を邪魔をするな――

Zachary, do not come into my class like that ever again–


ジェファソン:こらっ! みんな席を立つんじゃない――

Listen! Everybody remain seated—


■remain seated(フレーズ)座ったままでいる





■dismissed (a) students are free to go at the end of a lesson period(形)授業は終わり




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