「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep3p4 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 3: Chaos Theory カオス理論 Part 4)


How can you trust somebody who has a fucking bronze bird in his office? I’m glad I was expelled…


■expel (v) to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country(動)退学させる、追い出す



Yes, if only the principal had a Monet or Picasso you’d still be at Blackwell…





Eat me. I’m gonna pilfer the papers on this ugly-ass desk.

Okay, sure, it’s ugly but damn is it a cozy chair!

This is your chance to truly get all deductive ‘n’ shit, Sherlock!


■Eat me. (phrase) an expression of anger and dismissal directed at someone who is irritating(フレーズ)ばかやろう。むかつくな。

■pilfer (v) to steal things of small value(動)〔特に職場で物を〕盗む、くすねる

■cozy (a) comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm(形)居心地が良い、くつろげる

■deductive (a) reaching an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts(形)演繹的な、持っている知識や情報から結論を導き出す



Find us some clues about Rachel…or Kate…or Nathan…anybody!



I’m on the case.


■case (n) a problem, a series of events, or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc. (名)〔警察などの公的機関が捜査すべき〕事件、事態

■on the case (phrase) actively engaged in an official investigation(フレーズ)その事件を捜査中で、対応に当たっていて



レイチェルが麻薬を校内に持ち込んだとネイサンが訴えた? あたしに悪影響が及ぶと考えたクソ親父もそれに同調しただと?


Max, you better come check out these files…

Nathan accused Rachel of bringing drugs on campus? And my step-troll went along because he thinks Rachel was a bad influence on me.



■accuse (v) to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind(動)〔法律違反・義務の不履行・約束違反などの理由で〕(人)に責任を問う、(人)を責める、(人)に言い掛かりをつける

■troll (n) sb who deliberately pisses people off(名)〈軽蔑的〉嫌なやつ

■go along (phrase) to agree or be willing to accept sth(フレーズ)(人)に賛成する



If David is teaming up with Nathan Prescott… That’s a bad sign.


■team up with (phrase) to join two or more people together into a team or association(フレーズ)~とチームを組む、~と提携する

■a bad sign(名) 悪い兆し、良くない兆候




“Nathan Prescott the Third.” Oooh, he’s so money. And you know the Prescotts dropped major bank to bury Nathan’s real file… Look, it reads like a rap sheet—bad grades, teacher complains, secret probation… But I was expelled?


■You’re so money (phrase) You’re so awesome; You’re so fantastic; You’re so cool(フレーズ)カッコいい、すばらしい


■rap sheet (n) an official police document that lists the crimes that a particular person has committed(名)〈米俗〉逮捕記録

■probation (n) a period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison(名)保護観察(期間)、執行猶予、謹慎期間

■expel (v) to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country(動)退学させる、追い出す



At least Nathan was finally suspended. Check out that note. Open it.


■suspend (v) temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity(動)~を停職(処分)にする、~に停学を命じる



That’s just some crazy drawing…



It’s not a drawing… look, “Rachel in the dark room… Rachel in the dark room…” Over and over. That’s it.


クロエ:これ・・・どうかしてる。どういう意味なんだよ? ネイサンの野郎、マジで頭イカレてる。あいつ絶対レイチェルの失踪に関係してるぜ・・・。

That’s… fucked up. What does this even mean? Nathan is truly psychotic. I know he has something to do with Rachel missing…


■be fucked up (phrase) broken, damaged, unhappy and emotionally damaged(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉ひどい、不快である、狂っている


■have something to do with (phrase) you are involved or connected with sb or sth(フレーズ)~と関係がある、つながりがある



Whoa, listen to this, “David M. always asks what’s going on in my head… David M. always helps me follow those he follows…” Pretty cryptic


■cryptic (a) mysterious and difficult to understand(形)〔メッセージ・発言などが〕暗号のような、不可解な〔表現などが〕もったいぶって



No, it sounds like they’ve formed some sort of weird team—“The Super He-Bros.”



Jesus, David was stalking Kate, hassling me, and now we know he was all over Rachel too…


■hassle [hǽsl ](v) to annoy sb, mainly by asking for sth again and again(動)〈話〉〔人を〕うるさがらせる、悩ます、イライラさせる

■all over (前)〈米話〉(人)を非難して、(人)を攻撃して




Oh, we are so going into his garage files… Plus I’m getting a little paranoid in here. We got our info, let’s bail.

But maybe we shouldn’t leave without a gift…


■go into (phrase) investigate or inquire into (sth) (フレーズ)調べる、探る

■get paranoid(フレーズ)被害妄想になる・駆られる




No, you are not taking the cozy chair.


■cozy (a) comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm(形)居心地が良い、くつろげる


クロエ:マックス、あんたの力には読心術も含まれてんの? それかあたしが椅子を盗もうとしたから時間を巻き戻したとか? もうっ、ややこしいな・・・。

Max, do your powers include mind-reading? Or did you just rewind because I tried to steal the chair? Shit, I’m confused.


■mind-reading (n) the ability to discern the thoughts of others without the normal means of communication(名)読心(術)



It’s the powers of best friendship. I know how you roll… We should definitely get out here. We pressed our luck enough.


■How I/you/we/they roll(フレーズ)普段からやっていること、自分(達)のやり方

■press one’s luck (phrase) to try to gain some additional benefit or advantage after one has already been granted or awarded sth(フレーズ)〈話〉欲張ったことをする、調子に乗る、悪乗りする


クロエ:おい、何だこれ? なんてこった、スゲェ! カチャカチャ・チーン!

Hullo, what have we here? Holy shit, jackpot! Cha-ching!


■Hullo = Hello

■cha-ching (interjection) Score!; wow!; said to celebrate sth that has made or will make lots of money(間投)もうかった!、カチャカチャ・チーン(キャッシュレジスターの音)



Wowser, that’s a lot for the “handicapped fund.”


■wowser [wáuzər ] (exclamation) used to show surprise and sometimes pleasure(間)凄い!(人をあっと言わせるもの)


クロエ:5千ドルある。フランクに今夜中に返済できちまう! これでマックスが撃とうとしたことのヤツの怒りもおさまるだろう。

Dude, there’s five thousand dollars here. I could pay Frank back tonight! This will chill him out after you almost, you know, shot him.


■chill out (phrase) to relax completely(フレーズ)〈主に米俗〉落ち着く


クロエ:大事にする気か? それとも時間を巻き戻してこの札束を独り占めする気とか? 説教よりはマシだけどさ。

Are you going to make a big issue out of this? Or just rewind and take the greenbacks for yourself? I hope you do that instead of lecturing me.


■make an issue out of sth (phrase) to argue about sth, especially in a way that annoys other people because they do not think it is important(フレーズ)ささいなことを問題にする

■greenback (n) a US dollar (US old-fashioned slang)(名)〈米俗・古〉ドル紙幣


マックス:本気で障害者基金からお金を取りたいの? フランクに返済しないといけないのは分かってるよ、でも・・・いざとなれば私の力で守るよ。

You really wanna take money from the handicapped fund? I know you need to pay Frank back, but… I’ve got my power to protect you, right?



There’s a lot of power in that horse-choking wad of cash… but yes, Moral Max is right again. I guess… Let’s get the hell out of this office morgue.



■morgue [mɔ́rg ] (n) A mortuary. Alos used in reference to a place that is quiet, gloomy, or cold(名)死体安置所、陰気な場所





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