「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p10 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 10)


Max, I got this!


ネイサン:消え失せなっ! そんなに死にたいのか! はなせ、このボケがっ!

Get the fuck outta my face! You are so fucking dead–! Get off me, brah!


■get out of my face (phrase) a rude way of telling sb that they are annoying you and should stop(フレーズ)消え失せろ、やめろ

■get off me! (phrase) stop touching sb(フレーズ)私を離しなさい

□get off of me! (フレーズ)私から離れなさい


マックス:ウォーレン、やめて! お願い。

Warren, stop it! Come on.


ネイサン:ああ! クソッ、頭が・・・。なんだよお前ら、その目つきは?! お前も、お前も、お前も、全員覚悟しておけ!

Oh! Ow, my head… Why are you all looking at me like that, huh?! You, and you, you’re all dead!



Let’s go. Now!


ネイサン:親父がすぐに来るかな! おまえらはもうおしまいだ! 親父の勝ちだ!

Plus, my dad is on his way! You’re all fucked! He owns you!


■fucked (a) in a very bad or difficult situation(形)〈卑俗〉ひじょうに悪い状態で





Damn, that was intense. Warren…thank you so much.


■intense (a) extreme and forceful(形)強烈な、激しい



For what?


クロエ:ネイサンを頭突きしてくれたことだよ! あれはサイコーだった!

For headbutting Nathan Prescott! That was awesome!


■headbutt (v) to hit sb with your head(動)~に頭突きをする

■awesome (a) causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear(形)〈米俗〉素晴らしい、イケてる



I don’t know. I almost went crazy there…like Nathan.



You’re not anything like him.


ウォーレン:それなら良かった。それで、どこ行くの? 俺もついてったほうがいいだろ。また万が一、超人ハルクが必要になった時のためにさ。それともネイサンのこと警察に通報する?

Good to know. So, where are you going? I better stick with you guys. Just in case you need me to get my Hulk on again. Or should I call the cops on Nathan?


■stick with (phrase) to continue doing sth or using sb to do work for you, and not stop or change to sth/sb else(フレーズ)~とずっと一緒にいる、~のそばを離れない

■just in case (phrase) as a provision sth happening or being true (フレーズ)万が一のために

*Hulk: A fictional superhero in American comics アメコミのスーパーヒーローで、大男であるハルクのこと。

「hulk ばかでかい人・物」という単語もあるが、Hが大文字なので固有名詞であり、超人ハルクのことを差している。

■call the cops on someone (phrase) report sb’s behavior to the police(フレーズ)~のことを警察に通報する



No police. Not yet. Uh…so maybe you better…um…



Warren, me and Max have to do this on our own. No offense.


■on one’s own (phrase) without help(フレーズ)自力で、独力で誰の助けも借りず

■no offense (phrase) used before a statement to indicate that one does not want to cause a person or group to feel upset by what is about to be said(フレーズ)悪気はない



It’s cool. Whatever I can do to help…



What you can do is find out anything you can about Nathan’s father.



I’m on it. Between the snow and eclipse, I’m assuming the apocalypse is around the corner…


■I’m on it (phrase) I will take care of a situation(フレーズ)すぐやります、もう取りかかってます、了解しました

■eclipse (n) an occasion when the sun disappears from view, either completely or partly(名)日食

■assume (v) to accept sth as true without question or proof(動)~と推測する、~と見なす、~と仮定する

■the apocalypse (n) in the Bible, the total destruction and end of the world(名)世の終末、大災害

■around the corner (phrase) coming very soon(フレーズ)すぐ近くに、間近に



And…thank you. Seriously. I’ll call you later.



You better. I’m feeling pretty alpha now.


■alpha (a) used to describe sb who is strong or powerful, and who likes to be in charge of others (形)〔群れの中で〕第1位の



Yes. You are.



Man, that guy is so fucking in love with you.


■be in love with (phrase) you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you(フレーズ)…にほれている、…を恋している



I know…



He really did give a serious beatdown to Nathan.



It was a little scary to watch him do that…



Now let’s make a date with Frank.


■make a date with (phrase) to arrange to meet sb on a particular day(フレーズ)時間と場所を決めて(人)と会う約束をする



Will he even answer you?




Frank always answers when he wants money.

Like I said, Frank wants to see me right now.



Let’s not keep him waiting…




God… I hate seeing those poor whales like that.



Me too. I just think of their families in the ocean out there looking for them. Well, that asshole is gonna help us find Rachel.


■asshole (n) an unpleasant, arrogant, uncaring, or stupid person(名)〈卑俗・侮蔑的〉〔嫌なことをする〕ばか者、ろくでなし、横柄なヤツ


マックス:さもなければ何? フランクに発砲でもする? クロエ、私の巻き戻す力を当てにするのはやめてよ・・・本当に。

Or what? You’ll actually shoot him? Chloe, do not count on my rewind… seriously.


■count on (phrase) to be confident that you can depend on sb(フレーズ)~を頼りにする、~を当てにする



Obviously I’m not counting on you. That’s why I have a gun.



Just talk to Frank so we can get that code for the book from him. That’s all.



Got it. No dicking around.


■dick around (phrase) to waste time; to lose focus; to lack seriousness of purpose(フレーズ)〈俗〉時間を浪費する、焦点を失う、目的の深刻さを欠く



Let’s roll.


■Let’s roll (phrase) used to tell another person or a group of people to start leaving a place or to start doing sth(フレーズ)さあ始めよう、よし行こう





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