【確認用】ライフ イズ ストレンジ Life is Strange Episode 5: Polarized 偏光


ビデオゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」 エピソード5: Polarized 偏光

英語版「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」のエピソード5の通し動画。













エピソード5:Polarized 偏光 語彙・フレーズ

■highlight (v) to attract attention to or emphasize sth important(動)〔~を〕強調する、〔~を〕目立たせる

■purity (n) the quality of being morally good or the state of not having sex(名)純粋であること、無垢であること

■slightly (adv) a little(副)少しだけ

■unconscious (a) in the state of not being awake and not aware of things around you(形)意識を失った、気絶した、〔~に〕気付いていない

■vanity (n) the fact that you are too interested in your appearance or achievements (名)虚栄心、うぬぼれ

■expression (n) the look on sb’s face, showing what they feel or think (名)表情、顔つき、〔言葉・動作・芸術などによる〕表現

■stare (n) a long look at sth or sb with your eyes wide open(名)じっと見ること、〔驚いて目を見開いた〕凝視の表情

■still (a) staying in the same position; not moving(形)じっとした、動かない

■stay still (phrase) to refrain from moving very much or at all(フレーズ)じっとしている

■fuck up (phrase) To ruin or damage sth; to mess up sth(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉台無しにする、駄目にする、失敗する

■shot (n) a photograph (名)〔写真の〕場面、ショット

■subject (n) a person, thing, or situation that is written about in a book, article, etc. or shown in a picture, etc. (名)〔絵画や写真などの〕題材、被写体

■cohesive (a) united and working together effectively(形)まとまりのある

■have an eye for (phrase) to be good at noticing a particular type of thing(フレーズ)~の鑑識眼を持っている、~を見る目がある

■a whole lot (phrase) a large amount of, very much(フレーズ)たくさんの

■24/7 (adv) 24 hours a day, seven days a week: all the time(副)〈話〉〔活動・営業などが〕毎日24時間・週7日ずっと

■surveillance (n) the careful watching of a person or place, because of a crime that has happened or is expected(名)監視、見張り

■under surveillance(フレーズ) 監視下に

■in self-defense(フレーズ) 自己防衛のためのに、正当防衛で

■dropout (n) a person who has abandoned a course of study or who has rejected conventional society to pursue an alternative lifestyle(名)〈話〉〔競争・既成社会からの〕脱落(者)、中途退学(者)

■dose (n) a measured amount of sth such as medicine(名)〔薬の〕一服、1回分

■have one’s eye on sb (phrase) to have seen sth that you want and intend to get(フレーズ)~をマークする、~に目をつける

■spectacular (a) very exciting to look at(形)注目に値する、目を見張らせるほどの

■try too hard (phrase) to do an excessive amount in one area in an effort to overcome a perceived lack in another area(フレーズ)度が過ぎる、無理をする

■doe-eyed (a) having large, gentle, limpid, childlike eyes(形)大きく愛らしい純真な目の

■be replaced by(フレーズ)~に取って代わられる

■simply put (phrase) used for saying that you are just giving the basic facts about a complicated situation(フレーズ)簡単・簡潔に言えば

■be obsessed with (phrase) Excessively or solely focused on, preoccupied with(フレーズ)~で頭がいっぱいである

■evolve (v) to change or develop gradually(動)徐々に変化する、徐々に発達する

■evolve into(フレーズ)進歩・変化して~になる

■corruption (n) illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour(名)汚職、堕落、腐敗

■cynical (a) not trusting or respecting the goodness of other people and their actions, but believing that people are interested only in themselves(形)ひねくれた、相手を小ばかにした

■naiveté (n) innocence or unsophistication(名)〈フランス語〉純朴さ、素朴さ

■dumbass (n) someone who is stupid (名)〈米・卑俗〉大ばか者、ぼんくら

■overdose (n) too much of a drug taken or given at one time(名)〔薬剤・麻薬の〕過剰摂取

■genuinely (adv) truthfully; sincerely; really; actually(副)純粋に、真に、正真正銘

■talented (a) with talent; able or skilful(形)才能のある、優れた、有能な

■figure (n) a particular type of figure is a person with that characteristic(名)人物、象徴

■father figure (n) an older man who is respected for his paternal qualities and may be an emotional substitute for a father(名)父親代わり(の人)、理想の父親像

■touching (a) making you feel sadness, sympathy, etc. (形)人の心にジーンとくる

■in return (phrase) as payment or in exchange for sth, or as a way of thanking sb for sth(フレーズ)返礼・見返りとして


■protégé [próutəʒèi ] (n) sb who is helped, taught, or protected by an important or more experienced person(名)〈フランス語〉保護・庇護を受けている人

■body (n) a dead person(名)死体

■blame sth on sb(フレーズ) ~を(人)のせいにする

■come out (phrase) If information, results, etc. come out, they are given to people(フレーズ)〔結果が〕出る

■talk shop (phrase) to talk about things relating to your work when you are in a social situation, especially in a way that is not interesting to other people(フレーズ)仕事の話をする、所構わず商売の話をする

■desperation (n) the feeling of being in such a bad situation that you will take any risk to change it(名)自暴自棄、死に物狂い、やけくそ

■hella (adv) very (副)〈俗〉とても、すごく、めちゃ

■bullshit (n) complete nonsense or something that is not true(名)〈卑俗〉たわ言、でたらめ

■portraiture [pɔ́rtritʃər ] (n) the act or art of making portraits(名)肖像画(技)法、肖像写真

■defined (a) used for talking about sth that has clear edges or a clear shape, so that it is easy to see(形)輪郭が明確な

■assign (v) to give a particular job or piece of work to sb (動)指定する、割り当てる

■track down ( phrase) to search for someone or something(フレーズ)追い詰める、追跡して捕らえる

■for once (phrase) used for saying that you would like sth to happen on this occasion, even though it does not usually happen(フレーズ)今回だけは、一度くらい

■take down (phrase) to defeat or kill someone, or to stop someone from causing harm(フレーズ)やっつける、悪事を止める

■farmhouse (n) the main house on a farm where the farmer lives(名)〔農場内の〕母屋、家屋

■hold on (phrase) used to tell someone to wait for a short time(フレーズ)ちょっと待って

■incredibly (adv) used for saying that sth is very difficult to believe(副)(話〉信じられないほど、非常に

■insecure (a) Insecure people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities or if other people really like them(形)不安定な、〔人が〕不安な

■bring down (phrase) to cause sb to lose power(フレーズ)〔誇りを〕くじく、傷つける

■inspire (v) to make sb feel that they want to do sth and can do it(動)〔人を〕元気づける、〔人を〕明るくさせる

■stay out of (phrase) to not become involved in an argument or discussion(フレーズ)~に関わらない、~を避ける、口を挟まない

■random (a) happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan(形)でたらめの、思い付きの、とりとめがない

■prejudge (v) to form an opinion about a situation or a person before knowing or considering all of the facts(動)早まった判断をする

■jet-set (v) to travel around the world enjoying yourself(動)飛行機で各地を飛び回る

■modest (a) unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements(形)謙虚な

■rule (動)(米俗)めちゃくちゃいい

■fix (v) to repair something(動)修理する

■wowser [wáuzər ] (exclamation) used to show surprise and sometimes pleasure(間)凄い!(人をあっと言わせるもの)

■out of focus (phrase) blurred, obscure, unclear, fuzzy(フレーズ) 〔レンズが〕ピントがはずれて、〔目標などが〕ぼんやりして

■in the distance(フレーズ)遠方に

■fasten (v) to make or become firmly attached or closed(動)〔ピンやひもなどでしっかり~を〕留める、付ける、結び付ける

■stow (v) to store sth(動)~を詰め込む、~をしまい込む

■descent (n) a movement down(名)下降

■snore (v) to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping(動)いびきをかく

■hectic (a) full of activity, or very busy and fast(形)非常に・めちゃくちゃ忙しい

例)My work is very hectic. : 仕事がめちゃくちゃ忙しい。/ Things have been hectic. : このところとても忙しい。

■to say the least (phrase) used to show that what you are describing is in fact much more serious or important than you have suggested(フレーズ)控えめに言っても

■whine (v) to make a high, complaining sound, or to complain continually(動)泣き言を言う、弱音を吐く

■screw around with (phrase) to play or tinker with sth, often in an aimless manner(フレーズ)~をいじくる

■skimp on (phrase) to use too little of sth; to save sth by using less of it than needed for sth(フレーズ)~を節約する、~をけちる

■work the room (phrase) to interact with many people at an event or function to get their support, approval, etc.. (フレーズ)イベントなどで人々と交流してうまく立ち回る

■noteworthy (a) deserving attention because of being important or interesting(形)注目に値する

■peer (n) a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group(名)対等者、同僚、同級生、同業者

■schmooze (v) to chat or gossip casually with sb, especially for personal gain or self-promotion(動)おしゃべりをする

■bureaucrat (n) sb who is employed to help run an office or government department(名)官僚、官吏、役人

■sell oneself short (phrase) to value sb too little(フレーズ)〔面接や宣伝などで〕自分を必要以上に控えめに小さく表現する

■proactive (a) taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens(形)〔行動などが〕先を見越した、積極的な

■put one’s foot down (phrase) to use your authority to stop sth from happening(フレーズ)断固とした態度をとる、絶対に譲らない

■along with (phrase) in addition to sb or sth else(フレーズ)~と一緒に、~と同時に

■corruption (n) illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour(名)汚職、堕落、腐敗

■Karma (n) good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one’s actions(名)〔善い・悪い行いに対する〕報い

■have something coming (phrase) to deserve to be punished or to have sth bad happen to you (フレーズ)~を当然の報いとして受ける、自業自得である

■what comes around goes around (phrase) said to mean that people’s actions will eventually have consequences which they will have to deal with(フレーズ)因果応報

■dig (v) to like or understand sth(動)〈俗〉〔~を〕好む、〔~を〕高く評価する

■played out (phrase) tired and no longer having power or effectiveness(フレーズ)使い古した、流行遅れの 疲れ果てた

■set up an appointment (フレーズ)〔面会などの〕約束をとる

■(It was great talking with) you, too. (フレーズ)私も(あなたと話せてよかった)です

■jet lag (n) the feeling of tiredness and confusion that people experience after making a long journey by plane to a place where the time is different from the place they left(名)時差ぼけ

■ringer (n) a thing that makes a ringing sound(名)リンガー(携帯電話などに内蔵されているメロディを奏でるデバイス)

■for good (phrase) used with a one-time action that permanently starts or finishes sth(フレーズ)これを最後に、これまで続いてきたことを「ずっと」終わらせる、これから始めることを「ずっと」続ける

■timeline (n) a line that shows the time and the order in which events have happened (名)時間軸

■come first (phrase) to be the most important person or thing to sb(フレーズ)何よりも優先である、一番大切である

■space out (phrase) daydream about nothing in particular(フレーズ)〈俗〉ぼんやりする、ボーッとする

■first-world problem (n) a problem that does not seem very important when you compare it to the serious problems people have in poorer parts of the world(名)先進国であるがゆえの贅沢な悩み、小さな悩み

■deserve (v) to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have(動)~の価値がある、~にふさわしい

■iris (n) the coloured circular part of that eye that surrounds the black pupil(名)〔眼球の〕虹彩

■dilation (n) the process of becoming wider or more open(名)拡張、膨張

■piss away (phrase) to waste an opportunity(フレーズ)〈俗〉浪費する

■got a carried away (phrase) to do sth to an excessive degree, especially unintentionally (フレーズ)調子に乗る、夢中になる、我を忘れる

■Nerd (n) a person who is extremely interested in one subject, and knows a lot of facts about it(名)おたく、専門ばか

■dose (n) a measured amount of sth such as medicine(名)〔薬の〕一服、1回分

■Watch out!(フレーズ)注意しろ! 気をつけろ!

■stressed out (phrase) worried and not able to relax(フレーズ)ストレスで参る・疲れ切っている

■medicate (v) to treat someone with a medicine(動)~に投薬する

■for once (phrase) used for saying that you would like sth to happen on this occasion, even though it does not usually happen(フレーズ)今回だけは、一度くらい

■stoner (n) sb who smokes or takes a lot of the drug cannabis(名)〈米俗〉酔っぱらった人、常習的に大麻を乱用する人

■thanks to (phrase) as a result of; due to(フレーズ)~のおかげで、~の結果

■Armageddon (n) a final war between good and evil at the end of the world, as described in the Bible(名)アルマゲドン、終末に行われる善と悪の最終決戦

■be on one’s way (phrase) If you are on your way, you have started your journey somewhere(フレーズ)出掛ける、立ち去る

■barely (adv) by the smallest amount; only just(副)辛うじて~する、どうにかこうにか、ぎりぎり

■sin (n) the offence of breaking, or the breaking of, a religious or moral law(名)罪

■strike down (phrase) to make sb die or become so ill that they can no longer live a normal life(フレーズ)打ち倒す

■barely (adv) by the smallest amount; only just(副)辛うじて~する、どうにかこうにか、ぎりぎり

■make it through (phrase) to survive, to endure sth, to successfully complete sth without significant stress or harm(フレーズ)何とか~を切り抜ける、~をうまくやり遂げる

■first aid (n) emergency medical treatment given to sb who is injured or ill(名)〔けが人・急病人などに対する〕救急処置

■go on (phrase) to continue (フレーズ)続けて~する

■long story short (phrase) used when you do not tell all the details(フレーズ)かいつまんで話す、手短に言う

■cause and effect (n) the principle that one thing causes another(名)因果、原因と結果

■dose (v) to give someone a measured amount of medicine(動)~に投薬する、~に服用させる

■horrible (a) very unpleasant or bad(形)恐ろしい、最低の

■go through (phrase) undergo (a difficult period or experience) (フレーズ)〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験・経験する

■bust (v) (slang) catch someone who does something wrong(動)(スラング)悪いことをした人をつかまえる

■alter (v) to change sth, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of sth to change(動)変える、改ざんする

■fate (n) what happens to a particular person or thing, especially sth final or negative, such as death or defeat(名)宿命、自分の力では変えられない運命(ネガティブ)

■destiny (n) the force that some people think controls what happens in the future, and is outside human control(名)与えられた運命、託された運命(ポジティブ)

■could use (phrase) used to say that you would like sth(フレーズ)~があったらありがたい、~が欲しいな

■pathetic (a) unsuccessful or showing no ability, effort, or bravery, so that people feel no respect(形)哀れな、(惨め過ぎて)見ていられない

■What is up with you? (phrase) What is going on with you? (フレーズ)いきなりどうしたの

■back up (phrase) to provide support or help to someone or something(フレーズ)援護する、バックアップする

■take down (phrase) to defeat or kill sb(フレーズ)やっつける

■serial (a) happening one after another in time or order(形)連続の、一連の

■go through (phrase) undergo (a difficult period or experience) (フレーズ)〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験・経験する

■drag sb into sth (phrase) to force sb to become involved in an unpleasant or difficult situation(フレーズ)~を…に引っ張り込む

■alternate reality (n) parallel universe(名)別の現実世界

■paralyzed (a) unable to move or act(形)まひした

■in pain (phrase) If you are in pain, you feel pain in a part of your body, because you are injured or ill (フレーズ)痛くて

■bear (v) to accept, tolerate, or endure(動)我慢する、~に耐える

■awful (a) extremely bad or unpleasant(形)恐ろしい、ひどい

■get away with (phrase) to succeed in avoiding punishment for sth (フレーズ)〔悪い事をしたのに〕逃げきる、何の罰も受けないで済む、ただで済む

■track down ( phrase) to search for sb or sth(フレーズ)見つけ出す、追い詰める

■companion (n) a person you spend a lot of time with often because you are friends or because you are travelling together(名)〔付き添う〕仲間

■drama (n) an exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance(名)劇的な事件や状況

■out of one’s life(フレーズ)(人が)自分の人生からいなくなって

■caring (a) displaying kindness and concern for others(形)面倒見がいい、気遣う

■will (v) to want something(動)〔~を〕切望する

■subconsciously (adv) in a way that uses or relates to the subconscious(副)無意識のうちに、潜在的に

■mystical (a) relating to the belief that there is hidden meaning in life, or that each human being can unite with God(形)超常的な

■behind the scenes (phrase) secretly, while other things are happening publicly(フレーズ)〔裏工作などが〕舞台裏で、陰で

■fortress (n) a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack(名)要塞、堅固な場所

■beat oneself up (phrase) to blame or critisize yourself of your failures(フレーズ)自分を責める

■pay one’s dues (phrase) Fulfilled one’s obligations (フレーズ)(苦しくとも)やるべきことをやる

■messed up (phrase) unhappy and emotionally confused(フレーズ)めちゃくちゃだ、混乱している

■be stuck in (phrase) unable to move(フレーズ)~で身動きできない、~から逃れられない

■expose (v) make sth visible(動)触れさせる、見えるようにする

■duct tape (n) a long, thin strip of very strong, sticky material that is sold in a roll and is often used for covering holes or other repair jobs(名)粘着テープ

■used to (phrase) done or experienced in the past, but no longer done or experienced(フレーズ)よく~したものだ、昔は~していた

■go on (phrase) to continue (フレーズ)続けて~する

■I’m over sth (phrase) to no longer have strong emotions about sb/sth; to be unenthusiastic about sb/sth(フレーズ)~はもうウンザリだ・飽きた

■hipster (n) someone who is very influenced by the most recent ideas and fashions(名)サブカル好き、個性派

■dumbass (n) someone who is stupid (名)〈米・卑俗〉大ばか者、ぼんくら

■twist sb/sth around one’s finger (phrase) to have complete control or influence over(フレーズ)~を意のままに操る

■hypocrite [hípəkrìt ] (n) sb who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere(名)偽善者

■don’t you dare (phrase) used to tell sb angrily not to do sth(フレーズ)Don’t の強い言い方

■speak of the devil (phrase) something you say when the person you were talking about appears unexpectedly(フレーズ)うわさをすれば影

■go through (phrase) undergo (a difficult period or experience) (フレーズ)〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験・経験する

■fasten (v) to make or become firmly attached or closed(動)〔ピンやひもなどでしっかり~を〕留める、付ける、結び付ける

■pass out (phrase) to become unconscious for a short time (フレーズ)意識を失う、気絶する

■horrible (a) very unpleasant or bad(形)恐ろしい、最低の

■actually (adv) in fact or really(副)本当に、実際は

■alter (v) to change sth, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of sth to change(動)変える、改ざんする

■Fuck that! (phrase) No / I’m not doing that! (フレーズ)イヤだ、そんなことするもんか

■matter (v) to be important, or to affect what happens(動)重要である

■deserve (v) to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have(動)~の価値がある、~にふさわしい

■live through (phrase) survive an unpleasant experience or period(フレーズ)乗り越える、生き抜く

■in years (phrase) in a long period of time(フレーズ)長年、何年も

■farewell (n) an occasion when sb says goodbye(名)別れ

■freak (v) to become or cause sb to become extremely emotional(動)動揺する


エピソード5:Polarized 偏光 予習・復習用動画



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