ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep2p12 “The Walking Dead” script



英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード2 Starved for Help 飢えとの戦い part 12)



Lee, what’s wrong?



It was a goddamn ambush out there!


■ambush [ ǽmbuʃ ] (n) to suddenly attack someone after hiding and waiting for them(名)奇襲、不意打ち攻撃、待ち伏せ


ダニー:なんてこった! 大丈夫か?!

Holy shit! Are you okay?


アンディー:強盗が? ここに? この農場にか?

Bandits?! Here?! On our property?!


■bandit [ bǽndit ] (n) a thief with a weapon, especially one belonging to a group that attacks people travelling through the countryside(名)追いはぎ、無法者

■property (n) a building or area of land, or both together(名)〔所有されている〕地所


ブレンダ:おお、神さま! あなた、何があったのよ!?

Oh, my Lord! What happened to you, sweetheart!?



It was those bastards in the woods, Mama…


■bastard [ bǽstərd ] (n) an unpleasant person(名)〈米俗・軽蔑的〉不愉快なやつ、ろくでなし



Yeah… I’ll be alright once it’s out, but, goddamn it hurts!



Hey, y’all!


カーチャ:マーク! 何てこと! 何があったの?!

Mark! Oh, my god, what happened?!



He got shot with an arrow.


リリー:何それ! 大丈夫なの?

Christ! Are you gonna be okay?



Yeah, I’m fine. I should just…pull it out…


■put out(フレーズ)外に出す




Oh, no, honey, c’mon, Brenda’s got you. C’mon inside now. We’ll have you all sorted out.

Well, you must be the veterinarian….


■sort out (phrase) to deal successfully with a problem or a situation(フレーズ)解決する



What kind of shit is this?



We ran into some people on the way up here…bandits, I guess. I think it was them that attacked us.


■run into (phrase) to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to(フレーズ)偶然~に出会う、~と鉢合わせする



They gave us a lot of problems in the beginning, killed a bunch of our farmhands. We were able to get ‘em to stop by makin’ a deal.


■farmhand (n) a person who is paid to work on a far(名)農場・農業労働者

■make a deal (phrase) to successfully achieve or negotiate a deal or agreement(フレーズ)取引する



You KNEW about these people?



Food for protection. Not like we had much of a choice, but they did stop hasslin’ us.


■protection (n) the act of protecting or state of being protected(名)保護すること、保護されていること

■hassle [ hǽsl ] (n) a situation that causes difficulty or trouble, or an argument(名)〈話〉〔人を〕うるさがらせる、悩ます、イライラさせる


ラリー:何てことだ! カーリーはここは安全だと言っていたんだぞ!

Goddamn it! Carley said this place was locked down tight!



So much for your “deal.”


■so much for someone/something (phrase) Someone or something is no longer relevant, feasible, or worth consideration.(フレーズ)~についてはそれだけにしておく、~はもはやこれまでだ

例)So much for a quiet morning. 静かな朝ももはやこれまで。




Those shitheads broke the agreement!

Look, I’m sorry, Lee. If I had any inklin’ they were gonna give you guys trouble, we woulda gone out there with you!


■shithead (n) a stupid person (名)愚かな人

■inkling (n) a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain (名)うすうす感づくこと、ほのめかし、ほのめかすもの

■have an inkling (フレーズ)うすうす感づく、多少なりとも知っている

■woulda = would have



Listen, we may have had an agreement with those people, but we will NOT stand for this shit.


■stand for (phrase) (informal) to refuse to endure or tolerate(フレーズ)~を我慢する、~をこらえる



Ain’t no way we’re gonna let those sons o’ bitches get away with this!


■get away with (phrase) to succeed in avoiding punishment for something (フレーズ)〔悪い事をしたのに〕逃げきる、何の罰も受けないで済む、ただで済む



You know where these assholes are?




They’re hard to pin down, but I think I know where at least ONE of their camps are. When you’re ready to go scope out that bandit camp, come find us.


■pin down (phrase) to discover the exact details about something(フレーズ)突き止める

■scope out (phrase) to look carefully(フレーズ)~をよく見る、~を詳しく調べる


リリー:強盗? 本気なの? この場所は安全じゃない。こんな所にいられないわ!

Bandits? Are you serious? This place isn’t safe, we can’t stay here.


ケニー:安全じゃない? あのモーテルに比べたらよっぽど安全だろう! 銃があれば弓矢を持ったゴロツキなんぞ何とでもなる。グループ全員でここに移ることを考えるべきだ。必要とあらばこの場所を乗っ取る。

Not safe?! This place is a hell of a lot safer than that motor inn! I think all of us and our guns can handle a couple of punks with bows and arrows! What we need to do is find a way to get our whole group out here to stay. Take this place over if we have to.


■punk (n) a young man who fights and is involved in criminal activities (名)〈俗・軽蔑的〉青二才、若造、役立たず

■bow (n) a weapon for shooting arrows, made of a long, thin piece of wood bent into a curve by a tightly stretched string(名)弓

■arrow (n) a weapon that is like a long, thin stick with a sharp point at one end(名)矢

■take over (phrase) to begin to have control of something(フレーズ)奪取する、乗っ取る、占領する



Whoa! Cool your jets there, Rambo. These are nice people. Let’s not do anything to get us thrown out before we eat!


■cool your jets (phrase) to become calm and not so excited or worried(フレーズ)落ち着け



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