「バイオハザード4」で英語学習 p4 “Resident Evil 4” script



ルイス:ちょっと手荒じゃないか? あんた、ヤツらとは違うのか?

A little rough, don’t you think?

You’re not like them?



No. You?



Okay. I have only one very important question. You got a smoke?



Got gum.



Perfect. The big cheese.


■big cheese (n) (informal) an important person(名)〈米俗〉〔組織内の〕大物、〈米俗〉ボス







Feeble humans. Let us give you our power. Soon, you will become unable to resist this intoxicating power.


■feeble (a) weak and without energy, strength, or power(形)弱い、貧弱な

■resist (v) to refuse to accept or be changed by sth(動)抵抗する、我慢する

■intoxicating (a) exhilarating or exciting (形)酔わせる、ウキウキさせる、夢中にさせる


レオン:おい! おい、目を覚ませ。

Hey. Hey. Wake up.



Ai yi yi. Crawl out of one hole, and into another.


■Ay yi yi (phrase) an expression used to show frustration, hopelesses, sadness, annoyence(フレーズ)あ~あ、やれやれ

■crawl out of (phrase) to exit a place or thing on one’s hands and knees(フレーズ)~からはい出る




You wanna tell me what’s going on here?


■wanna = want to

■(Do you) want to ~?(フレーズ)~してくれない?、~しない?

例)手伝ってくれる? Do you want to help me?


ルイス:アメリカ人だろ? あんたみたいなヤツがこんな所に何しに来た?


Americano, si? Now what brings a bloke like you to this part of the world?

Oh, hey, easy, whoever you are.


■Americano = “American” in Spanish スペイン語でAmericanの意味。

■si = “yes” in Spanish スペイン語でyesの意味。

■bloke (n) a man, guy, fellow(名) 〈英話〉やつ、野郎



Name is Leon, Came here looking for this girl. Seen her?


ルイス:何だ、あんた警官か何かか? いーや、そんな風には見えないな。

What, are you supposed to be a cop or something? Nah, you don’t look the type.


■Nah (adv) slang for “no” (副)Noのカジュアルな言い方






Okay, Let me guess. She’s the President’s daughter?


■guess (v) to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct(動)推測する



That’s too good for a guess. Want to start explaining?


■guess (n) sb’s opinion about something that is formed without any knowledge of the situation(名)推測、推量

■(Do you) want to ~?(フレーズ)~してくれない?、~しない?

例)手伝ってくれる? Do you want to help me?



Psychic powers. Nah, just kidding with you, amigo.

I overheard one of the villlagers talking something about the President’s daughter in the church.


■overhear (v) to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without their knowledge  (動)~をふと耳にする、立ち聞きする、小耳に挟む



And who might you be?


■Who might you be?(フレーズ)あなたはどちら様でしょうか。



Me llamo Luis Sera. I used to be a cop in Madrid. Now I’m just a good-for-nothing guy, who happens to be quite the ladies’ man.


■Me Ilamo = “I call myself” in Spanish

■used to (phrase) done or experienced in the past, but no longer done or experienced(フレーズ)よく~したものだ、昔は~していた

■good-for-nothing (a) (of a person) lazy and feckless(形)〈軽蔑的〉役立たずの、かい性なしの

■ladies’ man (n) a man who enjoys spending time and flirting with women(名)女好きな男、色男



Why’d you quit?



Policia…you put your life on the line, nobody really appreciates you enough for it. Being a hero isn’t what it’s cracked up to be anymore.


■policia = “police”, “police officer” in Spanish

■put/lay one’s life on the line (phrase) to put oneself in harm’s way to achieve sth(フレーズ)命を懸ける、命を危険にさらす

■It’s not all it’s cracked up to be (phrase) To be not as good, enjoyable, impressive, or worthwhile as it is reputed or said to be (フレーズ)それは、もてはやされているほどのものではない。



Used to be a cop myself. Only for a day though.


■used to (phrase) done or experienced in the past, but no longer done or experienced(フレーズ)よく~したものだ、昔は~していた



I thought I was bad.



Somehow I managed to get myself involved with the incident in Raccoon City, on my first day in the force.


■manage to(フレーズ)思いがけず~してしまう 例)I managed to trip over a tree root. 木の根につまずいてしまった。

■get oneself involved with(フレーズ)~に首を突っ込む、~と関わり合いになる

■incident (n) an event that is either unpleasant or unusual(名)〔1回だけの〕出来事、〔偶発的な〕事件

■force (n) a group of people organized and trained, especially for a particular purpose(名)〔警察官の集合体としての〕警察


ルイス:それってウイルスが流出した事件だろ? 警察のラボでウイルスのサンプルってヤツを見たかも・・・

That is the incident with the viral outbreak, right? I think I might have seen a sample of the virus in the lab at my department.


■outbreak (n) a sudden occurrence of sth unwelcome, such as war or disease(名)暴動・反乱・疫病など好ましくない事が突然起こること





Do something, cop!



After you!






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