「バイオハザード 0」で英語学習 p3 “Resident Evil Zero” script





レベッカ: あの・・・すみません?

Um…Excuse me, Sir?




ビリー: 大丈夫か?

Are you OK?




ビリー: 誰だあの男?

Who is that guy?


レベッカ: 何が起こってるの? 誰が列車を動かしてるの?

What’s going on? Who’s controlling the train?


ビリー: 先頭車両を調べたほうが良さそうだな。聞けよ! 俺と協力するんだ。いいな?

Go and check out the first engine car. Listen! We gotta cooperate with each other from now on. You got that?


■gotta = have got to = have to(フレーズ)~しなければならない

■from now on (phrase) starting at the specified point in time and continuing into the future(フレーズ)これからずっと、今後は


レベッカ: けど、私――

Well, I don’t—


ビリー: 分かれよ! それとも虫のエサになりてぇのかよ。

Clue in, girl! Or maybe you like being worm bait.


■bait (n) a small amount of food used to attract and catch a fish or animal(名)エサ


レベッカ: 分かったわ、でも覚えておいて。おかしな真似をしたら容赦なく撃つから!

Alright, but you just remember. I will shoot you if you try anything funny!


ビリー: いいだろう。これを持って行け。何か見つけたら俺に連絡しろ。いいな?

Fine. Now, take these with you. If you find anything, give me a call. Alright?





This is Delta Team. This is Delta Team. We have gained control of the train. Over.





バーキン: こんなことはありえない。どうやってTウイルスが漏れたんだ? しかも洋館内の研究所だけでなく、ほぼ3マイルも離れた場所にある列車も汚染しただと?

This does not make any sense. How was the T-virus leaked? And why did it contaminate both the lab in the mansion as well as a train almost three miles away?


■leak (v) (of a container or covering) accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack(動)漏れる

■contaminate (v) to make sth less pure or make it poisonous(動)〔~を〕汚す、汚染する

■mansion (n) a very large, expensive house(名)大邸宅、屋敷




That’s irrelevant. We must make sure no knowledge of this gets out. Destroy the train. Completely.

How far away are you from the nearest branch line?


■irrelevant (a) not related to what is being discussed or considered and therefore not important(形)無関係の、重要でない、意味のない


隊員: 10分くらいの・・・なっ。

About 10 minutes to…huh?



What happened?




ビリー: このままじゃ脱線か衝突だ! こいつを止めねぇと!

The train will either derail or crash! I gotta stop this thing!


■derail (v) If a train derails or is derailed, it comes off the railway tracks(動)脱線する、軌道から外れる

■gotta = have got to = have to(フレーズ)~しなければならない


レベッカ: 私が後部デッキへ行ってブレーキの制御装置を操作するわ。あなたはここで待機して、準備ができたらブレーキを作動させて。

I’ll go over to the back deck and manipulate the control panel for the break. You stay here and apply the break when ready.


■manipulate (v) handle or control (a tool, mechanism, information, etc.) in a skilful manner(動)操作する、コントロールする

■apply (v) to make use of sth or use it for a practical purpose(動)〔装置などを〕作動させる、使用する、働かせる


ビリー: 分かった。レベッカ! ヘマすんなよ?

Rebecca! Don’t screw up, OK?


■screw up (phrase) cause sth to fail or go wrong(フレーズ)台無しにする、大失敗する


レベッカ: しないわよ。


I won’t.

This is Rebecca. I have engaged the control device for the break! Over.


■engage (v) to become involved, or have contact, with sb or sth(動)手配する

■device (n) an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose(名)〔特定の比較的簡単な目的を果たす〕機器、道具


ビリー: 了解! 今、ブレーキをかける!

Roger! I’ll put the brake on now!




ビリー: レベッカ? レベッカ!

Rebecca? Rebecca!


レベッカ: ここよ。

I’m here.


ビリー: 大丈夫か? なんとか列車を止めたな。

Are you alright? Hey, we managed to stop the train.


■manage to (phrase) to succeed in doing or dealing with sth, especially sth difficult(フレーズ)何とか~する


レベッカ: ええ、なんとかね。

Yes. We managed.


ビリー: 出口を見つけねぇと。

We have to find a way out.


■way out (n) a door or passage through which you leave a building, a way to escape a difficult situation(名)出口、逃げ道




ビリー: アンブレラ研究センター?


The Umbrella Research Center?

The first general manager, Doctor James Marcus.


バーキン: いったい彼らは何者なんだ?

Who on earth are those people?


■on earth (phrase) in any conditions; of all possible things(フレーズ)いったい、 一体全体



She’s just a rookie. A member of S.T.A.R.S..


バーキン:  男のほうは?

What about the male?



I’m unfamiliar with him.


■be unfamiliar with (phrase) not having any knowledge of sth(フレーズ)~をよく知らない、~に不慣れである


マーカス:  みな注目。所長のマーカスである。我が社のモットーを告げる。静粛に。忠誠は規律を生み、規律は団結を生む。団結は力となり、その力はすべての源となる。

Attention. This is Dr. Marcus. Please be silent as we reflect upon our company motto. Obedience breeds discipline. Discipline breeds unity. Unity breeds power. Power is life.


■obedience (n) the fact that people or animals do what they are told to do(名) 服従、忠実、従順

■breed (v) to cause sth to happen, usually sth bad(動)~を生み出す源となる

■discipline (n) the ability to control yourself or other people, even in difficult situations(名)〔集団・組織などにおける行動の〕規律、統制

■unity (n) the state of being joined together or in agreement(名)結束



Who are you?


謎の青年: Tウイルスを洋館にバラまいたのは私だ。もちろん列車を汚染させたのも私だ。

It was I who scattered the T-virus in the mansion. Needless to say, I contaminated the train, too.


■scatter (v) to cover a surface with things that are far apart and in no particular arrangement(動)ばらまく、まき散らす

■mansion (n) a very large, expensive house(名)大邸宅、屋敷

■needless to say (phrase) of course(フレーズ)言うまでもなく、もちろん

■contaminate (v) to make sth less pure or make it poisonous(動)〔~を〕汚す、汚染する


バーキン: 何?!




Revenge…on Umbrella!


■revenge (n) harm done to sb as a punishment for harm that they have done to sb else(名)報復、仕返し、あだ討ち





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